What's the most depressing place in your cunt?

What's the most depressing place in your cunt?

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a druggies and homeless street in Vancouver.

Easier to say what place is not depressive

this is a good thread

Indian reservations, skidrow LA, Detroit, take your pick.

Name some places in Russia that aren't depressive, does those exist?

The Liberties



During the sunny summer days some places near the Black Sea look quite good. Also central parts of Saint-Petersburg look ok too. The rest of the country looks like hell all year round.

Is it east hustings?


there are none. we demolished all depressing neighbourhoods in the 60's. reactionists are still butthurt about it.

May be this

half of our cities
damn soviets

Decent internet connection and its not too bad. Also cat.

Yeah no, I went to sweden and I saw digusting commieblocks. Don't lie to me

Winnipeg north-end. Probably the closest thing Canada has to an America-tier ghetto.

Any place with a lot of natives is going to be depressing, really. Dangerous too.

Doesn't even look that bad.

Kouvola is the only city that I feel comfortable in.

2bh this is what almost all the small towns in russia's north look like. the worst part about living there is strong wind with snow and that day lasts just a few hours for like half a year (from october to march)

>it looks like pripyat
>pripyat is in soviet and therefore bad xDDDD
fucking mongoloid retard. pripyat was considered one of the best places to live in the Solviet union. they had some of the brightest minds there to work on the chernobyl plant.

pripyat looks good on that photograph, and so does the finnish neighbourhood. consider Alvar Aalto your greatest national hero.

Beautiful Brutalism. Thank you communists.

Fuck off. No one can possibly like those concrete cubes that the whole country is filled with.

An oil city that this year got flooded with rivers of mud after a record rainfall.

snow is comfy

amazing local bio cheap food

lots of investments to the roads thanks to putin

lots of jobs and very low unemployment

thriving agricgulture sector thanks to the smart santion to garbage food from EU
short light means a lot of parties in comfy pubs and bars

countryside russia is awesome

Seine-Saint-Denis (north of Paris).

Globally, this is where the poor immigrants are and therefore it turned into shit.

Palacio do Planalto



Everywhere during the summer.

Stoke on Trent probably

That's sad. The place looks awesome.

I don't think such a depressing shit will exist on European continent

Commieblock immigrant hell

It's been refurbished now. It's not too bad anymore. No longer council housing.

Sochi, south Crimea, Moscow, Vladivostok.

>uninhabited shithole in the far east
>Decent internet connection

Yeah, sure $60/month for 2mbps and 500ms ping to Europe.

Provincial Donbass towns

Vladivostok is shit, Moscow is good only in the center, Sochi is totally infested with muslims and arm*nians, Crimea is complete shit, even worse than Vladivostok.

Maybe you're the shit here, eh?



Marsa for being a "diversity" shithole.
Architecture wise, anywhere central to north west of the main island. Concrete hell.

all of it


They actually look comfy.

all of it

I've never imagined such a place is existing in Canada...

what's so bad about this charleroi place? full of foreigners i assume?


Probably Parisian suburb. There are other shitholes in France like some districts in Marseille but at least they have a better climate and the sea.


Superior britbong culture, we wuz emperors n shieeet

I remember how walking around in Charleroi turned my retarded leftist ex to a right winger in a matter of minutes. Truly a magical place.

>all of its territory

even Charleroi is a shithole, it still looks sexier than half of polish cities tbqh

That's funny OP, there is a town like 10 minutes from mine also named Charleroi (there was apparently a lot of Belgian immigrants in the early 1900s) and it's super depressing too.

>grey commieblocks
Is that photoshopped? I dont wanna believe it

Polish cities have beautiful old centers
Except Lodz

now we know that you are from Pittsburgh, cool

Damn right, motherfucker. Westylvania for life

The really depopulated rotting villages that only have a few old people in them.
You can smell the death in more than one way. Literally.

They're pretty much all grey here, I only see coloured ones in Slav pics

Bergen. Who the fuck came up with building a town in the wettest part of Europe?

Itäkeskus. It's a pit of horrendous architecture combined with mobs of Somalians, Russians and Finns constantly fighting each other.



Nice video, unfortunately real Vladivostok looks like that.


Central Athens is pretty bleak


Kontula is a close 2nd

There are hundreds of shitty villages with nothing but a kebab store and a supermarket are pretty depressing. Those can be comfy tho if it's close to a big city

I would say that Trollhättan or Malmö are the most depressing cities

looks like Hurka station in Prague

i don't fucking understand the hatred for brutalism. it looks good

nothing is uglier than what we have in America. 99% of American towns are full of shit disgusting brown brick buildings with no character or history, McDonald's signs and gas stations/liquor stores. I would kill to live in any of the places posted here