Currently in TLV - AMA - vol.2

Hey goyim, I am a jew currently in TLV for vacations, if you have any questions, don't hesitate !

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How's the food?

Pretty good desu, especially the pitta shawarma.

Come on goyim

What did you do on the White Night a couple days ago?

I have nothing to ask, have fun dear merchant. I hope it's not too hot.

I'm an American Jew-mongrel and I'd go if it wasn't all Palestinian stabbing and shit.

I landed that night, I arrived at my place at 3AM.

Sure, based Putin.

is that you ?

Looks awesome! Send us a pic while you explain me how much time Israel will tolerate the palestinian scum.

i unironically want a Jewish gf to dominate me.
how can i get one ?

Are you the same one that did the AMA yesterday?

>pt 2
Shit nvm

>tel aviv
good goys, this is what a jew without shekels look like.

Step one : don't be a sandnigger or have alot of £££.

Yes, couldn't continue it desu.

What is this supposed to mean, Ofir ?

Who takes a fucking vacation on Tel Aviv if you live in Israel?

I haven't been to TLV before, just Jerusalem and Galilee area. How's the coast?

Read the OP your dumb-dumb, he didn't say where he's from.

Does anyone break crystal at night over there?

I don't live in Israel, mongrel.

Check this answer.


No wonder you are so dumb.

>Coming here from abroad

I'm not mizrahi or ofir

any good roots lad?

Well, TLV's beaches are not very clean, lot of waste in the sea and the Israelis are not very clean and respectful. Plus, in this period of the year, they are too crowded.

>I'm not mizrahi

That's exactly what a shitskin would say.


Yeah, that's one thing that impressed upon me when I visited, garbage thrown everywhere, especially in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem. Walked the city walls and there were torn down buildings basically turned into garbage dumps.

Plus the entire country feels like a military base with some tourist hotspots and consumer shopping districts thrown in every once in a while. Interesting place.

I don't know well the other cities beside TLV and Jerusalem but in the first one, the streets, in general, aren't very clean and yeah, Israelis consume alot, like Americans.

How is it these days, greatest ally?

A friend of mine had an uncle that lived on a Moshav near Tel Aviv, but they moved back to the UK because the Arabs were getting uppity and apparently it became pretty dangerous.

Eh, nothing really changed.

There are too many niggers and faggots in TLV desu, but that's not new.

Do you often shill interracial relationships like your fellow kosher friends?

Eh, not at all. Tbh, I find it disgusting. White Ashkenazi shouldn't reproduce with mizrahis or shitskins.

Test question. What is the local beer name?

Goldstar ?

Okay lads, I am heading to the Dizingoff center, keep the thread alive and post questions, I will answer them later.

And what about white goyim? Should they be forced to breed between races?

Cetainly not, I am from Belgium desu and we should clean Europe.

Yisrael Chai, my brother! Are you Red Boot?

why Tel Aviv? are you gay? there's nothing but fags and a couple decent beaches in Tel Aviv.

you should be in Eilat, if this is your vacation.

it's not a long bus ride.

Tel Aviv is expensive as fuck

how many times have they tried to steal your shekels already

i would go to haifa if i got the chance

this is an example of ashkenazi and mizrahai spawn

Of all the places in the world that you could go to, you picked the shitty stinky Tel Aviv?
I guess that you are a faggot.

Well meme'd


You mean the open landfill ?

That's what I am saying, it's disgusting.

Who said that I had the choice to go wherever I wanted ? I guess that you are a mizrahi ...

How many Goyim have you tricked today?

No, I'm Russian.
God, I am so full of this shitty country.

how many palestines did you kill today?

Not enough

Why don't you head back to Mother Russia ? You could support based Putin.

None, I just had a little bit of fun with my bulldozer ( every Israeli has one ), flattened a few houses, it was nice.

>Why don't you head back to Mother Russia ? You could support based Putin.
I want to, eventually. But I've lived here most of my life, sadly. There's no place I can call a motherland.

Studying anything ?