What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Seriously. Were two nukes a bit too much?

What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Seriously. Were two nukes a bit too much?


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>What the fuck is wrong with the US? Seriously. Was 0 nukes not enough?

It's not an east/west problem, it's a comfort problem. See Calhoun mice experiment.

White and asian countries are the only ones to get this weirdness because they're the only ones who can build societies where all basic needs are met.

>Implying the nukes did anything
Japs were fucked up fromt he start.

What am I even looking at?

It's just a teenage girl acting "whacky" to try hard to not fit into a Japanese girl stereotype.

What's the issue my man? These girls are corny as heck though.

Insular countries in general tend to be weird. Japan just also happened to have an identity crisis postwar

This was quite tame compared to some of the shit I've seen on Japanese tv

Japs are insane.
Chinks have no empathy.
Koreans are fake as fuck.
SE Asians are all trannies.

Stick to white women OP