I've been thinking. The government should require you to donate your organs if you die. Right now...

I've been thinking. The government should require you to donate your organs if you die. Right now, there list of organ donors is so small because people are faggots and generally selfish. Who knows how many more lives could be saved if the government required you to donate your organs after death. The vast majority of the population are useless parasites will never contribute to the good of society, so by making them required to be donors it could possibly redeem their years of being useless.

You can't argue this.

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I'll get disease on purpose so you can't have them fagot

More power to ya. If you wanna get AIDS so you don't have to be an organ donor, go ahead buddy.

It's because EMS lets you die if you're a donor.

>government should force you to donate your organs at death
You do realize your well intentioned idea is essentially saying the government owns your body and can do with it what it wants right?

Why do you care what the government does with your body after your deceased?


It's not my job to enrich doctors, pharma and hospitals. And insurance kikes. If the doctors, insurers and hospitals transplant my organs into someone else for free, I will sign up. fuck off abe.

People with money typically push those off the list who might need it more on the poor shitlist.

And then there's an uncertainty over who it might help.

I'd rather life take its course and let sciencefags make synthetic organs.

Because respecting someone's decision doesn't stop because they're dead.

They're currently working on making pig organs capable of transplantation. Which may be the better choice in the end.

Eventually they will be able can scientifically perfect the process and make the pig organs transplant perfectly without rejection. Bioengineered organs are most likely the way of the future.

Why don't you care you're treating people like cattle?

Rather than the current opt-in system for organ donation, we should switch to an opt-out system. Unless stated otherwise, we should assume consent for organ donation, rather than the other way around. The big deal here is that people who don't care either way will donate, rather than not, meaning quicker waiting periods and cheaper costs for people who need transplants.

And you can still refuse to offer your organs if you have a problem with it. Everyone wins.

Ok fine. We make it so that the dead are asked if they want their organs transplanted right before we cut them open. Sound good?

I can argue it: I don't owe anybody shit, and I especially don't owe anyone my fucking kidneys.

I'm not sure they should force people to, but the default should definitely be to donate rather than not. Also, family normally has a veto over organ donation even for registered organ donors, and that should stop.

You're probably right. A lot of people simply don't care enough to opt-in, but also they won't care enough to opt-out either.


Fuck uff cunt, my organs belong to me. I will do with them whatever pleases me. Go and harvest some homeless people or something.

The greater good of society doesn't care about your feelings.


Because I'm an Orthodox Christian and respect for the human body, even dead ones, is important.

Greater good, in your opinion.

As an individual, your organs could contribute to improving the lives of multiple individuals. Sounds like greater good to me.

Why would I care? I'm fucking dead.
Let them die to. At least then it feels I took someone out with me.

As an individual i would rather jump in a pool of acid then getting harvest like a fucking kohlrabi.

Against my religion atheist scum

>still believing in fairy tales

Sorry, children aren't allowed on Sup Forums.

>The government should
Go drink bleach you statist faggot.

>*tips fedora*

Nope. Organ harvesting is degenerate.

If fate has chosen you to die. You have to accept it.

Because I'd rather let the other people die than let the government own my body.
Though I'd have no problem with my family selling my organs in China after I die.

This. Id reconsider it all if I could sell my body parts. There are plenty of rich people who would easily fork over thousands of dollars to get every necessary part they need.

At least then I know my organs will help my family. I won't give a fuck about who received it.

Fuck you fedora fag, i'm jew and i need all the bodies

I think government can do good, but only in a few circumstances. I think the main purpose of government is national security and to maintain provide goods/services that ultimately contribute to promoting healthy economy and work force (e.g. roads, police, firemen, EMS, etc).

We need government, just very limited government whose only purpose is to do what I mentioned above.

By giving the healthcare more access to organs, that can help maintain a healthy workforce. Of course that goes under the notion that ONLY productive members of society would be granted access to organs, is that compromise enough? Non-contributing scum get no access to organs.

I spent my lifetime growing the organs. They belong to me. Fucking Soylent Green bastards.

I think that's fair. Require that your family get the proceeds of any organ that is harvested and donated. If your organs are useless, then your family doesn't get shit. But if you were genetically gifted and healthy, then your family gets $$$$$.

Aww shit we have another retard

Wew, you sure showed me!


>If it works
They have blood tests for that, fucko. It doesn't need to be a trail-and-error systems.

>promoting healthy economy and workforce
Fuck off. Central planning is shit.

>Non-contributing scum get no access to organs.
You know damn well the government won't support this.
Unless all of a sudden the liberals vanish tommorow, your organs are going to Ahmed, Jamal and Juan

So what is the purpose of government then? The end all be all of the healthy of an economy is it's GDP. Government can be used on a limited basis to provide a net gain to the economy. Government is needed, and you libertarian fags need to realize that, or fuck off to your libertarian paradise.

Well the way you prevent the non-contributors from getting organs is to make it where the family/person that is getting access to the organs are required to pay for it themselves, with the cost being alleviated from insurance.

BTW they already have panels that decide who the organ goes to. And guess what? They usually make sure it goes to the person who will be useful when they get it.

>what is the purpose of government then?

""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

I agree. The governed should decide what are necessary government powers. As a governed citizen I say national security and promotion of economic free-market gains are the two main purposes of government.

Ideologically, no government should be needed and everything could be handled by free market demands. But the real world doesn't work like that.

Anyone got that article of that nigger who received a heart transplant and decided to keep being a nigger?

No, that misses the point.
I want my family to have a market to sell the organs to if so wish, not have the government take them and decide whether or not they should give compensation and, if so, how much.

You realize that organs don't live very long after they're harvested? I'm talking on the terms of hours. There is no time to go out and market your organs to sell.

This is who will get your organs

And you think the government will be able to arrive at the home and preserve the organs faster than the family?
What are you now arguing that old people should be locked up in preparation for harvesting?

Well, you mentioned an issue with transplants in general.

Most transplants come from individuals who either die in hospitals are tragically die in a motor vehicle accident. For this reason, lots of potential organs cannot be harvested.

Would rather let them go to waste than allow the government to require their harvesting.

Even it meant saving the life an innocent little white girl?

It is gods will that she should die.

Children are without sin. She would go to heaven. To survive into adulthood could mean she might sin and go to hell.

That's evil if you want her to have a chance of going to hell

Yes. I have no obligation to save the lives of others nor does anyone else.

Not saying I won't allow mine to be donated but that's my choice, no the government's.

I don't want to risk my organs keeping a nigger alive

How about you can't receive organ donations unless you're an organ donor?

My sister died in December and wanted to be an organ donor, but never finished the paperwork before her accident. We all knew she wanted to be a donor, but my shitty mother refused to donate the organs because "that's my baby I just can't". You'd think you'd want to fulfill "your baby's" wishes, but nope.

Anyone choosing not to donate organs is literally retarded and making decisions based on emotions. Literally woman tier. Unless you're a crazy Jehova's Witness who is going to deny receiving an organ, you should be required to donate yours when you die.

Maybe everyone is automatically an organ donor, but you can opt out of it. Either the shame of people knowing you opted out of it for no reason, or opting out means you can't be an organ receiver. Whichever is fine.

Your mothers going to heaven. Your going to hell.

You didn't love your sister. You just saw her as a pile of organs you could use to score brownie points with the leftists "look how generous I am, here take my siblings organs"

Emotional thinking is the cornerstone of being of leftist, try again Mohammed.

Plus, it's not like she didn't want her organs donated. She explicitly said several times she didn't want them to go to waste if anything ever happened to her.

Yes I am muslim. So what. Doesn't make me wrong. If anything it makes me right.

Woman don't decide their own fate. So your sisters wishes were irrelevant.

You are a typical westerner who treats woman as slabs of meat for nothing more than your jew run media or organ harvesting

So you're saying it would be right for me to decide my sister's fate? Thanks, Mohammed. If I was sick and dying, I'd want to be given organs to live that weren't be used anymore. I know you Muslims don't understand this, but things aren't given to us for free. The organs have to come from somewhere, and it comes from people who aren't going to be using them anymore. I don't think heaven cares if their organs are cut out of them postmortem. People lose parts of their bodies all the time.

No. It should be Allah's

If that were the case, it would stop at death. Or am I powerful enough to deny Allah's rule? Seems like a pretty shit God, m8. I guess the crusades were Allah's will as well?

I have legitimate argument

What if your organs are required by someone very important? A government VIP? They would intentionally make you die so they'd take away your organ

Do not tell me they wouldn't. Because I don't, and shouldn't rely such a big issue on onky "trust" and human moral. And you shouldn't, either. This is grey area that cannot be monitored and regulated. Some "rules and laws" don't justify shit

Now you're nearly dead on the bed and they could save you, but let's say a billionaire Arab who's extremely important for kile oil money trade gets sick while traveling in US. I bet all my money they'd kill you and save the sandnigger. You must be so happy then

That's a fairly decent argument desu.

Next thing you are going to ask the government to steal everyone money when they die to give to the ri- poor

You lost the crusades and now my people are replacing yours.

As I type my people taking over your parent country and troudou will help my cousins get to you

> implying I live in Toronto
> implying Muslims don't fail at literally everything
> implying people aren't already wising up to your shenanigans
You can't even win in the middle east lmao

I would be an organ donor if i could make a condition that my organs would only go to a white person

>not arriving in Valhalla completely intact

Already donated semen to nine women i met from Craigslist or voyforums.


Right the first time, son.

>"""""""""donating""""""""" to the eternal jew
>donating to criminals

>Donating Organs
>Not selling

Are you fucking retarded?