
my bf edition

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Brit lads

how does it feel to be a minority in your own capital?


making an arrangement

>ywn have your own warehouse to live in

london is a highly, highly segregated city.
while its true that overall its only like 70% white, in the City Of London (and where I live) it is over 90% white

you have to remember that london is very big, and is really 3 cities that have grown to touch each other

I did mine when I was a neet

since secured employment to buy cat food though

good edition

>Ben Stiller's nephew dies on Walter Mitty style adventure

>and is really 3 cities that have grown to touch each other

link the site you got it on? need tips

doing a long-term unemployment

logicalincrements you fucking noofig

>his capital has so many gypsies, it is named after them

my bf

>3 cities that have grown to touch each other
what are they called?

me on the left
my bf on the right

eh? just build it yourself cunt

do the wiring properly so it doesn't look like dogshit and for fuck's sake invest in a decent power supply and don't think it's irrelevant like I did

nice thread splitting, moron

>the gay is a nonce

Is it true that most gays are pederasts?

my pee cee

City of London
City of Westminster
Greater London (a collection of 20-30 medium/small towns that were absorbed into the whole)

>another terror attack in london
simply epic

part and parcel x


ummmm #notallmuslims lad

>study hard for 7 years
>get my masters in finance
>move to london, compete with 100,000 others to get an internship in a lucrative investment bank
>work 80 hours a week to prove my loyalty
>get taken on, I've worked so hard toward this
>have live in a flat with 7 other people, eat super noodles every day and avoid tube bombs and acid attacks on the daily

just imagine lads, can't even FATHOM it

something something racism something something curry and kebabs are nice something something worth it


applying for jobs is so depressing

being unemployed sucks lol, there, i said it.. being a neet sucks!

you made one big mistake
you forgot to go to Oxbridge

>Greater London
not a city.

you cheating cunt

i just applied to a single company and they immediately hired me

what's the difference between smarties and cockneys? smarties dont melt in the tube

love rajibul

utterly cerebral when it comes to cricket knowledge

okay fine you got me
i was wrong haha

imagine if the USSR had been testing it's nuclear missiles by launching them over west germany

we would probably all have been obliterated in a nuclear holocaust by now


wtf why do terrorists never attack in cornwall or wales
very weird

okay fine you got me
you were humble enough to accept defeat haha

cool idc

thanks, been saving that one since 7/7

please let the terrorist be white

Why are you so angry, literal keyboard warrior. you must be 15 who found Sup Forums last year and thinks it's some epic troll site

nobody lives there

Did you realise that wahey backwards is allah ackbar

>while its true that overall its only like 70% white

completely wrong, it's 59 percent white

lmao I feel sorry for londistanis must feel horrible when 4/10 p

>londonsheeds actually believe this

the russians are utterly bonkers mate

>terrorist attacks are still happening EVEN after we sang Dont Look Back In Anger.... WTF????

Have the rorkes started blaming Islam yet?

I'm a neet that gets 750 quid a month from the government for disability .
I spent my neetbux on a 1.4 grand gaming pc and I've saved up 4k because I don't spend it


wahey is an anagram of yahweh, praise be unto him

my bf


lad they never fucking stopped

relative to cities and the large suburban towns of england, nobody really lives in wales/cornwall

poverty: the pic
funny that the commie posters are literally poor tramps

nah it was those bloody extremist buddhists again

am i just in time for rorke-baiting

this thread is so not on fleek

>p-pls let people be injured by a whiteman to confirm my world-view
Not even Sup Forums I'm nazbol, I just think you're pathetic. Fuck pakis, it was clearly a paki shite
Have the children started blaming whites?

having a look


>l-look mum I'm trolling in the internet!
>mum I just found this cool site last year
>MUM! I love this site I go on to be le epic troll
kill yourself, people that think Sup Forums is for trolling should just fuck off to Sup Forums 2bh. Runt

you must be new to be so completely oblivious to bait

reported for off-topic and shitposting :)
>le epic troll look mum!

feel really ashamed of my behaviour now that you've framed it as a conversation with my mum

love wanking


Like the PS4 Pro

Now available

#onelovelondon #abetterplacetoplay #4theplayers

i need to get away from this place

epic, simply epic troll my fellow redditor!

Notting hill or wherever you live is not 90% white you lying cunt

What about apart from the pic is poverty?
Asus p8 v77
Gtx 660ti
Intel i7 3770
Creative live soundcard
8gb corsair
2tb hdd
Thermaltake 750w
Blu ray writer
Built winter 2012

1. your country
2. do you love wanking?



GAGGING for a mormon yank gf


lel my pc cost 1.4 grand. that's pure poverty, working class runt

umm brits... are you ok??

Only live one stop away from Parsons Green. It couldve been me on that train. Luckily im neet and Ive thought these things through

we have to do something about the egg industry shills on Sup Forums


1. Kekistan
2. I'm MGTOW so YES

the more i look around europe the more i like the UK

you can only spend that much on your PC because its your only hobby, never talk down to someone else in my general again, doll.

I'm homeless and usually sleep on the train that goes through Parsons Green. Luckily I was kicked off early today after I pissed on the seats. It could have been me.

love eggs

ah yes the pc autist virgin wankstains are arguing about their pcs again

Just found out I'm related to Norman kings and David Hume, also Mosley via AncestryDNA

>tfw masterrace noble
Bow down peasants

>The commie liberal that hates the working class starter pack

had a racist taxi driver last night who was slagging off all the pakis coming over and bundling themselves in to tiny houses and causing crime

the kicker? he werr a paki hisself

I play rugby and go trekking actually

very happy they do but never ceases to amaze me how these guys fuck this shit up so much, how do you kill no one during rush hour

Childhood is idolising the postal system.
Adulthood is realising Ted Kaczynski made more sense.