This horrifies and causes the european to commit suicide

>this horrifies and causes the european to commit suicide

Other urls found in this thread:

Does stuff like this never happen in Europe?
Strangers never talk to each other? or joke around?

Not terribly uncommon in the U.S.


What the fuck is his problem? It's like his sole purpose is to annoy people and to disrupt their business.

He's trying to brighten up people's boring day.

Yeah, boring and probably busy day as well.

fuck, OP is actually right about this one

europeans literally cannot comprehend talking to people

bikers are so fucking annoying

>Europeans lack social cohesion and culture to talk to random people.

Holy shit. I thought you guys were going to try and post "nah people are friendly here too".

As said, it's not a particularly rare thing for people to go about their day being friendly to strangers just to make the day suck less. Hell, my friends and I sometimes play a game we call "cruising for waves".

>sometimes play a game we call "cruising for waves"

>be european
>go through your entire life without talking to anybody

What an annoying cunt
Also notice how the only ones who want to actually interact with him are very young people
Everyone else is just trying to be polite and finally make this idiot go away as they keep walking

>this is the guy
perfect example of American """white"""

What about Italians and the Spanish?

>Europeans don't look you in the eye when they respond to you

So if I'm trying to walk on streets for some work related matter , go to a store to by me a dinner or just trying to get home because I have to take a shit real bad there is a high chance of encountering one of those arseholes "trying to make my day less shit" by making me late for a business meeting or by forcing me to clench my buttocks to hold diarrhoea?

is it like looking into the future for you?

Annoying random people who are minding for themselves is not friendly at all.

Maybe owning guns isn't such a bad idea.
People should be able to defend themselves in such circumstance.

Extroverts are social parasites.

It is actually pretty common here in italy
I don't do it because im autistic but it is common

I live in an apartment block and the elevator is a daily struggle. There is this unwritten code here that you have to greet someone if you meet someone coming in or out of it. Nobody really want to. Then you have to say bye when they leave.

>Say hi, they don't answer back.
>Say hi hi too fast, they act like they didn't hear you.
>Take the elevator in silence, a person leaves and a nervous "bye" comes out.

Why are Americans so cringey?

>be american
>walk in the street
>pause a bit to catch breath
>see fellow burger
>say some stupid shit to him to feel validated
>he claps at me
>having found new joy and breath, I continue to walk

I have this struggle at work. Whenever I enter the cafetaria (it's rather small, maybe 8 people max sitting at 1 table) I have to wish they a good meal. It's so fucking silly

>Whenever I enter the cafetaria I have to wish they a good meal

Or when you see someone you know from a distance and get eye contact, they walk towards you and is too far to greet.

>He doesn't walk like a smug shit and give thug nods.
I'm white and can do this, why can't europeans?

what was he trying to accomplish?

I'm a pariah at work exactly because of this behaviour. Only after working here for 4 months I found out why they're all so fucking silly: it's a Christian organization, like 80% of my coworkers go to church

worst place is the laundry room

It's common courtesy towards your neighbors. We do it too, but it seem like you're doing it wrong. The first step is always eye constant. If the person doesn't give you eye contact, you don't greet them, otherwise it's like greeting a wall.

he was trying to scare the guy but he forgot he's on his little moto machine

It's not socially accepted to be smug here. It's a moral law here saying "You shouldn't think you are something"

You're not to think you are anything special.
You're not to think you are as good as we are.
You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
You're not to imagine yourself better than we are.
You're not to think you know more than we do.
You're not to think you are more important than we are.
You're not to think you are good at anything.
You're not to laugh at us.
You're not to think anyone cares about you.
You're not to think you can teach us anything

When you go through feudalism, monarchy, totalitarism, fascism, communism and all that shit, you realize its better to keep to yourself

the interaction isn't very interesting, he's goofing around and they don't care

I hate overtly extroverted guys like him because they have way more fun in life than me
So I'll call him a cringy faggot

i'm glad i made this thread

just went to the barbershop
>she talked to me about work
>she asked me what i do on the weekend

i was quite uncomfortable and nervous since it was too much talking involved

Well you found a way to bait Europeans. They just buckle when you talk to them.

>this thread
wow europeans are indeed autistic edgelords

You should still greet them even if look seem like they dont want to talk to make them feel like cold unfriendly twats and reconsider their life

Today at work I was walking down a corridor, tinking about something, when I passed a middle-aged man
He shouts "GUTEN MORGEN" at me. I just mumble "morgen" without stopping
He then proceed to angry yell in german. I believe he didn't hear me and felt offended, I'm not really sure though. I just hope I won't see him again


i wonder how many of them have committed suicide when i replied to them

The struggle is real
Also the internal clash about what word to use to neighbours
>mustn't be too formal but not too informal
Usually I go with "good day/evening"

>tfw the nod comes out too weak and you're not really sure they noticed but it's too late to utter an actual greeting now

This guy seems like a faggot. I don't like him. These videos are why we want America to be nuked.

USA is just a giant fucking reddit

>It's a moral law here saying "You shouldn't think you are something"
If you don't believe in yourself then why should anyone else?

>Reply to European
>He leaves the thread or has to kill himself

"Perhaps you don't think we know a few things about you?" is the eleventh penal code.

I think he's funny


Fitting summary.

You should move to Finland. Nobody ever greets strangers unless they have some business with them. Home, office, elevator, hallway, anywhere.

It still drives me nuts when Germans & other euros say "bye" after sharing a 60 second elevator ride with you. Or enter a room full of strangers and greet the entire room. WTF?

I get some of the points introverts are making ITT as I am one too, but it's not about a ceremony or a ritual rather than that guy was trying to brighten up your day. He was actually wishing you a good morning. Some people mean it.

Well I spent all day thinking about the incident, so he failed his objective

Last year i came home after travelling around the world for a year and i were used to talking to strangers all the time. When i came home i had to adjust and downplay myself into a little cuck again, i'm serious.

It's not his fault you have autism

guten morgen

I would be willing to bet most people consider being wished good morning a positive experience.

Stop it he'll hang himself now

Hello good friend Germany how are you today!

When I was in my 20s I used to absorb influences from more extroverted cultures the same way.

Nowadays even living abroad doesn't have much of an effect, I've gone full Assburger Pride and don't even want to change.

It doesn't affect me here, but nice try I guess.

From people I know, yes. You don't say hello to everyone you pass in the street and in corridors, do you?

Oh hi everyone in this thread. How are you?

>be me
>be with a friend having some beers on a terrace
>talk about many topics
>talk about how my father watches ancient aliens and that he buys their bullshit
>suddenly a stranger drinking alone starts talking to us about how aliens are real and other bullshit about china
>finish the beers asap and nope the fuck out

usually if some stranger starts talking to you he is a crazy or drunk

cringe af

No, but i'm from the south so people greet me all the time. I just respond in kind without overthinking it. I don't really enjoy it but I understand they're just trying to be nice.

Yeah I see what you mean
I'll try to buy into their bullshit more next time

I agree with you but
>Or enter a room full of strangers and greet the entire room.
If it's a closed environment where it's supposed that you'll spend some time in the same company, it makes sense to acknowledge other people's presence as a way to low-key say you mean no harm
Random elevator ride is stupid, but doctor's waiting room or closed train compartment should require a greeting as common courtesy since the need for a conversation might arise later on and it would be rude not to have introduced yourself in some way
At least this is how I see it


In Germany all my friends and their friends would always shake hands when we met, didn't matter if there was 8 of us, all shook hands.
It got annoying after a while

Surprisingly accurate metaphor

when i hear a neighbor outside as i'm trying to get out of my apartment i usually wait a few minutes until they leave or go inside their apartment so i don't have to interact with them

Wow fucking cringy loser going outside and having fun and seeming so happy, I hate him!!!!!!!

>no thanks, I'm busy and can't talk right now

Come home yellow man.

I do this too


>this thread

I greet people all the time and sometimes talk to strangers like "beautiful day we have huh?".
I didn't know I make people feel uncomfortable.
Is there something wrong with me? I must look like a sociopath to others.

>paying groceries
>hello t. cashier
>instead of me saying "moi" i accidentally say "hej"
>the cashier starts serving me in swedish
>oh god what have i done
>we both start talking broken swedish with heavy finnish accents
>we both realize what has happened but keep up the facade to not to look stupid in front of other people
>after i bagged my shit we exchanged looks and both of us nodded
i have been avoiding that store for a year now

If I hear a car coming down the street I normally try to hide myself in some way


>the cashier reaches to take the money
>shake her hand automatically
>decide to leave the groceries, take the money and leave
>realise the cashier has already taken the money
>bail on the whole idea and leave the money and the groceries at the store
Fortunately that cashier is no longer working there.