Derryn Hinch's Ultimate Guide To Winning edition
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Derryn Hinch's Ultimate Guide To Winning edition
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I think we're fucked.
first for nuke melbourne
someone summarise what's happened so far for me
>not betting your life savings on having a hung parliament
> there will never be actual proof of that guy fingering Hex
Who else was there during the hex fingering?
10th for LDP finally dead at last.
An end to that shitty meme party!
i havent been following
can i get some quick facts as well as the number seats won by greens and one nation to trigger a greey friend
also if someone posts a good recap OP should add it to the next thread info for new comers
>Wayne Swan kept his seat
noice. He's like our only politician who has received awards for actually knowing how to do treasury related shit.
Reminder that if you didnt vote lnp you are a cancer
Turnbull on suicide watch lads.
Turnbull has cucked the right.
Melbourne cucked us all by getting the greens 2 seats
first for fuck /r/australia
still too close to call
some quarters are predicting a hung parliament with libs in minority government but it's still anyone's guess
Your a dumb cunt
We all were.
Uncertainty is exciting! A re-vote would mean another sausage sizzle and excuse to get drunk and shitpost.
Statist leech on pooicide watch
How many drinks you in boys?
she looks like a MtF tranny desu
prepbull getting savaged on ABC
Xth for bullet trains
I don't partake in that lowly culture :^)
Just one mate. It's a really big glass I don't see how you could be in two at once.
fucking noice quints mate
Anthony Albanese DJ's like a madcunt?
Bullet train for every issue.
Need Howard DJ's like a mad cunt
Also nice numbers.
6 pints
The only thing more meme is the LDP and they have left finally.
Libs win, minority govt.
I think, anyway, I don't really know.
I want turnbull gone I can't feel good about this win with him as PM.
>LDP ded
Cry harder CJA
None but the missus is two bottles of cheap wine down so I'm getting my dick in later.
Fuck the election, I'm winning this elSEXtion tonight.
Quints confirm for DJ albanese mad cunt. Also has the same laptop as me.
Upto 5 beers but think its time to cut back. Getting that fat gut feeling.
>In his 2004 book, The Fall and Rise of Derryn Hinch, and in a radio editorial in March 2005, Hinch admitted to having sex with a 15-year-old female when he was in his early thirties
6 feeling good
Who didn't finger her?
>more "labor values" shilling
Did anyone on here actually fucking vote for LNP? If so, fucking why
young billy's up to bat, tune in now for zingers
quints like a madcunt
everybody i know has voted for the fucking greens
hold me, mates
You cuck faggot. Having to get your wife drunk just to fuck her, hahahahahahahahahahaha.
>Having to get your wife drunk to have sex with her
fucken legend
>muh labor
Take it down a notch ABC.
Who here /bullettrain/
>not betting your house on preference meme magic getting leyonhjelm in just like last time
Can you feel it?
>mfw Labor is speaking
who /bullettrains/ here?
I was there first, you fucked everything up.
>Not one party wants to fix the housing problem
green have maintained 1 seat in the rep
senate numbers trickling in here
> tfw gf broke up with me so I'm too depressed to care about what happens tonight
only legitimate party
People did because they hate refugees.
Who is winning, lads?
All my lefty friends moaning about Pauline
Kek la kek
>People falling for the medicare meme
>one seat wonder
one seat wonder
>one seat wonder
one seat wonder
>one seat wonder
that's what you get for voting greens
There, there
But /bullettrain/
I'd be ok with an Albo government
Can't tell if this thread is the ultimate Australia shitpost or if Australians actually think their politics are important and interesting enough for a thread...
This guy is such a fucking robot.
Prohibition party
>Implying Wife
>Implying she isn't getting drunk because she has her bitch friends over and im busy cucking it up with you fag lords
Thanks mate
To think that all of those little girls are going to be sucking the dicks of the ethnic guys at their high schools in a few years.
A lot of them will probably eventually end up with interracial children, and even those who won't will retain a real zest for black and brown cock.
>the Labour party is back
You could say Shorten is shorton votes
lotta butt hurt for someone who "won"
Based Billiam
I'd rather fast internet. We can always pull another Cronulla to show what we won't fucking tolerate here.
we're back baby
labor 2 electric boogaloo
Don't tell me you were tricked by mediscare
Because you have to vote for someone last.
At least you had a gf you ungrateful fuck.
Abbot tried to introduce co-payments. Not fully a meme
Go be fat somewhere else.
I think I have that image saved on 3 separate PCs.
One of my fave political images.
this is hardly a thumping win for the libs either mate
Liberal will barely win the HoR.
Senate will be a clusterfuck.