Why are conservatives less intelligent, less educated, and fatter than their liberal counterparts on average?

Why are conservatives less intelligent, less educated, and fatter than their liberal counterparts on average?

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology. They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggest is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing. Dr. Brian Nosek explained it for the Huffington Post as follows, “ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simple solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies.” For an excellent continuation of this discussion and past studies, please see this article from LiveScience.


Other urls found in this thread:

google.ca/search?q=economic growth republican vs democrat&oq=economic growth republican vs democrat
google.ca/search?q=economic growth liberal vs conservatives &oq=economic growth liberal vs conservatives





... and centrists have a higher IQ than both but is demographically small. Hence, irrelevant in elections. Move along, let's kill this planet faster.

Most conservatives live in rural areas with an emphasis on blue collar jobs. Liberals go to the city where sexual competition is much higher and there is a higher focus on education.

While the city people might be more educated and more well spoken, most of them are just good goys who don't see the political endgame of their party.

Conservatives are poorer. Why are you liberals such elitist and classist fuck bags?

Montana and Utah are liberal now? Hmmm

But if conversatism and racism means low-iq on average, then how come that countries like Japan with high-IQ are """"xenophobic""""" and """"racist"""" af?
Checkmate Jew-Psychology.

Because people who go to hire education are still considered "Intelligent" even though they're just spending 4 years acquiring debt. Those in debt vote liberal, because they promise to help.

This completely ignores environmental upbringing.

> Brain size indicates intelligence, but what do you mean niggers having smaller brains make them stupid
> Obesity is caused by being poor, we must help the poor but DUMP FAT REPUBLICANS
>also correlation = causation
> Also PhD Millenial media
Made me kek, heres your (you)

>Why are conservatives less intelligent, less educated, and fatter than their liberal counterparts on average?

when you see someone shilling on /pol for the fucking 100th time

shill thread nobody respond
don't forget to sage

Liberals are young, that's why.

If some American is dumb enough to be liberal at 45, of course they will be fat.

I've always figured that liberals tend to have a higher level of education than conservatives because attaining that higher level of education requires undergoing the liberal brainwashing of academia. So getting that higher level of education essentially led to their liberalism, not the mere fact that they are naturally more intelligent.

>Hodson and Busseri (2012) found [...]

Let's see here


Nope. Just two average guys

Gee, it's almost as if it mirrors the black population in the US, which has the highest rate of Obseity.

And the ones filling up with Mexicans seems to be above average as well, I wonder why.

Colorado is the best state.

>Why are conservatives less intelligent, less educated, and fatter than their liberal counterparts on average?
We've had this conversation a million times. Let's start with step 1: The correlation between intelligence and liberalism (I'm going to use the retarded American definition) is not a direct causation. If it were, then the Australian aboriginals (lowest average IQ in the world) should be hyperconservative while the Japanese (average higher IQ than either America or most European countries) should be a progressive world leader. What we see in reality is the opposite: abbos keep voting for government handouts while in Japan the conservative party has ruled the country almost without interruption. Shinzo Abe also refuses to take in refugees because he fears the demographic effects it might have on Japanese society.
Not very liberal, huh? With these factors out of the way, we must conclude that the correlation between intelligence and liberal is not direct causation: there must be some factor about Western culture that is absent in Japanese culture that leads the intelligent to progressivism and the unintelligent away from it.

I propose the following hypothesis:
1. Those who experience the multicultural dream firsthand are the ones who live in the same slums as third world immigrants. To even have contact with them, they need to have a lower than average IQ. Meanwhile the more intelligent middle and upper classes observe from a safe distance.

>However Agirdag et al. (2012) report that Belgian teachers working in schools that enroll a larger share of Muslim students have more negative attitudes toward Muslim students than other teachers.[17]
Contact theory CAN work negatively, that is an established fact.


Conservative dogma is highly flawed. Of course more intelligent people on average wouldn't follow flawed dogma.
There are intelligent Conservatives with the "screw you I got mine" ideology.

Economic growth is higher under Liberals and Democrats by 2% than it is under Conservatives & Republicans in Canada & the US respectively.

2. The status quo and "acceptable" opinions affect the upper class much more significantly than the lower class. Let's go to Berlin for a moment, shall we? Let's say we have two individuals in their mid 20s: law graduate Günther and Heinrich the chronically unemployed plumber. Let's say they both attend some "far right" rally where one of the speakers brings up the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study to discuss inherrent differences in intelligence between the human races. Neither of them speak or comment, but both of them merely attend.

Which one of the two will have his career ruined by this event? The upper classes simply have a higher need to conform to the established opinions. This is also why Japan's upper class is so decidedly conservative: perhaps in Japan you'll be rejected from high society for having progressive views, in the same way Western high society rejects those with "racist" views.

>Inb4 "Y-You're just a closet racist"
I'm black. Come at me bro.

why is Colorado so fucking fit? Let me guess its almost all white people.

>20% adult obesity

All white, and lots of outdoorsy stuff.
Also, low O2 content, so most of the fat people can't survive.

Don't kid yourself, goy, we all know that libertarians are the smartest.

The block vote of 90% of dindus outweighs any IQ advantage that you believe liberals may have.

Meme magic. This is entirely a liberal meme, and the great lord Kek makes it true. Only through memes can a meme be unmade.

>.com website as a source
dropped like a rock

>economic growth is the be all and end all

Why are leftists

>the most racist
>the most stuck up
>the most capitalist
>the least meritocratic
>the most classist
>the most critical of those without higher education
>the least critical of their own politicians
>the most in favour of the global elite and their plans

I know people who identify as Marxists who genuinely believe in disarming the people and hate the working class.

>ITT: I'm smart therefore my ideas are factually correct

for America that's really good, I've been to the Netherlands and can say I think I saw like one fat person in my time there, and I was in a BK.

>poor abstract reasoning skills
literally all reasoning for liberal policies is ''muh racism'' ''muh equality''

Are liberals even majority white anymore? Isn't most of your support coming from the worst dark people we have?

Men are supposed to be smashers not faggot aristocrats. Liberals are all in dream land while there getting fucked in the ass. Guess all that intelligence liberals have breeds being smug and always looking at the future, but not looking around them while there genes die out and there tribe gets raped. Conservative men could beat the shit out of a liberal faggot anyday.

>4 posts (bump posts) by this ID

Didn't take long for you to bail on your thread. Have a (You) and enjoy your pay packet, shill.


don't give him (You)'s, we can't let this weak bait leech our meme magic


>economic growth is the be all and end all
It's not but when you consider the main criticism against centrist ideology is against job creation and that's proven to be false there's no reason to not vote centrist.

They decrease income inequality, increase equality of opportunity, decrease poverty & crime. There's almost no reason not to be a liberal.

Marxism is for stupid people.

Thats certainly not true in Germany. The conservative states are wealthier than the ones that tend to vote social democrats.

Also, you see similar trends in all of Europe, southerners and France that had very left wing economic policies are now facing huge economic hardships.

Scandinavian countries which are doing very well have had very unrestricted economy until they went full welfare state in the 70s. Sweden dropped from 3. richest to 14. richest country since then.

How exactly do you think left wing policies are good for economy

>decrease poverty and crime
i guess detroit doesn't exist

literal dogfucker

1. White conservatives are on average dumber than white liberals. All races confused, conservative are less dumb than liberals.

2. They don't vote conservative because they are dumb, but because they are less rich and are afraid of globalization which favorites the richer.

>White conservatives are on average dumber than white liberals

How do you measure such a claim? Any objective proof for this?

Liberal is centrist. You're referring to leftist parties which economically are bad.
The European definition of Liberal is fucked since it means "thinks exactly like us" for example see France with all their discriminatory policies. Real Liberalism is about personal freedom not being forced to conform.

Nice strawman. Detroit died with the American autoindustry. I'm not just talking about the 2008 recession but also shipping manufacturing abroad.

Also a city doesn't set national economic policy.

By comparision Canada has had decreasing crime rates for years & contrary to what pol believes that's as the country is becoming less white.

The most dangerous cities in Canada are more white than the safest. The safest have about 50% white population.

Immigrants aren't the problem so much as how they're treated that causes crime.

A lot of what pol believes is meme magic

>canadian cities are american cities
ah, you tried
>immigrants aren't the problem
niggers aren't immigrants you silly fuck

Because education is controlled by the jews.

So your sources for conservatives being thick are a leftist university professor, a leftist "news" outlet and a leftist blog. What a surprise.

Another nice strawman.
I'm more familiar with Canadian cities. Canada is more Liberal & our cities are safer. Even our dangerous ones are safer than your safe ones.

You should try Liberalism senpai.

Also don't blame everything on Black people. Although I have to concede that they are disproportionately represented in prisons and crime statistics here as well but not as badly as in the US. So treating blacks better does reduce crime

I feel sorry for that guy next to it.

>half of the liberal party is made up of minorities with IQs ranging from half to a full standard deviation below average in IQ
>hurr conservatives are dumb dumbs!


>canada is more liberal and out cities are safer
again, look at the number of blacks in america and the blacks in canada :^)
>you should try liberalism
i'm not 12 anymore
>don't blame everything on black people
? crime was the main discussion

>Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood.

This so much.
Almost every black ive met has been racist as fuck!

I'm saying even with the same population demographics you still get lower crimes and better economic growth with Liberalism. So the crime problem in the US isn't simply a black problem.

>implying you have to be 12 to want lower crime, lower poverty, higher levels of education, more equality of opportunity, & better economic growth

>I'm saying even with the same population demographics you still get lower crimes and better economic growth with Liberalism. So the crime problem in the US isn't simply a black problem.

Canada and America have the same demographics now?

Interesting. Nice write up.

>same population demographics
>lower crime and poverty, higher education, equal opportunity and economic growth
liberalism promises these things, and delivers the complete opposite

Being politically Liberal/centrist decreases crime regardless of demographics.

So if the US enacted more Liberal policies the crime rate in the US would go down.
When people are less poor/desperate, better educated and given better opportunities they're less likely to turn to crime regardless of demographics.


So I am stupid if I don't want this in my country?

God those are some massive kike hooks

>liberal policies make people richer
so that the same liberals can take that money for social security? nice
>better educated and given better opportunities
common core is horrendous, and if everyone has a degree, the value of said degree goes down.
call me when liberalism isn't based off childish idealism and philistinism

Even an idiot knows that freedom is better than she bullshit

>When people are less poor/desperate, better educated and given better opportunities they're less likely to turn to crime regardless of demographics.

then why are white poor people not as criminal as black poor people

Google "economic growth Liberals Vs Conservatives" & "economic growth Democrats Vs Republicans" the results speak for themselves.

Better funding for social programs, education, & Healthcare are Liberal tenants and are proven to decrease crime and reduce poverty.
Unsurprisingly your opinions being based on feels rather than reals proves the point of OP

burden of proof too heavy for ya?


Are you deliberately missing my point? I already conceded that black people are over represented in crime.

Take 2 places with 12% black populations. One has more social programs, affordable quality education, healthcare, & class mobility the other has less. The one with more programs will have lower crime.

Hence regardless of demographics Liberal policies decrease crime.

Using Google so you don't complain about my numerous sources too difficult for you?

>multiple sources
>doesn't post any
the joys of being a liberal


OP has already left the thread morans.

I am a conservative, but I am not remotely racist and and have an IQ of 136. I should also mention that Ben Shapiro is a Conservative Libertarian and he must have an IQ into the 150s.

Here you go you dimwit pick any of the following results apparently copy pasting the sentences in Google is too difficult.

google.ca/search?q=economic growth republican vs democrat&oq=economic growth republican vs democrat

google.ca/search?q=economic growth liberal vs conservatives &oq=economic growth liberal vs conservatives

Intelligence is at least 60% heritable according to all scientific research.

Sorry redditcuck. Niggers are stupid.

>fat shaming

''Blinder and Watson identified two factors—oil shocks and increases in what’s called Total Factor Productivity—as the main culprits. Nixon, Ford, and George W. Bush were unlucky to have their presidencies coincide with large increases in oil prices, while Democratic presidents, with the exception of Carter, served during a time of flat or falling energy prices, a dynamic that can provide big boosts to the domestic economy''.
and ''Democratic presidents were apparently lucky enough to preside over the economy during periods where advances in technology had a huge effect on the economy. The best example of this dynamic is the rise of the Internet during the Clinton administration, when many processes were made more efficient and the economy more productive by the development of that technology''.
but none of that matters because ''But Blinder and Watson have shown that the president has little effect on the economy. Economic performance is determined by factors that are largely outside the control of public policy, or at least the kind of policy that is directly controlled by the Commander in Chief''.

I'm going to play the devil's advocate, but you know this doesn't debunk what he says in any way right? At best it would lead to the conclusion that being conservative or liberal is genetically predetermined. That also happens to be what the OPs article tries to claim: liberalism is the more logical option so the intelligent tend to swing that way, while conservatism is more based on emotion and therefore draws in the unintelligent.

Your drive-by racist comment did nothing to actually dispute what the OP says. I'm not disagreeing with him, I'm just saying you're offering him more fodder with which to prove conservatives are retards.

According to liberals:

>Intelligence doesn't even exist and you're a racist and facist for claiming otherwise.
>Stating the fact that a group of people is more fat than others as a bad thing is also fatshaming, bodynegative and ableist
>Education is a social construct and if they are lowly educated, that's a sign that conservatives are discriminated against and kept down by liberals

Check your privilege, OP

Because you are a fucking fat american

Totally makes sense. I notice a similar phenomenon in everyday life. Less intelligent people, actually people that are less confident about their intelligence (or even their knowledge in a particular area), tend to count on the herd to make their decisions. They feel more confident in simple explanations, trusting the judgement of the people around them and 'what has worked in the past', than they do about thing through issues, trusting their own ideas or any new ideas.

Its sad but for the modern world that's actually not bad.

Does this mean I can start mentioning the difference of IQ in races?

Bush's large increases in Oil prices were because he bombed an oil producer to steal their resources.

He was unlucky for 8 years toppest of Keks. Funny how Canada and the US had democrats & Liberals at different times yet both were magically lucky all the time.

That's why Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are so liberal and leftist


did you read the last part?

Why does the facist seem to be the only happy one?

he doesn't fall for propaganda

Can i see some stats for that senpai?

Globalism kills the middle class and puts a higher pressure on the underclass.

The only ones, who advocate for unrestricted globalism and open borders are "professions" and "elites", who aren't affected negatively by illegal or legal immigration. They even profit, because they get cheap labor and more consumers.

It's quite weird to see leftists and bankers working together on open borders. I'd call myself a leftist, someone who wants to help workers. But the modern cosmopolitan leftists are fucking workers over. Instead of uniting the global underclass, they play them off against each other.

>Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology
And I imagine that if someone else performed a similar study they'd come to a very different conclusion or be unable to replicate these findings.


Left-wing extremist propaganda like this makes no logical sense given that prior to the 1960s essentially everybody had "racist" views. But then, Leftism is not based upon logic but on feelings.

There is at least one city in the US, where they pay gangbangers $1000 per month for not being criminals. Since then shooting dropped by 70% or so.

most '' i LOVE SCIENCE'' faggots i've seen are really liberal, Watson could come down from heaven and educate them on race but because he uses actual science and not some colorful chemical reaction, they wouldn't understand

Very good.