>someone brings up the lolocaust
>burst out laughing
fuck you Sup Forums how am i supposed to explain this
>someone brings up the lolocaust
>burst out laughing
fuck you Sup Forums how am i supposed to explain this
Other urls found in this thread:
Say you were thinking of a funny joke someone told you. Or just try not to be an autist.
>laughing at the holocaust
wow, so immature, did you also laugh when you were young and your mom read you Hans Christian Anderson stories?
just laugh it off
that only flies once senpai
how can you not laugh when people unironically start talking about ss uniforms made from jewish hair?
It's Hans Christian Andersen you fucktard
tell them you just remembered you left the oven on
I fucking love "le Sup Forums is the darkest place of the internet xd" meme. I wish it'd make a come back
and that's just the shitty ones that got caught.
wow, so immature, did you also laugh when you were young and your mom read you Hans Christian Andersen you fucktard?
Better now faggot?
you should check Sup Forums rabbi xD
i always do this and i say its was 60000000000 you antisemits
fake photo.
Hans Muslim Andersen.
Can someone verify these passages as legitimate? Are these really buried in the modern, common forms of Jewish scripture? Are these really still followed, or will Jews play the "old testament' card and say they no longer follow them? Or are they made up entirely like the Muslim version I saw.
>ss uniforms made from jewish hair
Im banned from the museum of tolerance since some lady they had there during a fieldtrip told us that nazi soldiers would be waiting at maternaty wards and when the jewbaby was born they would throw them out the window.
and I have no idea why but that was the funniest shit to edgy teen me.
laughed my ass off and i had to go see a therapist for some odd reason.
which made me hate jews even more.
but yeah.
>laughs in the face of people discussing baby murder.
>had to see therapist for 'some odd reason'
I think the reason is pretty clear, user. Therapists are a meme but still you can't be publicly laughing at baby murder, whether or not it's true.
Sometimes you just keep your power level hidden for your own good.
twitter was a mistake
Is he real?
>pic related
>you can't be publicly laughing at baby murder
YOU can't
Is this a troll account or is he being trolled?
I wonder if eventually he'll become an antisemite from browsing for so long
Actually, I can laugh at whatever I want. Soon we'll be getting gender neutral government IDs, so if anyone tried to hassle me about hatespeach, I'll whip out my tolerance card and point to the gender part where it says
[ ] M
[ ] F
[X] X
Yeah I've been trolling this kike for quite sometime now..
I think it's meant to be satirical, not a troll. You're supposed to know that it's obviously a joke.
Fuck you
No he's really here's his back up
>deepest darkest corners of the internet
>blue board
Retweeted this recently .. OYY VEYY
it is perfectly socially acceptable to make holocaust jokes in israel. stay cucked, goyim.
>wow, so immature,
really makes you think.
That's 8/pol/ not 4/pol/
8/pol/ is blue by default
why dont modern america have these highly efficient chairs?
How often do you go on shoah patrols kikebro?
holy shit that pic
i'm patrolling right now, kid.
reported to shoa police.
Almost got banned from the jewish museum berlin because i couldn't handle the meme level.
It was just too much for me
>empty streets.
fighting phantom antisemites in a ghosttown, it was real in his mind.
wait, thats a real account? I thought that was satire. holy shit
That explains the butthurt replies I get every now and then on /vg/
>Tel Aviv
Why? Do you laugh when some one brings up lords of the rings to?
That's auschwitz.
Pretty sure it's fake
B-but I'm a good goy...
Is this JIDF or a lone Jew internet superhero
He must be using yotsuba b, like the master race
This cannot be real
That statistic is more reason to hate Jews. I wonder if he realizes this.
So is this also a parody account?
I honestly cant tell anymore who is jewing who.
so he's fighting "nazi" ghosts "in the streets" in hoaxwitz? oy vey.
>masturbation machines
>totally not the wet dream of 99% of boys
If you care so much just google every phrase and see if something comes up
Think so.. judging by his followers
It's fake, two digits IQ confirmed
Just say that it was mathematically impossible for 6 million Jews to die in the gas chambers and then be cremated with the amount of crematoria the Germans had. Then say that maybe the Jews should allow people to actually look into the holocaust instead of peddling it for money and political standing.
if they ask how it's mathematically impossible:
Auschwitz had 49 furnaces for cremation
original number of Jews murdered at Auschwitz was 4 million
the average time for cremation today is about 2 hours depending on body mass
with those things in mind
4m / 49 = A (average amount of bodies each furnace needed to burn)
(A * 2 hours) / 24 = the amount of days required to burn all 4 million Jews
Note: This would take 18 years alone, or 9 years if you can pull out your ass that maybe the Nazis had some super furnaces that only took half the time. The war didn't last that long.
>muh 6 gorillion gypsies
Don't forget to pick up my book goy!
I found 3) "ר' יוחנן עובד כוכבים שעוסק בתורה חייב מיתה שנאמר"
I can't find 1, maybe I don't understand to old hebrew or something
I care less for searching more, those quotes are not surprising desu
Of the 2 million Jews controlled by Hitler in Europe, 6 million were executed leaving around 5 million survivors.
Really makes you think.
A lot of these are made up and the rest are out of context. Reading the Talmud is like reading a gigantic collection of law cases. Some arguments in it are intentionally stupid or immoral so the other party can challenge them easily, like lying to goyim or diddling kids.
You must be a new recruit to the shoah battalion shlomo
>Pro Israel
>Enemy of the right wing
No, fuck them
Communism is a religion now?
>the prophet
>the cult
>the unprovable
>the faith
yes, a faith to destroy all other rival faiths for the goi.
That's it, I'm a #TrueJew now
Apologize and continue laughing.
>jews on cripplechin
>Herschel Lieberman
Dear Rabbi?
Maybe you shouldn't laugh at more than 8 million deaths next time you are in social situations, OP.
Yes, it is. His avatar is of Ephraim Mirvis, an Afrikaaner rabbi
i think you will find its 8 gorrillian deaths you fucking nazi
looks like its taken at Auschwitz
These people don't realise the value of 9 million lives
You are a fucking retard then.
context? wtf
>implying everyone died because of the free shower
Is this bait? Or literal autism? Please be the former
I love you Czechs. I really do.
I know that feel and have stopped fighting the urge to start laughing. It's pointless.
>xdDd didn't you know they also shot them and put them in mass pits
Yes faggot, at Treblinka. Auschwitz deaths came from the gas chambers.
> taking Sup Forums bullshit seriously
how many young lives have been ruined by this chan?
>muh redpill
>muh secret society
> implying that's not part of the bullshit
>female coworker tells story happening in hamburg
>tell her that I am not surprised in the least since hamburg is full of degenerates
>she gives me this shocked look
>try to salage the situation
Always hide your power level.
So just your typical 2 faced kike
JIDF detected XD
The bluepill has been manufactured carefully, all hints of truth are dismissed with ease and explanation and retold as falsehoods.
It has been so made by the powers that be that people too deep cannot be saved. That is what happens when your mind is made by the media.