Simple question for you.
In your own words why do you feel that the USA, throughout relatively recent history, attempted to be the world police?
What is it about us that makes us impose are morals and ways of thinking on other countries?
Simple question for you.
In your own words why do you feel that the USA, throughout relatively recent history, attempted to be the world police?
What is it about us that makes us impose are morals and ways of thinking on other countries?
The United States does no such thing. It simply cloaks its actions in such a manner in order to get the citizenry to go along with it.
Also highest standard of living in the 50s.
But mostly, because we're winning.
In a way like murderers in prison feel the are morally superior to say a child rapist.
You are thinking to recent think back on the last hundred years. The Vietnam war being a prime example of us policing .
I hate it. As someone who was in the military I don't like the fact that good people fight and die for unnecessary causes. That is why I'm voting Trump.
We aren't the world police because we want to impose our morals and way of thinking, we're the world police because there's money to be made in it.
We do have troops stationed all around the world.
The Vietnam war was about the drug trade and picking up France's colonial slack. It had nothing to do with communism or fighting the Soviets.
What makes you feel that Trump has the wits to make judgement on involvements over seas.