Why did America get so assfucked with Common Core?

I don't think there is any other country in the whole world which has such shit thing like Common Core stuff.

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Degradation and liberal schools.

They try to teach kids mental arithmetic but mental arithmetic is the type of thing people naturally develop or don't develop at all.

This benefits noone. Not even niggers and spics it was meant to help. It simply drags everyone down to their level. Dumb people are easier for (((them))) to control

Pic in OP is a nice example of how pants on head retarded this is

what the fuck am i looking at

Common core is supposed to teach about how rounding to whole numbers can make addition or subtraction easier.
A lot of people do this in their head anyway.

Of course it looks silly when you look at it without really knowing what they're trying to teach. People just hate it because its not how they learned it.

Or just teach them normal fucking subtraction

It's not like their education system was particularly renowned before, they had fuck-all to lose, they're just there to create consumers for their oligarchs and muhreens for their bloated military industrial complex.

Neither of those really requires the ability to count, let alone do stuff like long division .


Funding from Bill Gates, who seeks to create a more government oriented economy (more than we already have)