It will be alright.. right?
2016 Olympics
This will be America in 50 years time.
more like 5
>send help
How come blacks always do the dumbest sort of crimes?
no. it is already happening.
The big nig has already emptied nigger africa it seems into all the once nice neighborhoods.
King Putt has that smug expression on his face talking about diversity of neighborhoods. Since they moved these somali niggers in crime has skyrocketed. Someone already stole all our patio furniture and broke the side garage door trying to get in.
We had to get two German Shephards now and ever since we did that nobody has come near our house.
The problem is we can't sell it. Nobody wants to buy a house that was once in a nice place.
This is my warning to you. If you see a large tract of land being developed and the city council doesn't want to tell you who is moving in SELL AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE! They are going to be moving niggers or sandniggers in.
Amazing how nobody is doing anything about it. Seems like a typical socialist attitude.
In 50 years all former white countries will be like macacoland.
A degenerate and diminishing white population that spends all the money in clubing, a giant mass of stupid mongrels and a jewish elite living in gated comunities and flying in helicopter.
holy fuck
we dont have that shit here
and we are fucking mexico kek
i guess niggers are on another level
yeah you guys decapitate people instead
I read the Rio government was broke but they got an emergency loan so they got it covered. Everyone was freaking out in the months leading up to the WC but everything went smoothly I think. The Olympics are far easier to manage because it all takes place in one city instead of being spread around a country.
I am worried about terrorism though. Brazil was never a target so I'm not sure they even have enough intelligence going around their police force regarding moslem terrorists as it was never a concern to them.
Truth be told, everyone knows Rio is a dangerous place and any tourist who wonders around the city unaware is a fucking idiot. You can go to South Africa and have a good time there as long as you stick to the good areas and don't go into a township.