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Historically accurate ? That's the only question I have.
A nigger making corporal? Probably not
Yes and no.
There really were colored soldiers in Europe in WWI, but at a far lower number than what certain contemporary media suggests.
It's nigger site but this one is pretty informative (www.)blackpresence.co.uk/remembrance-day-black-asian-soldiers-in-ww1/
Is this an advertisement for Battlefield 1?
Fuck off, what are the chances
marking the battle of the somme
started 100 years ago
Blackadder goes cuck
Are those types of helmets any good for stopping pistol calibers, or is it mainly for debris and tiny shrapnel?
I kind of want to make one into a buckler
I saw white people, so no.
For black history month I am going to dress up a Zulu warrior, see how they like it.
wasn't Walter Tull black?
maybe he was just an officer
the first iphone is from 2007
That nigger looks like a caricature of niggers.
Yeah that's why i said what are the chances senpai, not sure though as you said just an officer i think
It's for shrapnel/debris
German people was shaka zulu and shit
Out of the millions of soldiers and civilians killed in WW1, four were black.
>see how they like it
Since you are German you probably look the part already :^)
>That skull shape
I remember reading about this on wikipedia. Something like 1 per 8 american soldiers was black. That's a lot.
topkek, that's actually really cool senpai, might steal that idea for halloween
20 thousand dead in one day..
That's some level of competency.
Feel sorry for the poor buggers.
we wuz Ethopian and shieeet
They were mostly used to drive trucks and lift heavy shit.
I am definitely one for historical accuracy, but a historical reenactor can't help it if they have a different ethnicity than who they are supposed to be.
xD le so funny Szxxyzxksky
Fuck me sideways.
What's next, nigger redcoats at the battle of waterloo?
>1 per 8 american soldiers was black
Well considering they came in RIGHT at the fucking end, as per usual, and that it was probably seen as a good way to kill off some niggers rather than whites.
Why they have hands in their pocket in public while wearing milirary uniforms? Where are thir superiors?
not realising colonial African troops we're shipped to the mainland to fight otto
Yes it is. Completely. WWI was fought by the British Empire, not the United Kingdom. Now that disgraceful new Battlefield game is an entire other matter.
We had a multi racial empire
>as per usual
Don't be so salty, britcuck. Your government was trying its hardest to drag us in and got what it wanted.
Britain did not have African colonial soldiers at the time, so no. However in 1916 they did.
We used black troops in the American Revolutionary War, it's possible we were still using Caribbean troops
No, we had a British Empire, you nigger.
notice how the black guy is the tallest
cumskin manlets BTFO
Ahem. We had colonial subjects. You're mistaken to think that the empire considered these people their common equals.
What the fuck are you going on about?
you're right
How did these niggerlips fit into a gasmask?
>blog post
>citation missing
>hands in his pockets
Okay... Thank you for the irrelevant point
We need a france meme like canada
only funny thing is that your children will be darker than gypsies Hitler wanted to send to gas chambers xD
By the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool. It's right there in the url. Use your fucking eyeballs. Or alternatively just Google it. The we wuz kangs maymay doesn't mean that there were no black soldiers in European armies ever.
There really were black solders. Their numbers were very low though. America has lots of black solders, but they were segregated until Korea.
It's undisputable that all the colonial powers had african soldiers in their armies.
However, I don't think this is a historically accurate portrayal, because colonial troops would have had their own regiments, african-american soldiers had their own regiments too.
Regiments are usually formed based on the area that its soldiers are recruited from. So the question is, how many WE WUZ were there in the British isles? I imagine the number of black soldiers in english, scottish, welsh and irish regiments are at most in the double digits.
Back then,Blacks used to be normal humans before the SJWs influenced their not so intelligent minds
Proof:Blacks volunteered for their Nations in WW1 and 2
Not exactly sure why pol is getting so asshurt about this.
I supposed these guys are volunteers for the reenactment.
You should be glad the nogs have an interest in your history. Maybe that way you can make them proper patriots.
Four million? Or just four?
The French brought in a shit ton of them and there was also an African theater. It wasn't anything remotely like BF1 but I wouldn't say it was low either.
why should a black man care about cumskins killing each other ?
You have black history month?
>a fucking baguette
What else would be appropriate to celebrate during the shortest month of the year?
>racemixing basically everywhere
Next ww2 movie, I want the Leibstandarte division to consist of black actors and MLK to be white
you mean BF1?
At least they're not Muslims. Ethiopians are bro-tier.