Does white privilege exist?
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Yes. White privilege, as a concept, absolutely exists.
Is it a problem? Sometimes. Most of Sup Forums would say rarely or never, where a more liberal source would say often.
I personally think that lack of privilege among minorities is a bigger problem than privilege among majorities. We should seek to help the disenfranchised rather than weakening the privileged.
white privilege is your parents planning out your future and making sure they can support a kid
The concept of privilege is stupid because it's simply an advantage you're born with. Which means there's unlimited kinds of privilege and the concept can be twisted into whatever you want.
For example blacks are privileged when it comes to UV ray resistance, so you can have sun-resistance privileged.
You can also use it for trivial things, like girls who have longer eyelashes not having to use mascara. Now you have eyelash privilege. Same for people who are thin, pretty, smart, tall, have good eyesight, strait teeth, fewer body hair, EVERYTHING.
ANY advantage you were born with is a form of privilege, if you're going to play the "muh white privilege" card you need to include every single other type of privilege out there. Otherwise it's just nitpicking those that benefit you and not fair. And when it you do that, it doesn't work.
Good day, fellow third world country. It's good to see you
How are things? Here things are beyond fucked up :)
Ukraine is 3rd world?
I don't know, I didn't leave the house today because I didn't feel like risking my life.
The notion that giving privilege to white people is bad is a marxist concept.
There should be more white privilege.
'Privilege' is legally enforced advantage, landed gentry are privileged, whites are not privileged. Indeed, the so called 'unprivileged' enjoy far more privilege, eg AA etc, than the supposed 'privileged'.
'Privileged' is nothing more than newspeak, 'fucking a white man is double plus ungood!'
no,we are all equal aren't we?
you have the privilege to pay for the cost of raising useless nigger babies
The best we can do is give our white women to black men as reparations.
>White girls get BBC
>Black guys get white pussy
>white boys get to jerk off to the thought of the BBC fucking the white girls
>Beautiful mixed race children are born
Everyone wins
White Man's Burden is a lot more real than White Privilege.
No. 'white privilege' is a term created by Jews to push minorities and make whites feel bad about their success. Did the Irish have "white privilege" when they went to America? What about Eastern Euros?
Yes but it's inherient and guilt does not solve it and before you lil kids get all upset all privilege is, is:
>I get pulled over and ticketed. I don't have to worry if it's because I'm white. No one says "pfft women drivers" If I get in to a crash as I am male (so there's gender priviledge too)
>If I walk into a meeting late, no one mutters "those white guys are so lazy"
But someone might shake their head and mutter something about me being younger? So I'm not 100% privileged
>If I fail to get a promotion at work, I don't have to worry if it's because I'm white
>If I get into a university I don't have to question whether or not I'm there on my own merit, or just my race.
Walking into a nice store, like a Macy's in NYC with my black friend is way different than with my white friend. I don't have to worry about being followed because I might steal something
>If a girl rejects me I can be sure it's because I've slowly gotten fatter, and not because I'm black.
>If I go to jail, I can rest assured that it's because of the evidence and a fair trial. Not the color of my skin
So there's way more examples so I'm not sure how anyone can deny it is an issue? The problem is most people don't realize what it is, or they feel like THEY PERSONALLY are to blame. This is not true. This is the influence of the liberal media trying to convince white people that they should feel ASHAMED for reaping benefits that society decided to give them
Tl;Dr very obviously real, and you're an autist if you can't see its real but awknowledge the media takes advantage of it on a daily, almost subconscious level
I didn't get preferential selection when I applied for college...or scholarships...or my job. I won't get special treatment from the government when I open up my own business one day. I grew up dirt poor in a single-parent home, but my mom didn't smoke crack and made me do my homework, so I guess I'm really glad I had that privilege. I can't imagine why someone would want me to feel ashamed for that though.
Yes, absolutely and I'm thankful for it every day.
>>I knew someone eventually would blame the Jews.
Exactly how did they do it.
You seem to have forgotten that all those scenarios have perfectly reasonable explanations as well. You get pulled over because you're driving like an asshole. You don't get promoted because you suck at your job. The girl isn't interested because she doesn't find you attractive. This is the problem with the privilege bullshit. People become unwilling to accept that the difficulties in their lives are their own fault.
It's called "being the smartest and awesomest" and it's definitely real
The word privilege has a lot of different definitions. Mostly, it can be agreed that a privilege means an advantage, immunity, or right that may be enjoyed by some person or people.
Some privileges are earned and some inherited.
Easy example of privilege are
>owning a television
>being born in America and being an American.
But do I believe in white privilege? No. Because there is no evidence of it. There's no proof. Every bad/oppressive thing that's happened to a black person has happened to a white person. White privilege is just a shift of the blame. It's taking a look at a culture with problems and shifting the blame to others.
Of course they do, for a singular individual. And if you want to remain ignorant about it, that's your choice. But we're facing a society that thinks the solution is to demonize white people and install more quotas. They're already upholding them in schools. Ignorance can not be fought with ignorance.
The fact is, I chose careful examples to show that white priviledge is only privilege if we can show its systemic. And the statistics don't lie. I'm not just pulling anecdotal examples out of my ass. If I green texted it, it's pretty much a POSSIBILITY that I may have an inherient upper hand
Now coming from a lower class and working in jobs dominated by women until I got an MBA has afforded me opportunities to be on the opposite side. But the overwhelming truth it there is a privilege and we get no where by trying to pretend there's not
So if I said 80% of CEOs were white males, that's not proof to you? If I show you a company's statistics that show they routinely pass up black males that are as equally or more qualified for management positions because they're black, thats not proof?
We're at war, kiddo with a fringe of society that thinks it's okay to demonize white males for being born white and that quotas will solve problems. Fighting this ignorance with more ignorance isn't helpful
"white privilege" is a concept that solely exists in America due to the cultural marxist Jew infested education system. It's part of their attempt to destroy the white race.
In Europe there was never white "privilege" as society was divided based on class (or sometimes religion) with white people also being in the underclass or lower class (where they had no societal privileges).
Not in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Egypt, Somalia, Eritrea, let's just say ALL
of Africa, and the Middle East, and Asia...
You're not actually posting any proof, so.
Most CEOs are white because most people are white. Go to asian countries and most CEOs will be asian. It means nothing.
>So if I said 80% of CEOs were white males, that's not proof to you?
Not that guy, but what in fuck would that prove?
It exists, but its magnitude is grossly exaggerated.
Class or wealth privilege on the other hand...
>We're at war, kiddo
>'Privilege' is legally enforced advantage
This is it.
And there's none.
The discussion is over when you have the facts.
Not too many people have the facts, though.
>So if I said 80% of CEOs were white males, that's not proof to you?
You're a complete moron if that's what you think "proof" means, but it does explain a lot.
>Genes are privilege, why do you get those genes and I don't?? :(
yes, when systemic racism was around ,but that was over fifty years ago. Any temporary nigger that wants freedom from "oppression" most likely just wants free shit from the government.
White privilege used to exist, as it should. It no longer exists, and has been replaced with every other kind of privilege.
Give me your proof it doesn't exist then?
My point is this. Just because you have anecdotal proof
>Oh I know an asian CEO
>Oh I know a white family that has it bad
Doesn't mean that systemic white privilege isn't real. A black family can be privileged because dad makes a shit ton of money. But it doesn't somehow magically negate the systemic advantages that one class has over another
Privilege crosses race. It crosses socioeconomic status, it crosses gender there are inherient privileges that we have as a result of being born, and there's privileges we have. You can't debate that
If you want to debate what statistics you consider relevant, or what the solution (if any) should be, fine, but don't just pretend it doesn't exist
Also, way to ignore ALL my other examples
Im sorry for being cliche but it upsets me. Because I see liberal ignorance and hypocrisy every day and instead of beating down a criminal and a liar and all her lying supporters, we have an orange monstrosity that tries to fight it by building more ignorance. And so our side gets IMMEDIATELY discounted. And so whether or not this election goes to the libs we're fd because we chose our narrative of ignorance instead of logic.
Sorry. It just really exasperates me
>comes to a majority white board
>attemtps to tell them that they experience something created by niggers
>fuck off shill
>The problem is most people don't realize what it is, or they feel like THEY PERSONALLY are to blame. This is not true. This is the influence of the liberal media trying to convince white people that they should feel ASHAMED for reaping benefits that society decided to give them
Okay just ignore that then leaf. You're not a very good troll if you think its something magically made up :)
And also see my original post because you don't seem to fully grasp what a privilege is. Why would niggers "create" gender privilege? Why would they create class privilege? There are things a male negro benefits from, so I'm not sure what you're not understanding but please, don't get into any real discussions with THAT shit as an argument.
The fact that 80% of CEOs are white is an outcome. That in itself does not indicate any privilege because it doesn't prove that people of other races put in as much effort to get to that point.
All of the rhetoric that the PC culture of today says inevitably leads to "equality of outcomes", which means that talented people are disadvantaged. This is exactly what communism was.
Your proof is also anecdotal. If you're going to use it as an argument you actually need to post those supposedly real stats.
What you're talking about isn't white privilege. White people didn't get a better place in life for being white, they get it for working harder, or because someone else related to them did. And it's all subjective. Go to a country with less white people and there will be no white privilege, that's why the concept is pants on head retarded.
Honestly you're just buttblasted that some people have more money than others. If you want to blame somebody for that, blame yourself or your parents who chose to have you when they knew you would be at a disadvantage.
But I guess it's just easier to put the blame on whitey.
> You're not a very good troll if you think its something magically made up
Does this way of thinking debunk atheism then?
Yes. We earned it
> If I show you a company's statistics that show they routinely pass up black males that are as equally or more qualified for management positions because they're black
I'm waiting....
youre feeding the kike
Keep ignoring the fact that society is tipped for not just white people, but white males, and not just white males, but wealthy white males. Keep pretending we didn't have a history where our educational system shipped the hispanics and negro into shop class, dirt Poor Jimmy to economics, Susan to bookkeeping, but only wealthy Edward to calculus
Fortunately your opinions don't negate hiring statistics for major American corporations, nor do they negate statistics that show that we have a real problem passing up black people
I'm not going to go Google something just because you want to trollsee above and fuck off
kill yourself
> Keep pretending that privilege still exists in the 21st century where we have laws prohibiting that kind of systematic racism
>fuck off kike
>see above and fuck off
I looked through the thread and couldn't find the statistics. Don't pull my leg, Jamal.
You keep posting all this anecdotal evidence without any real proof. You're making a claim, burden of proof is on you.
>be stupid spic/nigger
>companies don't hire you because you're stupid
>wait no it's just easier to accuse whitey of conspiracy against people of color
In December 2014, two Memphis-based affiliates of Select Staffing, employment companies doing business in Tennessee, agreed to pay $580,000 to settle allegations they engaged in race and national origin discrimination. The EEOC's lawsuit charged that the staffing firms had discriminated against four Black temporary employees and a class of Black and non-Hispanic job applicants by failing to place or refer them for employment. The four temporary employees said while seeking employment through the company's Memphis area facilities, they witnessed Hispanic applicants getting preferential treatment in hiring and placement. EEOC v. New Koosharem Corp., No. 2:13-cv-2761 (W.D. Tenn. consent decree filed Dec. 5, 2014).
Don't call me Jewish just because you know I'm right. And there is really no need for statistics when the vast majority of rational people know that privilege is an issue. I just disagree that it is something I should feel guilty for. See above and
here we go again
In November 2014, a Rockville, Md.-based environmental remediation services contractor paid $415,000 and provide various other relief to settle a class lawsuit alleging that the company engaged in a pattern or practice of race and sex discrimination in its recruitment and hiring of field laborers. Under a three-year consent decree signed Nov. 10 by Judge Paul W. Grimm of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, ACM Services Inc. will pay a combined $110,000 to the two Hispanic female workers who first brought the allegations to the EEOC's attention and will establish a class fund of $305,000 for other potential claimants to be identified by the agency. According to the EEOC, the company has relied exclusively on "word-of-mouth recruitment practices" for field laborer positions, with the intent and effect of restricting the recruitment of Black and female applicants. ACM also subjected the two charging parties to harassment based on sex, national origin and race, and it retaliated against them for opposing the mistreatment-and against one of them based on her association with Black people-by firing them, the commission alleged. The agreement applies to all ACM facilities and locations nationwide and has extra-territorial application to the extent permitted by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In addition to the monetary relief, the decree requires the company to set numerical hiring goals for its field laborer positions, recruit Black and female applicants via print and Internet advertisements and report to the EEOC regarding its attainment of the numerical hiring goals and other settlement terms. EEOC v. ACM Servs., Inc., No. 8:14-cv-02997 (D. Md. consent decree filed Nov. 10, 2014).
In October 2014, Prestige Transportation Service L.L.C., a Miami company that provides transportation services to airline personnel to and from Miami International Airport, paid $200,000 to settle a race discrimination and retaliation lawsuit, in connection with actions allegedly committed under different ownership. The EEOC charged in its suit that Prestige's predecessor company, Airbus Alliance Inc., repeatedly instructed its human resource manager to not hire African-American applicants because they were "trouble" and "would sue the company." EEOC v. Prestige Transp. Service L.L.C., No. 1:13-cv-20684(JEM) (S.D. Fla. consent decree filed Sept. 26, 2014).
You forgot Emile (((Hirsch))).
>And there is really no need for statistics when the vast majority of rational people know that privilege is an issue
>An actual fucking jew shilling right before our very eyes
>Is it a problem? Sometimes.
It's not if it's in a White country. Just like Asian privilege isn't a fucking problem in China. There are lots of options - if you choose to live in a country that isn't your homeland then fuck you, deal with it.
I'm not gonna tag you fuckers anymore. I'm just gonna keep posting relevant EEOC cases until the thread 404's while you all pretend its some Jewsish conspiracy and the leaf shit posts.
In September 2013, a Kentucky coal mining company paid $245,000 to 19 total applicants and amend its hiring practices to settle a racial discrimination suit brought by the EEOC. River View Coal LLC, a unit of Alliance Resource Partners LP, also will have to regularly report to the EEOC on its hiring practices for two years to escape the suit, which alleged that the company refused to hire a class of African-American applicants for coal mining jobs at its Waverly, Ky., location since 2008. The consent decree also requires River View to refrain from any future racial discrimination in its hiring procedures. EEOC v. River View Coal, LLC, No. 4:11-cv-00117(JHM)(HBB) (W.D. Ky. Sep. 26, 2013).
>The EEOC's lawsuit charged that the staffing firms had discriminated against four Black temporary employees and a class of Black and non-Hispanic job applicants by failing to place or refer them for employment. The four temporary employees said while seeking employment through the company's Memphis area facilities, they witnessed Hispanic applicants getting preferential treatment in hiring and placement.
>Hispanic applicants
In November 2012, a federal court ordered Caldwell Freight Lines, a now defunct company, to pay $120,000 to settle a race discrimination complaint stemming from its alleged refusal to hire Black applicants to work on its loading dock even though it is no longer in business. According to the EEOC's lawsuit, 51 African American applicants sought work with Caldwell Freight and none was hired even though many had previous dock experience and were qualified for the positions. An EEOC investigation revealed that the company hired no Black dock workers during the period studied and that one high-level manager allegedly said he "didn't want any [B]lacks on the dock." Under the terms of the consent decree, if the company resumes operations, it will have to implement an anti-discrimination policy and report to the EEOC all discrimination complaints and information regarding its hiring practices during the term of the decree. EEOC v. Caldwell Freight Lines, Case No. 5:11CV00134 (W.D.N.C. Aug. 3, 2012).
>Didn't want any Blacks on the dock. Kek.
If it ain't white, it ain't right.
Well right, because white privilege is for whites. Not hispanics that look white. Is that your issue?
more of this bullshit
You see, this is the mentality that holds most black people back. If you actually believe that you are a victim, you lose your courage and you don't even bother trying anymore. How can you expect to accomplish something if you give up?
Why do you think that many of the neckbeards in this website hate on white women for their lack of romantic relationships? Because they don't even put any effort into finding a woman and forming a relationship. It has nothing to do with their skin color, because many of them are white males.
In January 2012, Pepsi Beverages Company, formerly known as Pepsi Bottling Group, agreed in a post-investigation conciliation to pay $3.13 million and provide training and job offers to victims of the former criminal background check policy to resolve an EEOC charge alleging race discrimination in hiring. "The EEOC's investigation revealed that more than 300 African Americans were adversely affected when Pepsi applied a criminal background check policy that disproportionately excluded Black applicants from permanent employment. Under Pepsi's former policy, job applicants who had been arrested pending prosecution were not hired for a permanent job even if they had never been convicted of any offense." Additionally, "Pepsi's former policy also denied employment to applicants from employment who had been arrested or convicted of certain minor offenses. The use of arrest and conviction records to deny employment can be illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when it is not relevant for the job, because it can limit the employment opportunities of applicants or workers based on their race or ethnicity."
This one is debatable. I mean if they are awaiting trial, what HR manager would hire them? Shows we incarcerate blacks at a much higher rate than we do for whites, who usually get probation.
youre actual vermin
more of this retarded kikeshit
See I don't get it like if you want to have a discussion with me, then make sure you read my shit you fucking moron:
>The problem is most people don't realize what it is, or they feel like THEY PERSONALLY are to blame. This is not true. This is the influence of the liberal media trying to convince white people that they should feel ASHAMED for reaping benefits that society decided to give them
of course it does. its the privilege of being born a superior race with a higher propensity for sucess
And you are a fucking leaf so
Wow! A leftist-filled justice system extorts companies for gibs. My company refuses to fire the worst employee we've ever had because she's threatened to sue for racism. I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually just pay out a settlement to get rid of her ass.
>they were "trouble" and "would sue the company."
>they do exactly that
Now that's a real kek.
A couple lawsuit cases don't work much for evidence, it's pretty much the same anecdotal evidence you were complaining about before. Post graphs and stats if you want to be taken seriously.
>oh I know some black guys who didn't get that job
I can tell you plenty of stories about whites getting fucked over here too since we're a minority, if that's what you want.
>The problem is most people don't realize what it is, or they feel like THEY PERSONALLY are to blame
>Yes, because no white ethnic group ever was persecuted, right?
id rather be a leaf than a kike any day of the week
In December 2010, Roadway Express, a less-than-truckload motor carrier with terminals throughout North America, settled the claims of two lawsuits alleging racial harassment of Black employees and race discrimination in terms and conditions of employment at two Illinois facilities. The claims included: (1) awarding Black employees less favorable assignments (both terminals); (2) assigning them more difficult and demanding work (both terminals); (3) enforcing break times more stringently (Chicago Heights); (4) subjecting their work to heightened scrutiny (Chicago Heights); and (5) disciplining them for minor misconduct (both terminals). Roadway also assigned Chicago Heights employees to segregated work groups. The 5-year decree, which applies to Roadway and YRC, Roadway's identity after it merged with Yellow Transportation, includes $10 million in monetary relief, $8.5 million to be paid upon preliminary approval of the decree and the remainder in three subsequent installments due on or before November 1 of 2011, 2012, and 2013. In addition to prohibiting race discrimination and retaliation against Black employees at YRC's Chicago Heights facility, the decree also requires YRC to provide all Chicago Heights employees annual training on racial harassment and race discrimination and engage a Work Assignment Consultant and a Disciplinary Practice Consultant to assist it in reviewing and revising the company's work assignment and disciplinary policies and practices at the Chicago facility.
Like I said, ignorance doesn't solve leftist ignorance.
No because again thats anecdotal. Not sure you are understanding my point. One case of "I know a guy that..." doesn't magically negate a system stacked against the black/minorities/poor
See above. That's not even relevant because they are not mutually exclusive?
Trump is ultimately bad for the right, I agree.
I am 92% Central European and inexplicably 8% Scandinavian. All of the Central European is German/French/British. I am quite sure I don't have a single Jewish ancestor, but hey, if it fits your narrative, keep calling me a kike.
So whites are just specifically keeping blacks down? Or is it that, out of all the races, blacks just have some "special" attributes that make employers hesitant to hire them...like a tendency to sue for racial discrimination when they aren't catered to.
I'll say it til I die that he has killed the Republican Party. We needed to quickly adopt logical solutions and logical stances to incorporate rational Americans that realize that leftist hypocrisy and ignorance is not the solution to our societal problems
And instead they chose the guy that rants about Mexicans and Blacks. It is literally the most depressing political thing I have witnessed in my 37 years alive.
>So whites are just specifically keeping blacks down?
Nope. In fact, I argue in a society based on merit, we would not have to worry about privilege of any kind.
>Or is that out of all races, blacks just have some "special" attributes that make employers hesitant to hire..."
You had me until there. See, this is the problem. People that think like this further white privilege and give fuel to the leftists. Kindly fuck off.
But this has the same value as anecdotal evidence. Some examples mean nothing, you can just as well find examples of the same thing happening to white people.
Not saying niggers and other minorities don't suffer form this. They do, but it's because they are simply not qualified for the jobs they're applying to. The problem comes from them and their fellow nigger friends.
But of course you've never had to deal with shitty minority and poor employees so you can just bask in your supposed moral righteousness, thinking the others at a wrong for not wanting to employ bad employees.
>See above. That's not even relevant because they are not mutually exclusive?
>Wow nice argument
>While kikes aren't considered white around /pol(the anti-thesis, in fact)
>Most colored people still see them as whitey
>Considering half their population was exterminated in ww11
>How did they benefit from white privilege exactly, and manage to become 50% of the the world's billionaires?
I don't the holocaust would necessarily count as white privilege
This. Trying to destroy white privilege is like killing your own parents when you are still a child. Those morons, as usual, don't know what they're doing.
In May 2009, an Illinois construction company agreed to pay $630,000 to settle a class action race discrimination suit, alleging that it laid off Black employees after they had worked for the company for short periods of time, but retained White employees for long-term employment. The three-year consent decree also prohibits the company from engaging in future discrimination and retaliation; requires that it implement a policy against race discrimination and retaliation, as well as a procedure for handling complaints of race discrimination and retaliation; mandates that the company provide training to employees regarding race discrimination and retaliation; and requires the company to provide periodic reports to the EEOC regarding layoffs and complaints of discrimination and retaliation. EEOC v. Area Erectors, Inc., No. 1:07-CV-02339 (N.D. Ill. May 29, 2009).
You realize we are a country of laws, and these laws cannot be bent or broken just for preferential treatment, correct?
Even if one were to accept that white privilege exists, I can hardly conceive of any other civilization which seeks to undermine and dismantle the institutions created by its founding peoples. I cannot imagine, for example, a Han Chinese gentleman actively working against his position in Chinese civilization. Why is this suicidal impulse endemic to Europe and her diaspora?
I didn't mean to imply that, but the majority of people spewing "white privilege are of jewish decent
>Islam resists all ideology
>it's close-minded and therefore better
I don't think the holocaust would necessarily count as white privilege.*
>But it has the same value as anecdotal evidence...same thing happening to white people
Rehashing your same argument isn't going to make me magically believe you, friend. The fact is, the latter example is anecdotal. The former example is a trend of systemic racism OR HELL even discrimination against the poor/women that prevents these classes from the success of their more affluent peers. I do not know how to better explain that to you
>They do, but its just because they are simply not qualified...
I really have issue with this argument because I have referenced and posted several case studies and other comments explaining how if White Person A and Black Person B HAVE THE EXACT SAME QUALIFICATIONS,
That it might have something to do with race? Why do you think major corporations shovel a shit ton of anti discrimination stuff down their managers' throats?
If you can't understand any of that, then fuck off because I won't keep replying to you and explaining the same things over and over again.
Again, they are not mutually exclusive events. There are plenty examples of minorities, women, and even white people being cast out or discriminated or even killed by those in power. It does NOT negate the effects of subjugating an entire race to slavery, and then expecting that privilege would magically fix itself.
How do you know the white employees weren't more qualified than the black ones?
I'm just supposed to accept the EEOC as some impartial arbiter that isn't like every other predatory government bureaucracy looking to justify its existence by pouncing on every business it can sink its claws into?
I am a 37 year old with an MBA and a degree in English and Education. I have been homeless, I have lived in nicer homes than most of my peers. I am far from Jewish. And I KNOW that this is true. I know that those on the left and primarily Jews extort this issue for political points/money. I have said that so many times. But the fact is white privilege does still exist.
I don't disagree, however, and I just don't have the energy to go find a specific case to back this up:
If White Person A and Black Person B are qualified the same, and White Person A is given a promotion, and Person B is delegated to a menial task, it COULD BE white privilege.
Is it every time? Probably not. But one nonexample does not negate systemic racism
We cannot fight ignorance with ignorance.
>This is spring, so naturally it’s time for what is becoming a ritual wipeout at the Supreme Court for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. We reprised the commission’s blanking last May in “Another 9-0 Smackdown,” when the Court ruled the agency had violated pre-lawsuit conciliation rules mandated in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Thursday’s ruling could go only 8-0, but it’s still another unanimous rebuke for the lawyers at arguably the government’s most abusive agency.
>subjugating an entire race to slavery
>That was 150 years ago
>we gave them freedom
I have no problem with admitting that white privilege has existed in past, my only argument is that it doesn't exist in the 21st century
This is a similar example and argument when you take an entire race/class and literally shove them in the back of the room
If I end up there, I don't have to worry if it is because of the color of my skin. If I am black, I may be concerned that it MAY be privilege
In August 2007, a renowned French chef agreed to pay $80,000 to settle claims that his upscale Manhattan restaurant discriminated against Hispanic workers and Asian employees from Bangladesh in job assignments. The aggrieved employees alleged that they were restricted to "back of the house" positions such as busboys and runners and refused promotions to "front of the house" positions such as captains, which instead went to Caucasian workers with less experience and seniority. They also alleged that they were subjected to racial insults and harassment when they complained. EEOC v. Restaurant Daniel, No. 07-6845 (S.D.N.Y. August 2, 2007).
but white people are a monolithic group with no real culture.
or at least to the same degree
This is too reasonable an opinion for this board. Get out normie.
but the same could be said for blacks in the 21st century