Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a grill but my left arm is masculine
Why can't you accept this shitlord
So I can now identify as Liquid Snake?
I identify as male but I recently realized that I have a feminine penis so what gender am I?
i identify as triggered
pls stop existing
>yes, Virginia, mayonnaise is now a gender
31 flavors, and sanity ain't one
better make that 32 genders so
How do you use that?
Do they issue a certificate or id that says what gender are you?
What if I get into an argument with a woman and beat the shit out of her and say I felt like a woman while doing it, and no male can hit me or stop me. Or only my arm was a woman and I couldn't control it coz that would make me a sexist pig
Kill confirmed.
Tango down.
Only 31? Fucking intolerant cis scum
No AH-64 Apache? How am I supposed to know which bathroom to use to unload 30mm AP into the toilet?
My top most eyebrow is feminine, I demand my own toilet for TMEF genders!!!!!
>tfw you might see an ID with some completely retarded gender listed
>Boy with boobs
>mommy's boi
>mommy's boy
>mommy's girl
>mommy's grrl
>Gender pirate
Ayy lmao
Literal shitlord.
I can self-identify as Venom Snake?
I identify as a gender nazi. Check your privilege shitlord.
Here are the 31 genders if anyone's interested
Drag King
Drag Queen
Femme Queen
Gender Bender
Trans Person
Third Sex
Gender Fluid
Non-Binary Transgender
Gender Gifted
Gender Blender
Person of Transgender Experience
>What if I get into an argument with a woman and beat the shit out of her and say I felt like a woman while doing it
Fuckin yes, use their own flawed logic against them! genius!
I was trolling. Sorry Romanibro. All of Earth knows there is only 2 genders and we like to point out delusional retards. I find OPs post hilarious.
Oh fuck. THIS will be the new civil right issue.
Some faggot state will start issuing IDs with these """"genders""""" printed on them. Some sane state will refuse to recognize it. A few court cases and it ends up like fag """marriage""".
>Implying it wasn't a ruse
Even within the context of their own insanity, identifying as transgender doesn't make any sense. Trans means you identify as the opposite gender, no? So if you say you identify as trans, that means you identify as identifying as the opposite gender. I thought the whole idea behind this bullshit is that a tranny would say he is a woman.
>Drag King
>Drag Queen
>no DragOn
>Top most eyebrow
>Not the edge of your small toe nail
UGH check your privilege
>Friend of Dorothy
>no Equal Opportunity Cum Dumpster
>people on this board right now actually believe the image in that tweet actually represents the recognized genders
Pathetic. No wonder disinformation spreads so easily.
I like it Finnland. I recognize
The scum do not recognize male with feminine penis as a gender? I demand rights for my waifu.
>Be 2026. Future Current Year.
>Pedophile becomes legal gender.
>Hime Arikawa
That's a sexual orientation.
It's like saying gay is a gender.
It's not.
Your gender is male and your sexual orientation is gay (or pedo)
Murica = Fag nation more cucked than Sweden
>plumber dyke
Freedom was a mistake.
>31 speshul snowflake genders
>they are all just variations of masculine/feminine
Unfortunately true.
oh shit waddup!
>Dyke on a bike
>no ammosexual
Shot fired shot fired.
I'm male but my right leg is female
These are the people this recognition benefits:
Get the fuck in here
Could someone tell me what "genderblender" is?
>person of transgender experience
does jerking off to a trap count?
>no one posted fullmetal activist.jpg yet
It's weird that nobody saw that.
This shit is really getting out of hand.
How those that work? In scientific terms not illusory ones.
You're one to speak
>3D Loli o/
Holy shit
I'm male but my anus and rectum are female.
Come fuck me guys, it's not gay!
How the fuck is that a gender?
Can i identify as a hat?
Americans delivering the heat today.
>tfw can't identify as an intoner
Fucking bigots
The fuck is that image?
>my arm is female
laffin lads
>Gender Gifted
>Gender Blender
Ayo nigga hook me up with a gender smoothie.
Oh kek.
>Mfw I look up two-spirit
What the fuck.
It's missing gender terrorist
I identify myself as an AMX-30B2 Brennus, anyone that deny my right to be recognized and respected is a fucking intolerant nazi
>chick with a dick
How the fuck is "butch" a gender?
>gender nazi
Top kek just use straight
Fucking savage.
>teh gay
>the gay
W-what is the difference? One can't spell?
>fat dyke
>dyke on a bike
Do they believe every insult is a new identity?
Let all fall down, for the love of humanity.
>mayor DeGenerate
Ir ketchup a gender?
stop oppressing me shitlord
>That's a sexual orientation.
Fetish you mean
>Gender Gifted
"I identify as being gifted" how is that different from "I identify as being harder/faster/better/stronger than the rest?"
Can't they choose one. Or is a stage of life a gender.
>that Bionic Commando
>person of transgender experience
Does beating up a tranny count as experience?
One is an keyboard warrior the other is a normalfag
Ahahahahaha, this is so fucked up
cis = cosx + isinx
> jew york
> non degenerated
Pick one annon, pick one....
>made it legal to piss in the streets
>made it illegal to check for criminal record when hiring
>tells son not to trust the cops
>have ppl go to jail and pay fine for wrong pronoun
Fuck this mayor. Fuck everything about him.
That is a round idea... Kek