Name a shitter religion than islam
Name a more cancerous, more nonsensical, more insane ideology than that of mohammad the pedophile and mass murderer
Name a shitter religion than islam
Say what you want, Muslims are devote. Scientology is a fucking racket.
Scientology would be giving it a good run for its money if it was a bit more than a cult.
yeah because scientologists are busy killing everyone, everywhere, and planning to do more of it as soon as they can. Id go out for a drink with Tom Cruz or John Travolta any day, but I'd never go out for a non alcoholic beverage with a mudshit
There was a documentary about it, might still be up on YouTube, give it a watch if you ever feel like getting spooked.
Scientology is pretty bad because of the blackmailing shit they pulled on the (FBI? I think), if they can do that then there's almost nothing to stop them from turning a nation into shit.
I still like scientology more than mudshits
the religion that caused Holocaust would be the best contender
Scientology is evil because they know what they are doing when they ruin the lives of their followers. But at least they aren't blowing themselves up.
>blackmailing worse than mass beheadings
fuck outta here
You mean communism?
You have no idea what type of shady shit Scientology has been behind. They're not as apparant or brutish as Islamic dogma. But they have been reported of kidnapping people who wanted to leave their crazy ass religion and bribing people.
Religious arguments is a fight of devotion, on that term Muslims win some respect as they hold faith in a world increasingly trying to deny a god.
They pulled that shit on a government agency that is supposed to be incorruptible/unafraid and is in charge of our security.
They can easily do the same to politicians and get them to do whatever they want, including turning a nation inside out.
It real spooky m8 like the Jews
scientology are the jews of the religious world,they bribe, they blackmail, they kidnap, they sue, they brainwash in the most literal sense. they are a different kind of bad
>read (shit)post
>check flag
Like clockwork.
what is wrong with Scientology? not a rhetorical question or anything im like genuinely asking
never looked into it all i know it that Anonymous hates it and Tom Cruise is part of it
ive seen this on telly quite while back, originally it was only available in french and german, but the have subs added now. enjoy
It's a scam for money more than anything.
They have different levels and to start you have to pay to get in and then from there on you pay as you advance to the next level until you get into the higher positions.
They have really weird beliefs and the higher the level you are the more is revealed to you that's why it is so hard to find out what they actually believe in. But some who have successfully gotten out have spilled the beans.
There's a documentary somewhere on YouTube, I'll try and find it.
>early morning
>bells the door, waking me up
>break my balls
>shut the door
jehovah witness
>total number of deaths from ALL forms of terrorism since the year 2000
>cca. 140.000 deaths
>88% of that concentrated in less than a dozen countries (Iraq, Nigeria and Afghan constituting 70%)
>hurrrr shitpost
>Croatia - a small irrelevant Balkan nation
>killed over 700.000 people (mostly Serbs) in a single concentration camp, with 1400 Roman Catholic priests actively taking part in the killings
you be the judge which ideology has empirically caused more wanton destruction of human life
Protestantism and Facism
This is about worse religions isn't it?
I'm going to assume by the terms of all religions. As literally all fucking religions have in some way caused misery and death.
If devotion and respect means anything than Muslims are not the worst major religion. It could only belong to Scientologists as they literally treat followers as walking moneybags.
Alright, here's a clip form the documentary "Going Clear: The Prison of Belief."
In the clip former members say what they were told when the got to one of the higher levels.
Talmudic Judaism.
>700k people died in Jasenovac
How about you post some research that verifies that? Did you forget that even Serbian academia lowered the number down to 60-70k Serbs and the number is constantly going down? You inbred retard. I double dare you to present some historiographical evidence supporting your 6 GORRIRION SERBS thesis.
>1400 Roman Catholics actively taking part
Now,this is the state of mental retardation you are burdened with. Has it occurred to you that those,to this day completely unverified claims, were communist propaganda which was one of the levers puled for justification of the theft/nationalization of Church properties? Of course it hasnt because you are too busy fucking sheep and chopping wood.
>that retarded terrorism statistics
This is a sheet depicting annual deaths ONLY in the attacks. Of course,a pig fucker like yourself, would think that terrorism impacts daily lives/socioeconomics of a state only by deaths and not by a myriad of destabilization issues which effect everything from foreign investments to migrations. Again, you reminded me why I depict all Muslims as subhumans,especially "Bosniaks" because you ,my pig fucking friend, are a direct descendant of traitors from Catholic/Orthodox
faiths. Kill yourself.
>you be the judge which ideology has empirically caused more wanton destruction of human life
How about you present some real "empirical" evidence instead of your memearrowing and let all of us be the judge of that? The joy of life, according to Plutarch, is partly in dissection of ideas and opinions and you, Muhammad, have a long way to go if you want to be accepted in our little ethnos.
at least scientology is based on reality.
There's a short clip above that I've posted, watch it lol
Glorious Zeanu will come back in 10 trillion years to finally release the alien souls that were locked into a volcano and forced to take shape as life on Earth?
that's so easy, shlomo, and if you weren't a demented kike you'd understand:
Shitty barbaric religion intertwined with warfare. THe most disgusting sounding language to ever exist. Just flem gargling and gutteral spitting sounds. They believe in the qur'an literally and are taught to not take it as a metaphore.
They literally believe mohammed flew towards mecca on a flying hybrid horse / jackass creature.
They literally believe stones and trees will talk and spot out jews concealing there identities.
They can't have a reformation because it takes them back to it's foundations of warfare and deception. They literally go on about how they need a renaissance.
I'd hate to use this quote but it's 2016. If it's2016 and your religion requires a renaissance you may as well snuff said religion and convert to something more evolved.
thx guys will check these out
I did not even mention the false equivalency fallacy and the lack of ARGUMENT in your post. Yet you googled for synonyms off evil and you were jacking your little muzzie cock typing in "wanton" thinking you will somehow emerge from this joust a victor. You see,Muhammad, you never stood a chance. There is a reason my ancestors bore their role of mortar in the Bulwark of Christianity with great pride while yours threw their convictions down the drain for a couple of benefits culminating in the abomination like yourself. I repeat,kill yourself you Muslim piece of shit.
Why is Aisha blond? She was an arab desertmoneky herself. Stop with these horrible cuck fantasies, please.
Aisha was probably a brown chunk of poop, but every muhomo'd follower wants to stick thier dick in sand free pussy, that's why she's depicted as blond.
Scientology is based on fanfic level scifi and being a wannabe aliester crowley, whom shunned ron hubbard himself.