If you could change one thing about the LOTR to make it better, what would you change?

If you could change one thing about the LOTR to make it better, what would you change?

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Remove the Ring subplot.

Theoden doesn't say "Is this all you can muster, Saruman" before getting BTFO by the suicide bombers. I mean seriously, Helm's Deep was supposed to be this desperate last-stand battle. Why is he acting like an arrogant asshole?

They left out a bunch of good shit from the books, like who story arcs they were pretty good.

Mother. Fucking. Tom. Bombadil.

Also the scourging of the shire and the last real encounter with Saruman.

Include the Barrow downs part somehow without involving the skipping, singing, rhyming autist

two whole story arcs that were pretty good*

not sure how i fucked that sentence so bad.

add tom bombadil

make undead army look actualy creepy instead of meme ghosts and don't use them to deus ex machina pellenor fields, but give them smaller part like in the book instead

Add in details of Aragorn's tax policy


Beef up Eomer's role a bit more. In the books you really get the feeling that he and Aragorn become good friends, but most of that's lost in the films.

Include Ghân-buri-Ghân and the Drúedain helping the Rohirrim at the battle of Pelennor Fields

The elves are a lie.


;_; dafuq man?

LOTR needed blacks.

Either fix the ghosts or remove Legolas turning into a god.

This from the silmarillion?

No it's from LoTR


Literally nothing. Not a single flaw.

It had blacks.

Show Aragorn rallying the southern countries to fight for Gondor instead of using the ghost army and make Prince Imrahil a bigger part in the movie

>twink frodo
Frodo and company shouldve been old like in the books

>Morgan Freeman as Gandalf
>Ellen Page as Frodo
>some Mexican as Aragorn
>orcs are now an army of white blonde blue eyed males

Make it not exist.

First post, best post.

Add a Jar Jar Binks to trigger all the autists who take a fantasy setting seriously.

the acting (mainly by the hobbits) is horrendous in fellowship, so probably that


>orcs are now an army of white blonde blue eyed males

You just made the hobbit trilogy

needs more taxes

More orcposting

breh there were still essentially teenage for hobbits.
Frodo is portrayed wrong though, he's supposed to be a chad of Hobbits in terms of being taller and stronger than any of them.

Insert some reason about how flying the ring to Mordor wouldn't work.

They didn't include my boy Prince Imrahail

I have always felt this as well. Aragon would have been a far more compelling character if we knew about stuff like his tax policies.

Because Sauron would just sortie Nazgul fighters and intercept the fucking eagles?

Did you just completely miss the plot points where they have to be sneaky inside Mordor and the humans went in for a suicidal all-in-or-nothing charge just to distract Sauron for an hour?

Who best orc? And why?

Arukai or however it is spelled, bottom right. They are legitimately scary. The rest bored me

needed more musical numbers

that guy with the bow

Uruk Hai were literally proto niggers

Meat man is best orc

Uruk Hai. That one specifically is named Lurtz.

>Don't fuck up Boromir's entire character to pander to brainless twats
>Don't fuck up Farair's entire character to pander to brainless twats
>Seriously they write them both as bad eggs from the start, when Boromir is literally 99% as good as Aragorn, and has a single moment of weakness which any other member of the Fellowship could also have had, and Faramir is a goddamn saint in the books but is turned into a complete retard in the movies
>Remove the "Arwen's fate is tied to the ring" subplot from RotK
>Change the ghosts/pelennor fields back to how it was in the books
>Include the scouring of the shire in its entirety, including fixing the encounter between gandalf and saruman after the ents sac isengard
>Relegate Arwen to the background and put motherfucking Glorfindel in

These are all minor things for the most part that were changed just because Hackson is really an insufferable hack at heart and had to let a little bit of that innate desire to hack things up leak into the movie.


This too. Where the fuck was Imrahil

>Change the ghosts/pelennor fields back to how it was in the books

It's been a while since I read the books, how was it originally?

>give boromir and faramir human traits instead of being generic muh goodness knights in shining armor
>a bad thing
It worked because their father was also a massive douche, it's only to be expected that at least a bit of that rubbed off on them.

replace the ghost scenes with whatever aragorn did in the books with getting pirates from umbar????? to help him or whatever i dont even remember

>when Boromir is literally 99% as good as Aragorn, and has a single moment of weakness
That's not even remotely true.

yea that would have been better, the ghosts felt too much like pirates of the Caribbean cartoon shit.

Think about what is in these books and then think about what Jackson managed to put on screen in the manner which he did it, and then come back and tell me he's a hack.

>Not have dwarves be comic relief but the tough, dour, fighters they were who would be able to out drink and elf with their +2 CON
>Arwen had 1 line in the books, keep it that way
>Ditch Howard Shore
>lighting of the beacons montage depicted at a scale that is reasonable for an /out/ist
>Frodo and Sam do not go to Osgilliath

The ghosts are nothing more than spooky apparitions that can fly around being scary. They can't interact with shit. They used them to attack a fleet of Sauron allied corsairs (BOATS) at pelagir, scaring everyone shitless and having the run away. They then use the boats to make it to minas tirith in time. Their utility was in their spookiness, and they weren't an invincible ghost army. The way they are in the movie begs the question, "Why did aragorn just keep using them, and if Isildur had the power to curse people into invincible ghost armies, why didn't he do it ALLTHETIME?"

Denethor was also fucked over by the movies, thanks for reminding me. And please don't ever post again if you think Jackson "humanized" Boromir. He went from a tragic hero who made a single mistake right before he died, to a guy who was a complete bad egg at the start, fucking twirling his mustache at the council of elrond and getting a huge boner for the ring. It was made that stupidly simple for people who are stupidly simple.

Maybe you should read the books and not a wiki article. Boromir only starts acting sketch after Gandalf dies and his ring is removed from the equation. Without Narya in play the the One started working its evil. Boromir was just the first of fall, but it could just as easily have been anyone else.

This x100

Remove eagles.

I know it's pretty much a meme at this point but in no part of the cinematic universe are these creatures called forth for anything but to help writers that have written themselves into a corner.

It is almost surreal how obvious this fact is when you re-watch the movies and decide to focus on it.

Add the Knights of Dol Amroth
Can't believe they cut the best bromance out

Show Aragorn canceling the potato tax when he takes over Gondor

>Maybe you should read the books
Maybe you fucking should, specifically Faramir's assessment of him as one example.

>Ditch Howard Shore

His soundtrack was objectively the best part of the movies.

they show up 2x in the hobbit and 2x in lotr

they're a powerful faction in middle earth and the servants of manwe. they serve just as much a legitimate purpose as anyone else.

Fuck off - all of you. Peter Jackson is a fucking genius. Yes the Hobbit was ass but the original trilogy will go down as one of the greatest book to film adaptations of all time. Period.


>gimli fucks elf queen have a comic moment when legolass walks in on them going hard
>"don't yer ever knock lad? can't ye see I am making your next king!?"

>legolass walks away with a tear rolling down his face

No way
And it could have been Basil Poledouris, at least for Fellowship


dude faramir and boromir were fucking tight as shit in the books you are a fucking philistine

This very much so, make them into buff/debuff type of force instead of something that solves all problems.

Also I think CGI in general is good but it lacks when large gatherings of people are shown, so remaking a few shots would have been great.

>They are legitimately scary

They were played by Maori, simultaneously the nicest and scariest motherfuckers you will ever meet.

Yeah, they do server purpose in the universe, but they don't serve any purpose in the movies except to help bad writers out of tight spots.

>shit Gandalf is on top of a tower surrounded by enemies and the most powerful wizard in the world that just defeated him can kill him whenever

>shit Frodo and Sam are surrounded by lava and fumes and are on their last shred of strength and willpower

>shit the dwarfs are surrounded by orcs and fire and the only escape is a thousand foot fall to their death

>oh shit the orc forces are still slightly superior in the battle of five armies, and they are still bringing in more reinforcements, as the pink-skinned forces waver

>If you could change one thing about the LOTR to make it better, what would you change?

I'd make it so that all the prints that didn't catch on fire and burn to ashes, did catch on fire and burn to ashes

>Frodo is portrayed wrong though, he's supposed to be a chad of Hobbits in terms of being taller and stronger than any of them.
damn, the more you know.

how tall was frodo and how tall were average hobbits?

reminder that frodo and sam never met tom bombadil
reminder that looking from a meta perspective, bombadil was an old hobbit myth that found its way into the legend of the war of the ring

Boromir and Faramir worked in the movie the way they were depicted.

The movies are better than the books overall.


Erase all the Orcs from the movie and just make them literal black people.

I have about as much respect for the LOTR film adaptations as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.

It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.

Tolkien spins in his grave to this very day at the travesty that is Peter Hackson's grand abomination "LOTR".


Recast Legolas. Orlando is really awkward in the role, often looks at the camera while delivering the lines, has the worst and immersion-breaking action scenes, and made the already pretty bad Hobbit movies even worse.

he was a dwarf among midgets

yes they needed to eek a lot of tension out of the faramir/frodo encounter, because they decided to pin half of the second movie on that one fucking thing, instead of including the stairs of cirith ungol and the confrontation with shelob, which was a more logical choice. faramir HAD to be a weak willed flip floping asshole who 180'd his genocidal decision making to create some tension where there would be none. What they should have done was relegate that plot line to what was in the books and extend the sam/frodo story to the shelob encounter. They had more than enough to do in the third movie anyways, Hackson just had to completely rehash the boromir story because he's just that, a fucking hack.

Ugluk>Gorbag>Gothmog>Lurtz>Shagrat for movie orcs
Book Shagrat easily the best orc though

part of adrenaline rush is hyping yourself up by being cocky.


Full penetration sex scene between Viggo and Liv Tyler

Probably explain where Aragon and Gothmog got their lightsabers from. Really pulled me out of the movie when they showed up.


nah i was worried about him before the movies and happy he wasnt in it
best character
but he ruins the character of the Ring just after youre introduced to it in this story and before you even learn any more about it. Throwaway lines about why Tom wouldnt bear it wouldnt really sit well with the audience

Its better to cut shit out so the movie works on its own rather than shove every aspect in.

Remove the ghost army fuckery.

This, plus the grey company and friends.

Is Arnor even mentioned in the trilogy?

Halve the length

This man has at least a bachelor in Orcs

>If you could change one thing about the LOTR to make it better, what would you change?
LOTR needs a special edition where they digitally recast Sauron as Sherlock Khan Strange.

And new scenes where the Seventh Doctor covered in birdshit plays Radagast again, while Colin Baker and Tom Baker covered in cowshit play the Ithryn Luin.

Yes, or at least tone it down, make them more vulnerable/corporeal. Like that they decide to manifest, then they are vulnerable to orcs and the last one liberated are the remains.
Is the only problem in RoTK, albeit I understand why, introduce all the fiefdom would have been like the Scourge of the Shire: awesome, but then you needed a 4th film.

Get rid of Liv Tyler

>"Is this all you can muster, Saruman"

Theoden was the master of non-lines

>So it begins...
>So this is it...

All spoken to absolutely no one
So awkward to watch

>Mother. Fucking. Tom. Bombadil.

lmao le tom bombameme teh caek is a lie

dude just looks like standard cockney trash
>white people can't be niggers

also the most well-spoken and militaristic of the orcs
because fuck strong leaders

then again, that would mean the darkie orcs couldn't run an army for shit


I dare you to watch the extras and try not to fall in love with her. You could also be gay.