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then why are they arresting them

For the ones that fought, because they loved Germany, and not because of the retarded Nazi ideology. And as long as they didn't know of the holocaust, mass killings of POW's etc. I agree honestly.

I'm proud of my grandpa who fought in 'Nam

Concentration camp guards aren't soldiers. They're criminals.

Wtf did ww2 soldiers do?
They fought for germany, they didnt gaskikes.

The actions of the higher ups doesn't encompass the entire group lad

Some Wehrmacht, specifically near the end of the war, were just kids that wanted to defend Germany.

Because the AfD aren't in power, numbnuts

By some you mean 99% were just regular soldierd doing their job as soldiers.

Wtf does the average GI decide?

Seriously, I don't understand why many Eastern Europeans bitch that Germany is too liberal.
They would be the ones to suffer from a right-wing Germany

>Before and during the invasion of the Soviet Union, German troops were heavily indoctrinated with anti-Bolshevik, anti-Semitic and anti-Slavic ideology via movies, radio, lectures, books and leaflets.
>Many German troops viewed the war in Nazi terms and regarded their Soviet enemies as sub-human.

I have nothing against Germans being proud of whatever they want but I think it's important to be truthful.

How exactly did eastern europe siffer from NSDAP Germany?

You are just like us Hans

Britain, US, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Italy - we are all examples of countries that are ruled by a left-wing elite that is completely out of touch with its people. The people are actually right-wing.

And soviets saw germans as subhumans and americans saw germans as subhumans.

I have no reason to defend against baseless claims.


>And soviets saw germans as subhumans
No, as invaders. Which they were.

Are you serious?

That's the case in every country. Regular people are dumb and easy to manipulate by populism, that's why we need elites in power

Nothing wrong with killing Soviets desu

America should've funded Operation Barbarosa, and then betrayed the Nazis

(you) now back to pol


They had no choice


>Nothing wrong with killing Soviets desu
They also killed Poles. Is that ok too?

Nah Poles are cool

Russians aren't

>american education

>loved Germany
>loved Nazi ideology
Gee, those two surely seem like two very different and clearly separated groups.

>Nothing wrong with killing Soviets desu
>America should've funded Operation Barbarosa, and then betrayed the Nazis

they fought because they were conscripted into the german defence forces

I wonder why...

My history book told me so

It's one of the most anti-Ruskie things in existence :^)



haha upvoted :)


>+95 seats after the financial crisis
wouldn't have happened if France and the UK actually listened to us with the Treaty of Versailles

>that's why we need elites in power
like hitler and stalin, huh :^)

>join army because you love your country
>get stationed at camp
>you're a criminal!

>get conscripted into army
>get stationed at camp
>you're a criminal!

Absolutely retarded.

our iron mines are ready whenever you need them, germany

>For the ones that fought, because they loved Germany, and not because of the retarded Nazi ideology. And as long as they didn't know of the holocaust, mass killings of POW's etc. I agree honestly.
You do realize that very single Wehrmacht soldier swore an oath on Hitler personally and pledged unconditional loyalty to him, yes? You do realize that Wehrmacht soldiers participated very broadly in the Holocaust by supporting the Einsatzgruppen etc., yes?

leave your bubble/echo chamber every once in a while

Fuck (((you)))!

Debunk this, smart ass.

Those poor SS

Camp's were gaurded by the SS not conscripts

weren't they raped by people they all went against on the premise of them being subhuman and lesser than animals?

Did you know that SS stands for Sandals&Socks?

sweet, thx again nordic friend :D


>le the Wehmacht didn't know about the war crimes, they were just fighting ebil communists meme

>its a germans are cucks thread
who would've thunk

isn't this thread more of a stormfag and gommunism debate?

Retards like these is why they are only a protest party. Out of touch boomerscum from the right can be as bad as that from the left.

Absolutely barbaric

and yet germans still manage to be the ultimate cuckolds

Fucking (((Chicken))) deserved it tbqh.
But why is he using two knives?

where in this thread exactly?

So he wants Germans to be proud of blowing up hotels in Lapland? What an asshole


Shut up sulista ""branco"" piece of shit.

im not from the south patron

>admitting that your countrymen did something wrong


While I do respect my ancestors for standing up for something, it would be absolutely retarded to deny that they didn't fuck up the continent without knowing it.
Göbbels literally asked the people if they want what's coming for them.

>ruled by a left-wing elite
Lmao, you got the Orangutan in power and you're still playing the oppressed victim?


>crest of Danzig on the wall


I'm not the only one who noticed that