Say something nice about the UK

Say something nice about the UK.

Other urls found in this thread:

what happens to that girl, why is she loading the bow the little girl?

Well, it isn't ALWAYS raining.

She's trying to shoot Argentina.

It is tonight.

best colony

just put things in my anus

Let me make one thing clear about the UK....I H*CKING love it!

like what

rain is comfy desu
good post
informative post
questionable post

post belly

UK made great contributions to human race.
Thank you for industrial revolution, Evolution and Newtonian Physics

something nice about the UK

love you

are jose

Thank you for bringing civilisation to the wild places, for starting some of the best countries currently on earth, for bearing the unimaginable through two world wars with poise and a stiff upper lip, for catalysing the industrial revolution, and for setting an example of class, innovation, culture, manners, and tradition, to the entire globe.

Thank you for Isaac Newton. We'd all be flying off the earth without him.

>wanting to be stuck in this hell hole

thanks for being our oldest friend

No problem. I love Portugal.

Darjeeling truly is the best girl

I will kiss Portugal.

>I will kiss Portugal.


I wish I could kiss a british boy...

I will FUCK Portugal


but it's two girls user, such love is forbidden

The UK has the best terrorists.

Canuck cuck found

Thanks for the offer but i'm not gay

need an english bf

It's soon not in the EU.

who said I was a guy?

I only kiss Portugal. Sorry.

that's sad... maybe I can find another british boy to kiss

t. industrial slum dweller

Thank you for the Thomas Hobbes.