Meet Michael Gove. Potential new British Prime Minister, attempting to clap
Meet Michael Gove. Potential new British Prime Minister, attempting to clap
That's good technique
typical british cuckservative
Why are his hands so tiny?
Looks like a life size spitting image doll
Leadsom will be PM not Gove.
He is way too autistic to be PM.
holy fuck, zoom this in so you can just see his mouth as the gif plays
>He is way too autistic to be PM.
what about gay?
Gove is a fucking genius
I watched his entire leadership bid speech yesterday and realised he might be the cleverist Prime Minister we have ever seen
I want a PM who is smart as fuck, not popular
Always was ch the mouths of liberals and sjw's.
Invariably, they do strange, incongruous movements
makes mr bean look like brock lesnar
excitement or fear
He may be smart but that man is most likely a literal cuck
Holy shit that's some next level autism movement
Gove hides a deep running powerlevel.
man thinks we should bring back hanging
I'm watching this guy with a bit of interest.
By any sane measure at first glance you'd think his life goal would be to taste ever flavor of penis in the realm.
He looks like the Conservative Miliband. Awkward as fuck.
That's some good Adobe After Effects work. Post the original!
he's pussywhipped by his wife. she was ordering him around in an email about BJ telling him to secure cabinet poisition
I'm serious. He looks like post-chin Roger Ebert.
God I miss him so much
He's already dead and buried. Stabbing Boris in the back ended his chances and MPs are deserting him for Leadsom
Try Google, or alternatively paying the slightest bit of attention to any sort of news over the last few days you fucking twat
also if you notice, the email mentions that murdoch doesn't back boris, and therefore probably not gove either.
it'll be a woman, either may or the other lesser known contender whose name escapes me. they need an iron handbag to bring back thatcherism
im not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens
I kinda supports Gove's leadership bid. He's got steel that's for sure after what he did. That is the kind of steel that is needed to activate Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon. I don't know if any of the other leadership candidates have those kind of guts needed to start the Brexit ball rolling.
Gove is def the most meme worthy leader i bet he would bring endless bants
This man is the epitome of white masculinity and power. Just look at his augustan nobility.
i guess im not the only one who thought of miliband
why the fuck do so many serious conservatives have some kind of autism? From the obvious literally autistic ayn rand fans, to the campus conservatives in their ill fitting suits.
it seems like anyone serious on the right has some kind of speech impediment, a limp, tics, prone to unnecessary anger and so on.
>i want him because he are smart yes smart are he durr gurr warrbrbahahebjrj
cuckservatives are so retarded
Retard fuck off
If he's such a genius, then why has he alienated himself from the majority of the tory party?
Is there still time for David Cameron to cancel his resignation? What's the point if he's being replaced by a remain voter or autist?
wow his hands are tiny
but who cares? His personal physical attributes don't matter
and what about the alternative?
The Sun the only reason why I haven't moved out of this country yet. I can't live without it.
They're not. They're beautiful big manly hands
This person will lead great Britannia after Brexit.
we won't be cücks anymore! they said
He's a fucking idiot and fraud.
Newspaper columnist, good at sounding articulate, shallow as fuck in reality.
Einstein's Three Laws of Thermodynamics.
Basing education policy on surveys done by "Premier Inn" and "UKTV:Gold"
Also, a cuck dominated by his equally dumb wife.
>Einstein's Three Laws of Thermodynamics.
Tiny asymmetrical face. Kryptokike?
lel this fucking guy is so autistic looking
Oh boy. And he's not even eating something.
Not off to a very good start, lads.
>Not realising it's all a facade to make others underestimate him
>He's literally going to crash the EU
>The return of the Empire is now