why do people from the new right look so weird
Why do people from the new right look so weird
muh gaiiins ;_;
>literally milo 2.0
All he ever does is repeat what Sup Forums says. I can use google translate, if I were too lazy to read by myself and wanted a voice to do it for me.
Saged and reported
Right wing/left wing doesn't makes any sense, that was the idea after WW2, to confuse the goy, make him fight over two things that are democracy.
New right wing is nothing more than confused people who try to make sense out of it, they haven't yet figured it doesn't makes any sense. The golden one thinks he's a barbarian, he's a wild one, a loyal man, a modern one who looks for answers to his meaning, while left wing/right wing has no meaning other than profit.
Because regular looking people with regular looking lives don't want the added social stigma and possibility of a lost career over non-PC opinions.
Every third person here, and in Sweden votes for our "nationalist" parties, but good luck getting 1 out 100 to admit to it in public.
Yeah but hearing pol's opinion from someone who isn't a basement dwelling weirdo makes them more likely to pay attention to it.
Because dumbing down REALLY works. This is proof. Hard, physical proof.
I don't know about you, but I'm a 9/10
New/alt right wing is nationalism. That's it. There's different forms: Trumpism civic nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and there's different attitudes about social conservatism or traitionalism vs libertarianism, but there is a common thread between it all: nationalism.