What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Things be like do they do because that they are

Such a vague fucking statement.
He seems to be trying to say that most armed conflicts took place because of opposing ideologies which is obviously not true.

But his statement still covers the majority of armed conflicts in human history that were over land/resources because thinking you own or are entitled to land/resources over an opposing group could be "believing different things".

So he meant to be wise, but at the same time, vague enough that he couldn't be wrong.






>2 sides have biased views
>this is science

>TV intellectuals

"when 2 sides disagree they fight"

He's right. Nazis, for example, worshipped science. Really makes one ponder

he is talking about the coming american civil war

Well, both sides obviously believe they're going to be the winner, so I guess he's right.

>Le Black Fedora Man

He seriously has the cringiest fucking twitter I've ever seen. There's tons of shit like this on there.

Fucking BOOM.

Never thought of it like this. Amazing.

Magical science negro is a shame to seagan

wow........really makes you think, huh?...goddamn....

This feels like some psuedo-intellectual "Do you control your brain or does your brain control you dude #woah" stonerbabble.

What conflicts weren't started this way Niel? Does this extend to territory disputes or sovereignty?

o shit

i work at an almond factory and every nut just became activated! our profits are going to skyrocket! thanks mr black scienz man

I can see he taught Jaden Smith everything he knows.

Why do STEMfags think they are intellectuals and not math monkeys?

And here I thought most people had wars when they agreed on everything.

most occurred because some guy wanted gold and bitches

no shit sherlock

Sounds like he's been reading some Joseph de Maistre.

>because thinking you own or are entitled to land/resources over an opposing group could be "believing different things".
Except plenty of people didn't think they deserved resources more, they just thought "I need this and I don't give a shit if others do, too."


"Today is yesterday tomorrow, people die when they're killed" -Neil "Magic" Degrassi Tysong

le science nigger


Fuck this pop science shit for even making me think for a half second this could be a real tweet

why did he capitalize football?

Well that's a simple statement that's mostly accurate, at least in civilized societies.

Why post this?

>disagreement precedes conflict


He really is the smartest man alive

My neurons are firing off like never before I feel like I have just learned all the secrets of the universe at once.

It means you've been reported for non-Sup Forums related post.

This explains it.

How is this retard a "genius"? He just states obvious things. If this retard is a Scientist. Than I'm the next Albert Einsvolk.

>falling for the "its just differences and not desire for resources meme" 2deep4me.

>I believe you should gibs
>I do not believe I want to gibs
He's not wrong.

>one side believes they should have the resources and "the other side" should not
>the other side believe they should have the resources and "one side" should not
>opposing sides believed different things to be true
Literally just differences.

not really the desire for resources is almost universal.

Everyone from the liberals to Nazis and Commies worshipped progress and development in the 20th century. It's really not something unique to Nazi Germany

I bet he also thinks people die if they are killed

I don't hate space Jesus as much as I hate his fan club.

There are more atoms in our sun than atoms in the entire galaxy

It's a meta-commentary on how much value society puts on football and the fact that he's a moron.

Really activates the almonds

Do you often have trouble recognizing sarcasm?


This isn't even remotely true. It's such a gross oversimplification that it's actually quite embarrassing to read.

You guys are just bullying him cause he is black

don't cats literally rape each other? with barbed penises and shit?

Its hilarious how mad you beta white boys get whenever NDT gets the spotlight LOL

>Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Happy to Be a Nerd Sex Symbol

>Neil deGrasse Tyson Makes Science Sexy in Cosmos


>Fans Rave Over ‘Sexy’ Host Neil deGrasse Tyson


>what is sexier than Neil deGrasse Tyson talking astronomy

>Neil deGrasse Tyson, Pluto killer and sexiest astrophysicist, speaks on campus




>say something smart and profound
>Sup Forums loses it's fucking mind

never change

huh, really makes you think

Neil deGrasse Tyson's tweets are Jaden Smith tier. He always says this edgy shit to try and impress people about how smart he is. At least Jaden Smith has the excuse of being a teenager.

>smart and profound


I thought that was just an urban myth. But my actual scientist friend confirmed this to me.

That most conflicts aren't based purely on need, but rather on ideological differences. I'd rather talk about his filmography instead of his tweets, though.

water is blue, but did you know, water isn't blue.

Not the smartest man alive, but he is Director of the National Planetarium and a distinguished member of NASA, since Steven Hawkins died you can make the argument that he knows more about outer space than any other person.

>since Steven Hawkins died
damnit! you made me google that

Just because they made a movie about him does not mean he's dead user...

>since Steven Hawkins died

He's a typical New Atheist "muh reality based community" retard who doesn't know the difference between values and facts. If, for example, you don't think importing replacement levels of third world immigrants into Western nations is a good idea, or if you don't think the US should risk war with Russia because Putin was mean to Hilary Clinton, then you're obviously against facts. Basically to liberals, a fact isn't something that can be objectively proven. It's anything all the celebrities and TV talking heads believe.

~Author: jaden smith, Co-Author: Neil Tyson

This is why you never affirmative action niggers into occupations they don't belong.

I legit always thought he was just an actor until now.

Fucking this

*preying mantis slices his head off*

pffft nothin personnel m8

Tons of species do stuff like that. A lot of hermaphrodite species "mating rituals" involving a brutal fight to decide who gets castrated and raped because neither one of them wants to have to carry the kids. A lot of insects literally rip a hole into the bodies of their mates gravely injuring them. He's completely wrong. I expected better from Black science man.

>Putin was mean to Hilary Clinton

Do you remember the time Hillary wanted to take RUSSIA's only summer port AKA syria JUST to serve israel in her own words and also supported a COUP by neonazis in Ukraine to screw up Russia's Euroasian union?

Is he the Jared Smith of science?

>top drawer actress fap thread gets deleted
>this is still up

>says the guy who spends 50% of his brain energy saying dumb shit on twitter

Almost all objects fall because of gravity.

-Black Science Man

Do you ever miss thinking for yourself at least long enough to form your own sentences?

wow nature is cruel as fuck, this is why I hate all of these "marvel at the wonders of the universe, amazing isn't it?" people

Can we create a meme called "Obvious Black Science Man"? I'm not racist or anything it just seems like this guy is being memed into public adoration by impressionable young people who see him as an amazing genius black man because of the novelty of seeing a black man do science, which, itself, is kinda racist, right?

blame the guys who stalked actresses on here

nice trolling, you can't create a meme

Nope. It's almost always about control of resources.

>Can we create a meme called "Obvious Black Science Man"? I'm not racist or anything