Women Hate Thread

I have been sexually assaulted and harrassed by women multiple times in the last year. Why is this OK?

I have had :

>a female professor squeeze my arm during a meeting
>an anonymous girl at a bar squeeze my arm
>an anonymous girl at a bar grab my dick and try to kiss me
>many women try to hit on me - most recently during a fucking dentist visit.
>during a different doctor visit an Asian MILF squeezed my arm and giggled like a hysterical maniac during a checkup

When will it end? If the roles were reversed I'd be in jail. Why are women allowed to act like brassy sluts in the workplace but men are jailed for the slightest hint of "sexual aggression"?

Anyway, woman hate thread, go.

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Post the arm or it didn't happen.

No you Canadian faggot. Of course this is the first thing you'd think of.

Arm or gtfo

Because men and women are not the same, and should not be subject to the same standards.

If you disagree with this, you are a faggot, and no different from postmodern feminists.

Post arm faggot

>why is thel toof pick coming out of man tolso?

If I squeeze your arm, will you die?

You sound like a raging poofter mate.

>grab my arm/shoulder

Who the fuck cares. Women of all ages do that to me all the time. Friends, teachers, bosses, ect.

I like it. I like women. They're sexy. Keep touching me.