Serious euro r8 thread
Sup Forums made me like this
Fk is your problem with us m8
wtf I hate france now
You're literally the first Scot I've ever seen to love England.
Best map coming thru
I love you too, based Scot.
t. Anglo
>Greater Ukraine
Aww you hate us that much? cause of Brexit?
do you like the taste of Junckers knobcheese covered cock, the taste of his filthy knobcheese in your throat?
ayyy the independent london cordon
>tfw poland makes an intermarium but leaves your nation out of it.
Feels bad, man,....
how come you dont like/love the medpack? They are fucking based
Mediback is mostly forgotten it even exists, and thats intentional.
Dont think about the mountain kikes. Dont talk about the mountain kikes. Or if you do, dont say much, since mountain kikes are a secretive lot that does not like international attention.
you like scotland more than the rest of great britain yet scots are the biggest cucks in GB. wtf nigger?
Thanks annons
Sorry for this polack scum.
I love you too
you are with someone else
>loving Belgium and Brits
I bet you have some disgusting fetishes too.
I love you senpai
Greatest ally
based portugal
This is the only solution.
Why are you so angry with Germany? W...what happened? :^)
Why do you like us?
>Let's nuke you but first I'll return your clay
Being French is worse than any fetish
Fucking nigger
I have red/green colour blindness, so it's a bit fucked up.
I hate you because of your refugee and muslim problem, you're basicallt turkey now
jesus france... work on your anger management.
i like the fact that he want's to nuke russia but accepts that crimea is theirs now...
realism a trait that is seldom found in russophobes in eastern europe.
Cerar pejt spat
bro tier
haha.. i wanted to be pissed.
but than i looked at the map and i can't even remember the name of the shithole you come from.
who exactly is letting these "refugees" through? huh, greekboi? who for years has refused help in securing the borders of Greece? Who are worse dindus than gypsies?
>you're turkey now
he, pretty funny coming from a christian turk.
you have to love thos idiots...
letting every fucking refugee into their country...
than they don't even bother to abide to the schengen treates and just let them cross the border to the balkans and now these asshead think it's our fault...
we had to throw so much money on the balkans (behind closed doors) to finally close their border to greece...
alone for that they deserve every month our rollstulmielke let's them starve and doesn't allow a debt cut.
What the fuck do you love France for?
Dolphins pls go.
next time without italy
how is the rape capital "ok"
"mixed feelings" ***
shud be kill it with fire
sure that's why you learned english and shit...
So do you guys want us to start calling your country "Czechia" now?
Because I like "Czechia" a lot more than the cumbersome "Czech Republic". "Czechia" is nice and concise.
I was forced to, just like you.
no... i was forced too learn russian (oldfag^^) and that actually is a usefull skill now.
i learned english and frensh because ... why not.
The term "oldfag" has nothing to do with how old you are.
>The Holy Cuck Empire of the Cuck Nation
latvia... do you still lose that many people to your european friends... how long will it take until your country is only inhabited by old and poor people?
i personally don't care, but very much used to Czech Republic. it makes us sound unique, unlike other slav shitholes
why love Spain but dislike Italy?
Personal bias, been to Spain 5 times and have not met anything other than extremely friendly people who are open to talk about anything and just generally good at shooting the shit. I also like the mountains and climate of Spain more than Italy
Italians usually are too lazy to learn any other language than their mother tongue and are not as friendly(from my experience)
Bear in mind when I visit a country I never like to stay in the capital city or w.e, I always travel to rural areas because they are the most based areas
kek thats really cute hungary
I like Germany, but I don't like where German politics has taken the country.
I love Iceland, but also they did knock us out the Euros so also fuck them.
fair enough, been to both and I agree that Spains are much more chill than italians
I hope we'll have a really exciting match tonight.
How can your homeland be both Russia and Crimea (which is part of Ukraine)? Are you from two different countries?
I can get behind this. South Sweden is trash tier
you'll win and I will love you more German-senpai.
Stop it, you. You'll win and knock out the French afterwards.
>t. Mehmed al-Germani
Love you too rusbro
remove kebab.
why kill Slovakia? redpill me