A third of British voters

do not think Brexit will happen.

What is going on, Brits? Are the Js stealing your vote?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully the Brexit will happen so we can get rid of those mongoloids and create a better, stronger Union

when those disgusting anglos ask for fogiveness and try to get back into the EU just DON'T let them back in.

They've made their beds, let them lay down and rot.

>Hopefully the Brexit will happen so we can get rid of those mongoloids and create a better, stronger Union

Form Slovenia.

You can't make it up.

>Hopefully the Brexit will happen so we can get rid of those mongoloids and create a better, stronger Union
Yes, this is true too. That is why I am so worried that the Brits don't leave, respectively I am really worried they will not leave fast... or even try to negotiate a comprehensive trade deal and access to the single market.

Based Aussie. Good advice, we won't let them in or we'll let them in under such condition that will give them less power in the Union than Italy has. They will be Germany&France's bitch forever. They'll be the butler, bringing tea to the table where the grown ups are discussing business.

Can you all ask for a referendum to kick UK out of the EU?
Brexit in this limbo-land probably hurts your currency and stocks more than being clearly in or out.

>Can you all ask for a referendum to kick UK out of the EU?
You mean an all-European referendum? That has never been done.

I think its funny that britfags on here are still proud on what they did. They arz digging their own grave while laughing at it. Any point of criticism gets thrown off as a shill or bait, but britbongs its the truth. You cucked and fucked yourself on this one, nobody else is gonne feel this as much as you will.

'We will overcome' yeah sure, ofcourse you will, but how and what will be the outcome? I can tell you, the outcome won't be benificial for england at all.

And indeed, in is in and out is out, no coming back now britbongs. Enjoy the collapse of your economy, have a laugh with it and try to brush it off when you are living in a cardboard box under a bridge next to ahmed and yussef.

Godspeed you autistic fucks.

Says the country that's about to become the new Romania of Europe.

Calm it Ozcuck. You're just mad cause you'll nver be as based as your dad and your older sibling.

It would literally be the first and last time the EU voted on an EU action.

It's nihilism. We're so used to the country being fucked we don't expect anything to go right

I hope they leave and wreck the union. it might give us a chance to scrap free movement of people as well.

Brits, can you spot it in pic related?

What a joke British democracy is turning out to be. If the Remainers don't like it then fuck off over to the Eurozone continent and stay over there. You don't have to stay in the UK. Respect the Brexit decision or do one. Fackkk right orff Remainers.

>Wales votes to leave EU
>beats your shitty country 3-1

wew. calm down and grab a mudslime cock to suck

I would rather we burned our own country to ashes then have you fucking scummy vultures trying to rape our corpse

See exactly what i mean, ty for confirming. You don't even adress what i'm saying, you just take random things that i don't even give a fuck about, a'd try to make that the reason why i made the post. Literally all britfags do this and you still feel like you're original. I don't give one flying about soccer, so sit your ass down.

Good posts.

Yes the eu doesn't like giving the people a say in anything

It's butthurt remain voters thinking parliament will block it when they won't

>trying more Europe
85% of Swedes, 70% of the Dutch and 60% of the French want no further integration.

"an crisis"

Direct democracy is shit.
Most people are stupid.
That's why the EU is good, it's lead by an educated elite that doesn't consult the idiot majority.

Technocracy > Democracy

Before/during Referendum:
>Everybody supporting Leave
>"Praise Are Nige!"

>predictable market instability happens
>yurocucks start gagging for Rapefugee cock
>"Haha get rekt"
>"the £ is down? Lol now ur economy sucks. xDD"

I'm going to enjoy sitting on my cosy island as Europe burns after waves and waves of "refugees". I don't mind being 10% poorer it means I keep my national identify. We're still going to be wealthier on average than the majority of Europeans. Why do you not want the EU to finish? It's going to destroy nation states and override your national sovereignty completely soon.

Fuck you faggots are brainwashed, the EU is a corrupt commie peace of shit and you know it, enjoy your rapefugees and increasing cost of membership.

Average anti-democratic eurocuck everyone

>cost of membership
it costs more to be out from it as you're experiencing now?
>enjoy your rapefugees
I agree the refugee crisis was grossly mishandled and was a EU catastrophe... but 1 mistake is not reason to quit the whole project. We need to learn from the mistake and create a more reasonable immigration policy?
>the EU is a corrupt
Because nation-state politics is never corrupt right? Local politicians are always honest and always have your best interest in mind!
Depends what that means... if it means international cooperation and egalitarianism, I'm all for it.


Before/during Referendum:

>anti-EU shills spamming propaganda that appeals to uneducated voters


>normal people telling you that you got played

>learn from the mistake
The EU never learns and refuses to reform. Their solution to every EU fuck up is more Europe.
And you can't talk shit about corruption if you openly admit () to being an anti-democratic faggot. Go live in technocratic North Korea why don't you?

This is called "falling for a meme".
Brexit was a meme. You were not supposed to actually do it.
You are absolute madmen, it's fun and amusing but you'll have to pay a price for it.

The uneducated thing is a meme, the split is really just an age group split. The difference being the people 45+ mainly didn't go to uni and just got jobs whilst every under 40 has a degree in interpretive dance basket weaving or some similar shit.

It is better to be poor and free than accept 30 pieces of silver and lose your freedom.

You don't even realize that Europe is already saying that free moveme't of people is 'escesary to have acces to the internal market.


This shows how uneducated britbongs are irl. They don't even know half of the shit thats going on around a'd about them xd

Lately /pol has become a giants cringe compilation with all these pathetic brits tryong to protect it xd


You shills sure are salty. It's been over a week, get over it.

Much respect to the UK for actually having a democracy and not going down the road of extinction like increasingly tanned north Americans, french and nazis.

>The uneducated thing is a meme

Are you sure, nigger?

The economy wasn't my biggest concern. I would've voted remain if it was. Short to medium term instability is worth sovereignty and hopefully the end of this ridiculous protectionist supranational entity we call the EU.

On a side note, I've made money from this mess. Chaos is a ladder, etc.


>The Slovenian that spams out pro-EU shill content every morning at 06:00 for the past 9 days on /brit/ does the same on Sup Forums

Well spank my arse and call me Susan.

Explain how America has access to the single market but has no free movement of labour between the EU and the US.

>EU shill detected

I see nees reports that Belgium is a failed state and every single Muslim you take in just makes your country more Islamic, rather than the Muslims becoming more Belgian. Your whites will flee to the UK with their money and you will become a European Detroit.

Again, 80% of people with degrees are young, since only 10% of people went to uni 40 years ago.
Now fucking everyone goes to uni to do some shitty art degree at an ex-polytechnic shit tier uni.

Correlation is not causation.

Your gibs will stop soon, Slovenia.
There really is nothing more degenerate than mass-yuropoor niggers like Eastern Europeans.

Clearly you're a newfag

>inb4 we just don't bother implementing article 50
>"Yeah in a bit lad"

Don't forget south Korea. They have free trade with the EU.

>The economy wasn't my biggest concern.

It will be soon.

what is this "single market"? Your products are still being sold to each country. Is it related to tax liabilities?

Reminder Brits, the only allies we have on this board are the the Anglos. They are the only ones who are consistently supporting brexit.

In 5 years after the EU is declining harder than it is, show no pity to the Germans.

>It is better to be poor and free than accept 30 pieces of silver and lose your freedom.
Disagree. I'd rather give up a little freedom in exchange for comfort & wealth.

kek, no it won't.
Our country is the 5th largest economy in the world.
We're the financial capital of the world.

Austria presidential candidate says that if turkey joins, Austria leaves.


No tariffs and similar regulation between EU member states + Switzerland and Norway.

Did you even read his post you stupid fucking leaf. Of my entire social circle I'm the only person who went for something other than music/other bullshit arts and got an engineering degree

Every trade arrangement is unique. You can not have the same as america or south lprea or whoever the fuck. Don't you see it? The eu wont be giving you any predents. They are going to enforce this on you so that they set an example for the rest of europe.

Read up on it you retarded fuck.
And yet again you confirmed the stereotype, any piece of i fo that goes against your primal intuition is brushed off as a shill.

Britbongs are so fucking low, my god i love playing with you.

And when you run out of freedom to trade for money, you are just a poor slave.

>Is it related to tax liabilities?

The single market is the sum of regulations which allow to kill off non-tariff barriers for goods and services and capital and people.

A bit like in the US where you have a unified single market which e.g. Canada and Mexico are not part of, so a Mexican bank can e.g. not freely do business in the US, unless it buys a US bank or founds a US banks and is then subject to full regulations in the US and also locates all its staff for US business to the US.

It's 6th now m8

We know your games, you alien harboring sausages.

>I'd rather give up a little freedom in exchange for comfort & wealth.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

This applies, just replace safety with wealth. Not to mention the EU only benefits the top people anyway, since we joined the bottom 50% have only gotten poorer.

Coincidentally a third of people also voted remain. They are just in denial.

They are one of the largest economies in the world. They will get theor free trade agreement and all the EU can do is drag their feet.

The eu doesn't learn from its mistakes the arrogance of its leaders knows no bounds they continue to erode countries freedoms and economies until there's nothing left, the Eu is a fucking failure we are better outside of it so we can profit from its inevitable collapse.

>Explain how America has access to the single market
America does not have access to the single market. American banks e.g. need to have all their staff and operations required for EU business in an EU country, which is currently London, and needs a bank in the EU which is regulated by EU regulators (the ECB for larger banks) and can be sanctioned by the ECB.

>In 5 years after the EU is declining harder than it is, show no pity to the Germans.
Likewise, britbong. We will love to watch you burn.

Its the economy stupid.

Scotland has all the oil. If they threaten to leave Brexit will not happen.

Do you really think German car manufacturers (for example) are going to want to stop exporting their product to the UK because we have decided to limit who can enter the country?

Money is what it's all going to boil down to. Merkel & Co can say what they want but at the end of the day European based corporations are going to want to continue to sell their goods here.

A trade agreement is beneficial to all of us. A political union is not. It has created friction between and inside member states due to things like the migrant crisis and the failing Euro currency.

Ok the UK markets have reacted badly over the last few days due to uncertainty. Does this affect me on a personal level? No. Is the currency being devalued a completely bad thing? No. Are the markets going to keep dropping? No.

It won't be long before there's are more exits from the catastrophe of the EU, the ride has only just begun.

Remember how back in the 80s and 90s every single British company went bankrupt because they couldn't compete with their more liberal Asian competitors?

>Scotland has all the oil
And a worse budget deficit than Greece.
Scotland independent would literally be Greece 2.0 except worse.

Remember how every British company moved to the Eurozone and the UK economy died when we kept the pound over the Euro in 2001.
Oh wait

A lot of German jobs depend on UK imports, and you really thought your non-country was going to have a say in the matter.

The trade deal doesn't even need to happen for the UK, as the EU (Germany) needs us more than we need them for trade.

Lol. Thanks for tanking the only thing good you had going over the US.

I mean shit, you think the states like propping up Mississippi? No but we still do it.

The EU was a good thing and you let some fucked up mid life crisis tank your economy.

Remember the Germans and a lot of other Europeans have been taught from a very early age the EU is absolutely perfect and the savior of the world and nationalism is evil and wrong.

>Eurocucks want this dystopian shit

KeK, Its the southern europeans in massive debt and the leeches of eastern europe screwing the currency. Plus one of the biggest eu funding countries leaving.


>Any countries that are not subject to trade sanctions can trade with members of the single market, as Boris Johnson said.
But there is a big difference between being able to trade with the single market and being a member of it. For instance, the United States sells into the single market but there are no common safety standards for goods such as fridges or cars and tariffs and quotas may be imposed on its products.

You do not understand how government works.

She can and will drive the.price up so stupidly high they will shift markets.

The UK is fucked if it actually leaves.

Canada won't be a country soon. The UK will.

Scottish oil is disappearing fast m8

Ah yes, Merkel will purposely crash the German economy and cause job losses right before an election.
>American education

thats quite manipulating

Gratz. Have a cookie.

What's wrong? U mad u can't steal our bennies anymore froggie?

In my experience it's pussy nu-males and women with useless degrees in like fucking art or nursing voted remain while stronger more independent men with actual jobs voted leave.

The people at the top of the EU have always wanted their little wanky fantasy to compete with the USA though

What are you even whinging about?

>tanking economy meme

What type of tanned Canadian are you? Out of interest.

Ok, do you have any more "experience" you would like to share with us?

y which is necessary I dont want my grandchildren to speak chinese or indian.

but noone will ask you to pledge allegiance to a fucking eu flag

Lad it depends on the exchange rate.
If we hit €1.21 we're #5 again. All depends lad

You are german. You won't have children. Your replacements will speak Arabic or Turkish. Good job.

Lele you have nothing that germany or the entire union can't get somewhere else. You are an island, you need import more than we need ypur beers and cars. Pound will drop, import will get more expensive, no more open borders means even more taxes and payments on import. Import is expensive so it will decline.

You've got your reasoning all wrong. Do you really thing an economical greatpower like germany can't handle it without you? What the fuck, do you thing britbongland is like atlas and that you are supporting the entire world? You still don't realize what kind of consequences this will have, and looking at your reasoning you are incompetent to even begin understand the core of the things that are going to happen. It would be wise to keep your mouth shut.

>which is necessary I dont want my grandchildren to speak chinese or indian.
Well with the EU they'll be speaking Arabic or Turkish instead.

To valuable to share with a fucking leaf



Eurocucks all lapping up their mainstream media

So where is the EU going to find our £10 billion net contribution? Raid Germany/France/Italy where anti-EU parties keep rising in elections, driving them up further?
Do you think it's just the UK who wants out now? I think you're in for a big surprise with the PVV, FN, SD and AfD all continually rising in the polls. The more power the EU takes, the more the eurosceptics get elected.
