Anyone here have any valid objections to the labour theory of value?
Pic unrelated.
Anyone here have any valid objections to the labour theory of value?
Pic unrelated.
Jimmy Neutron almost feels like a meme show that never existed, yet somehow lurks deep within my subconcious mind, subtley reminding me, that it once existed.
I spend many a year late at night. Yet seeing the few pics which become meme worthy, I wonder if the show ever existed. If the videogames, tv specials, and otherwise bizarre spin offs give validity to it's concept and meaning.
And then I smoke some dank ass kush 420 blaze it faggot.
Fucking choose a relevant picture you cunt.
If I create a typewriter through a great deal of labor, it will still be worth nothing because it is obsolete technology.
this is not a Sup Forums related faggot
All of the stupid ass threads, and you bitch about this one? I hope this is bait you dumb faggot.
the value of stuff is subjective so the labor theory of value can not be true. does that seem lieka valid objection to you?
The LTV concerns itself with socially necessary labour. Any labour which isn't social labour does not create value.
So how would you justify this claim? If you are talking about marginal utility theory, then one would ask: since commodities have different use-values which cannot be measured quantitatively, how is it possible that subjective utilities can be translated into value, which are then transformed into prices?
Marginal utility abstracts away capitalism entirely, focusing too narrow-mindedly on an ideal abstraction of exchange.
On the other hand, the LTV aligns with society's abstraction of labour and value creation.