Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?


africa begins at the pyrenees

No, actually informed people know spain is neither spain or africa.
It's just too different from both, and historically important enough to be considered own sub-continent together with Portugal

Nah man, don't believe the memes
If they are swarthier is because they actually ge some sunlight there, unlike nordcucks
The Canarias Islands are offthe coast of Africa though

neither europe*

>africa begins at the pyrenees
>North moorland aka New algeria ,Germanistan and United Caliphate
of course Africa begins at pyrenees

spain isnt italy where the north is clearly lighter and germanic, while the south is more med

this is a northern castillian for example

Have you ever seen a fucking andalusian? You know those cunts share more blood with the shitalians than us, Dont you?

Yes it does, and it ends at Skagerrak.

Looks like she could be half finnish

Yes, It is.

shut the fuck up, they are the same as everyone else.

pic related is andalucian

shut the fuck up retard, don't say those things, she looks finnish where?

Pic related is not the average Iberian and you know it, tuga.

> they are the same as everyone else.

No, They arent.

> (You)
of course not, but even in andalucia they have blue eyed blondes, lighter than 90% of the northerners.

>a commie

Kys subhuman moortugese.

Isco is cute doe

>Isco is cute doe

And a moor son of a whore.

>lighter than 90% of the northerners.
>Actually tugas think this

kek I now know why your country is so shitty.

Another Portuguese spitting truth.


We Iberians are our very own kind, just like Finns are theirs.

She looks Colombian/Venezuelan though, she wouldn't pass for a local in Spain... well maybe as a gipsy?

>Slovenes are actually Croats
>the only Slovenians that there are to be found exist in Slovakia
>Croats are a mix of Romanian, Italian and Hungarian instead of being Croat
>Hungarians are just as Croat as they are Hungarian
>Romanians are mostly Bulgarian and Croat
>Bulgarians are Yugoslavian together with Serbs and Bosnians
>Austrians are Italo-Hungarian

I knew Eastern Europe was ethnically screwed up, but I didn't know it was this bad
>Greek are unironically Turks

she is spanish, you know nothing about us filthy german. and she can totally pass as one since she is one.

look another example, this from portugal

Enough said. Iberia rules

Because we aren't cucked as they are

>she wouldn't pass for a local in Spain

She does look like a local 100%

Don't come

That's it I'm moving to Spain lads

>she wouldn't pass for a local in Spain
-.-, she could

no you dont

You won't stop me

Here comes autism lads

she is balding like jorge, they should commit suicide together

africa starts at sweden


Bring Russian single qt's