No culture

no culture

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Strongest_Man#Championships_by_country

fuck off schizo

Every single one of them has some sort of history and culture except for Finland

finland probably has richer culture than denmark. our culture was destroyed by christianity, our language was destroyed by central european influence, and our history is literally just one loss after another and losing land in pointless wars.

You have a rich history; Danish statecraft is almost a thousand years old and you have many famous historical figures. Finns never had a state prior to the 20th century, our national hero is a Swedish aristocrat and the extent of our culture is some shitty meme book.

it's pure luck that we weren't annexed, we've had dozens of close calls but somehow managed to avoid it with smart alliances. not like it matters since danish history can literally be summed up as waging war like retards and losing land to our neighbors. the ancestral land of danes isn't even danish anymore.

there's nothing called "danish" culture, we don't do anything that's different from other people so we might as well be americans due to how unoriginal we are. everything here is copied from swedes and germans, we don't even have any vibrant nature to be proud of either since it's all been destroyed by agriculture. ask anyone here about what they think "danish" culture is and they will with utmost certainty say "drinking" because that is literally the only thing people here do in their spare time.

also, historical figures don't really speak about a country's culture. we didn't even have very many, and they're more or less as unknown and irrelevant as our country.

At least you have claim to Norse and Viking culture, Finnic tribes were a bunch of infighting retards that never created any states or did anything meaningful so we have nobody to claim.

Thanks for that.
Fuck danes.

vikings were mainly swedes and norwegians though, danes and jutes did absolutely nothing noteworthy in their entire history, besides being subhumans of course. we didn't have a state either until we were cucked by christianity, which just turned us into genocidal crusaders and destroyed our indigenous culture.

> x country has more culture than y
t. people who don't understand what culture is

But you have a thousand year old state with your own historical figures, adopting Christianity might've erased your pagan culture but at least you gained something from it; Finns only ever got subjugated by foreign peoples and had no higher aspirations or care for who ruled them as long as their masters kept them fed.

you can stop posting now ahmed

lmao @ little bitch. Boohoo.

Finland with its language and quirks is a treasure.

At the time we got occupied by Sweden there were literally 50 times more Swedes than Finns. And to the east, there is a god forsaken Russia.

How the fuck would you have a some sort of uprising in that situation? I mean, we're pretty good but we don't have any superpowers to overcome those numbers.

I'm danish you fucking faggot, not everyone is a autistic nationalist. there's nothing to be proud of about this shitty country.

Finland is worthless.
>le unique language and quirks xDhAWDhadhw
kys retard

Finland has many heroes and a fine history

there is other langauges too which need to be preserved: Estonian and Lithuanian

>I'm danish
Sure you are.

>not everyone is a autistic nationalist
You're the fucking autist here. The alternatives aren't exclusively either being super nationalistic or hating everything about your country for no god damn reason.

It's more likely you have considered killing yourself already lmao.

I am though, it's funny how people always assume that I'm a foreigner when I express my distaste for this shithole.

I hate everything about this country because there's nothing to like about it, it's that simple. danes are literal subhumans and I would love for someone to drop a nuke on us. Also, it's ironic that someone whose country literally destroyed and humiliated us throughout our entire history would even care about this.

No, Finnish history classes are basically Swedish and Russian history.
Are you saying that embracing the truth as a Finn is parallel to being suicidal?

Why is it funny? It's a completely natural assumption to make because that is usually the case.

>because there's nothing to like about it
What does that even mean? Give an example of something that's actually likeable.

>Also, it's ironic that someone ...
I'm not my country. And history is done and gone. What matters is what happens now, not what happened hundreds of years ago.

Are you 12?

Starting from 8 grade it's very different

>Swedish and Russian history

History of Finns are still tied in them

>Give an example of something that's actually likeable.
Having a distinct culture? Rich history? Unique and practical language maybe? Because Denmark has none of that.

>Russian history.
Yeah, fighting off Russian attacks.

That's our history too.

>it's very different
I said Finnish history, not world history.
>History of Finns are still tied in them
That's all the history Finns have save for prehistoric shitslinging huntergatherers and poor infighting tribes.

t. nigger

t. finnish proxy

What is a "distinct culture" to you? Because going by the literal definition of "distinct" Danish culture very much qualify.

And what the fuck does "rich history" mean? It's not enough having one of the oldest monarchies in Europe and having been around subjugating various other people in Northern Europe?

>Unique and practical language maybe
Again, what the fuck does that mean? There is no other Danish language, so clearly it must be unique and since it is the primary language spoken in Denmark it is, by definition, practical.

>Having a distinct culture?
That applies to every nation. What's german culture like? How about chinese, american or indian?

>Rich history?
Danes had literal kangs. That's more than many others can hooe for.

>Unique and practical language maybe?
A unique language won't be practical because peoplw can't speak it. Danish is not unique and more practical because of that.

Stop hating your country and focus on something else.

>Yeah, fighting off Russian attacks.
Which they wouldn't have been able to do either if it wasn't for Swedes, most Finnics got SLAV'D.
>That's our history too.
Getting exploited and lead by a foreign people is our history.

>that buttflustered Dane ITT projecting his own self-hatred and inferiority complexes onto his entire country

funny, but also a bit sad

>I said Finnish history

And that's what I meant

19th and especially 20th centuries of Finnish history are really something

About the hunter and gathering period, well yes much isn't recorded but what do you expect? No reason to whine, what we know is quite something

Statement of fact doesn't make me a proxy.


There is nothing called "Danish culture", Denmark is just your run-of-the-mill empty consumerist shithole with no traditions. Having one of the oldest monarchies doesn't mean you have "rich" history when it comes to a country as small and insignificant as Denmark, it just means no one cared enough to disrupt it. We didn't even "subjugate" others as you claim, we got destroyed and humiliated all the time. Danish war record is basically "declare war and lose 90% of the time", so fucking pathetic I could puke.

Danish isn't unique because it's basically a mongrelized norse branch with hundreds of loan-words from english and german. It might as well be considered a creole language at this point, not to mention the fact that it's ugly as fuck to listen to, basically just subhuman grunting.

as usual danes are too far up their own asses to realize that their country is shit. it's impossible not to hate yourself when you're born a danish subhuman.

>Which they wouldn't have been able to do either if it wasn't for Swedes,
You have to go back. Sweden wouldn't have been an empire without Finns. It goes both ways. 1 million dead Russians in frozen in their dark graves suggest otherwise on us stopping them on ourselves or us chasing them away in our war for freedom.
>most Finnics got SLAV'D.
They got murdered by Russians because that's how Russians are.

>Getting exploited and lead by a foreign people is our history.
Swedish Kings were German and Danish at times. German nobility also infiltrated the Swedish nobility. Finns were represented in the parliament and they had the same rights.

"They had the same rights"

"Sweden wouldn't have been an empire without the Finns"

And Britain wouldn'tve been an Empire without the Irish and other people they fucked over and killed

>19th century
Being under Russian rule.
>20th century
More infighting and copying Swedes in every aspect instead of trying to create something original, pan-Finnicists never gain much power and Fennoswedes never get purged setting the stage for the hollow "Nordic" identity of Finns (basically a label that means former underling of Sweden).

Thanks for admitting that you hate yourself, at least, so we know where all the vitriol is coming from.

Yes, Denmark is part of a larger European context and has lots of loanwords from English and German. This isn't even anything new. I agree that Danish identity has been eroded over the last century, and that process is likely to continue, but that's no reason to hate being Danish.

moi proxy

Did the Irish join England voluntarily? We joined Sweden voluntarily. Sweden never had a specific program to kill Finns, so you're just showing your ignorance.

>hunter gathering period

Finns have virtually nothing to do with that, though.

>You have to go back
I speak of them because I do not wish to associate myself with the Finns of old.
>Sweden wouldn't have been an empire without Finns. It goes both ways
And yet it was called the Swedish Empire, not Sweden-Finland in the same manner as Denmark-Norway, for instance.
>1 million dead Russians in frozen in their dark graves suggest otherwise on us stopping them on ourselves or us chasing them away in our war for freedom
We didn't win the war though and the opposing side consisted of untrained soldiers and incompetent commanders as Stalin had killed off all the competent ones.
>They got murdered by Russians because that's how Russians are.
Even if I was to take this at face value (I don't) it wouldn't change my point.
>Swedish Kings were German and Danish at times. German nobility also infiltrated the Swedish nobility
That doesn't matter, they were mostly Swedish.
>Finns were represented in the parliament and they had the same rights.
But there weren't any Finnish nobles and they didn't have the same rights.

Eipä ollu

Miksi vihaat suomea noin paljon? Nään sut postaamassa samaa settiä. Mikset muuta Ruotsiin tai Venäjälle?

>We joined Sweden voluntarily
That's even more shameful.

Se on muodikasta vihata nykyään omaa maataan. Tai sitten se on vaan rölli.



>No culture
Grjót haltu kjafti helvítis skáeygða mellan þín
In English: Shut your god damned fucking mouth, you slant-eyed whore.

Scandinavian culture is identical, as identical as Japanese and Korean culture are carbon copies of Chinese culture.

Ihan tyypillistä käytöstähän toi on jtp

Mämmissäkin riehuu päivittäin se suomalaisia vihaava turkulainen joka leikkii että turkulaiset eivät olisi puoleksi suomalaisia itsekin


Oon ollu turussa monta kertaa enkä huomaa niissä mitään eroa.

En vihaisi Suomea jos suomalaiset olisivat heränneet horroksestaan 1900-luvulla jolloin oli meidän viimeinen mahdollisuus jotenkin lunastaa tää maa sen paskalta kohtalolta, kts. Eipä ollut, moldovalaisella ja slovakeillakin on enemmän ylpeyttä ja historiaa kuin suomalaisilla (jotka nimesivät tunnetuimmaksi edustajakseen ruotsalaisten aristokraatin).



I wonder if Iceland has the highest amount of strongmen per capita in the world?

>We joined Sweden voluntarily

Turkulaiset ovat saanet mamuilta spermaa viidensadanvuoden ajan ellei kauemmin

Finland took example of Sweden to become wealthier (I'm not saying we should copy them in everything today)

And afterall we were same country for centuries, joining Nordics wasn't literally larping

Jos sen sijaan että valittaisit ja itkisit tekisit jotain. Ei toi parkuminen mitään auta.

Tee itsestäs vakuuttava ja kunnioitettava. Sitten hanki läjä seuraajia joille pönkität ideologiaas ja siitä se lähtee. Mutta älä itke, se ei muuta kuin pahenna asiaa. Historia on historiaa ja sille ei voi mitään, mutta me voidaan tehä jotain hienoa.

Keiltä mamuilta?

Ja uutta perimää on ajautunut Itä-Suomalaisiinkin

Ja alunperinkin Suomessa asui tavallaan kaksi eri kansaa, kieli tuli yhteiseksi

Sanoisin että ainakin kantasuomalaiset ovat ihan suomalaisia

Obviously, because you're not Finnish. Not an argument. Stalin killing anyone is a myth. The same troops had bagged Poland and Japan. Russia wanted the whole country and failed miserably. Then what is your point? Lots of ethnic groups have gotten leveled. They were voted by Finns there. There were Finnish nobles and obviously you must be 13 tops if you don't know how the administration worked. Just go to bed. You're low IQ.

It's not.

The only reason the US is on top is because they started it and have like 12 people in the top 3 place before Iceland even started to take part

Nyt olet käsittänyt väärin, suomessa asuu suomalaisia ja sekaverisiä.

Kuusamolaisen ja ruotsalaisen jälkeläinen olisi geneettisesti samanlainen kuin turkulainen.

>Finland took example of Sweden to become wealthier
But they copied everything else too, Finland is basically a carbon copy of Sweden on the surface and hollow on the inside.
All of that very much sounds like coping to me, it's a known historical fact that Stalin purged his generals and that the troops that invaded Finland were untrained and unprepared.
>Then what is your point
Stop taking pride in something that Swedes made possible.
>They were voted by Finns there. There were Finnish nobles
Name a Finnish noble family.
Yes it is.


Ketkä ovat oikeat suomalaiset?

Mistä tulivat tänne?

>Ja alunperinkin Suomessa asui tavallaan kaksi eri kansaa, kieli tuli yhteiseksi
Mitähän nyt tarkoitat? I haploa? Siltä pohjalta se on totta.

>But they copied everything else too



Ja itään ja länteen saapui uutta verta jossain määrin ja ne muodostuivat suht eriaisiksi lopulta

The entire outlook of the country.

Entä sitten

Mitä olisi pitänyt tehdä?

Mallin ottaminen Ruotsilta oli ihan luonnollinen vaihtoehto

Those in charge.


That's Russian propaganda. Only a small part were purged. Russians had thousands of tanks, planes and artillery pieces. We had wooden logs and Molotov cocktails. Russians had one of the biggest, well-equipped and trained armies in the world. How's that connected to getting slaved? Kurki, Tawast, Nordenswan, Munck, etc.

Why the fuck do I have to spoon feed you, kid? Read a book retard.

It's not. Other areas in close connection with Svears joined it too.

Luoda jotain vähemmän nöyryyttävää kuin , Aatu tuli murhanhimoiseksi paljon vähemmästä.

Kiellisesti suomalaisuus sai alkunsa asutusliikkeestä Karjalan kannakselta ja Virosta noin kaksituhatta vuotta sitten.
Geneettisesti näitten uusasuttejien joukkoon liittyi myös lappalaisia.

>That's Russian propaganda
I don't think so, it is taught in Finnish history classes that they were for the most part poorly trained.

>The purge of the Red Army and Military Maritime Fleet removed three of five marshals (then equivalent to five-star generals), 13 of 15 army commanders (then equivalent to three- and four-star generals), eight of nine admirals (the purge fell heavily on the Navy, who were suspected of exploiting their opportunities for foreign contacts),[37] 50 of 57 army corps commanders, 154 out of 186 division commanders, 16 of 16 army commissars, and 25 of 28 army corps commissars.[38]
No such name to be found
>Tawast, Nordenswan, Munck
These don't sound particularly Finnish to me.

Joo ja Suomessa asui porukkaa kauan ennen tätä

Mielestäni l1 länsisuomalainen on myös suomalainen

Niin et edes tiedä mitä

Jaksat vaan valittaa

Geats and Sveas were of the same blood and origin and joined up voluntarily when Finnic tribes were infighting pettily, I've yet to see any proof of this voluntary submission you seem to take great pride in.

You may think what you want with your non-arguments, kid.

>the true figure is now known to be in the area of 3.7–7.7%
Yeah, like I said nothing major and Russian propaganda to cover up humiliating performance.

>No such name to be found
That's totally your problem for being underage.

>These don't sound particularly Finnish to me.
And? I guess the Minister on Justice and Labor, Lindström is not Finnish now.

Valtio joka korostaisi meidän suomensukuisuutta ja ottaa siitä vaikutteita, sen sijaan suomalaiset päättivät jatkaa hurrien mielistelyä joka jatkuu tähän päivään asti.

Ja tässä et antanut vastausta ketkä ovat puhdas rotuisia suomalaisia

>liittyi myös lappalaisia

Eli hekin sekoittuivat


>These don't sound particularly Finnish to me.
>Squire Paval Karppalainen from Vehmaa,
Swedish to the core.

They did exactly the same thing. That's actually your problem. Finns joined and got the right to vote.

I1 on enemmistönä vain pohjanmaalla ja satakunnassa ja niissäkin vain sen takia että ensimmäiset varsinaiset asuttajat viikinkiajan jälkeen sattuivat olemaan sitä haploa. Muualla länsisuomessa kuten pirkanmaalla se ei ole lähelläkään enemmistöä. Turha kuvitella että jokin tuhat vuotta sitten tapahtunut sukurutsa merkitsee sen enempää.

Sisämaan hämäläiset varmaankin

I'm not saying that those are Finns or not but what is this meme that Finns with a Swedish surname can't be Finnish?

>Yeah, like I said nothing major and Russian propaganda to cover up humiliating performance.
That part was talking about officers in general though, most five-star generals and other high-ranking officers were killed off.
>That's totally your problem for being underage.
The burden of proof is on you, moron.
>I guess the Minister on Justice and Labor, Lindström is not Finnish now.

Niin mutta l1 suomalaiset silti suomalaisia

>Sisämaan hämäläiset varmaankin

Perustuen mihin?

Most of them were Swedish.
No they didn't, they joined up with each other as they were kinfolk whereas Finns submitted to a foreign people.

Which were replaced by 4 star generals who after that gained experience against Poland and Japan. There was nothing wrong with them. Actually it's not since you can't even use Finnish sources. Okay. Now fuck off, kid.

Idiootti. I1 on se haplo mikä on ollut Suomessa ja Ruotsissa ennen suomalaisia ja ruotsalaisia. He puhuivat eri kieltä. Tod. näk. myös antoivat nimet Inarille, Imatralle, Päijänteelle ja Suomelle. Itseasiassa isoa osaa meidän sanastosta ei voida selittää ja niiden arvellaan tulleen tältä ryhmältä.

>Which were replaced by 4 star generals
Most of them got killed off too, instantly promoted rookies don't count.
>There was nothing wrong with them
Yet you cannot prove this.
>Actually it's not since you can't even use Finnish sources
That's not how it works, retard.

>Moving the goalposts.

Yes they did. That's why they got equal rights, low IQ Läski-Sami.

Koska suomalaisuus käsitteenä liittyy juuri heihin. Kysyit itse ketkä ovat kaikista suomalaisempia ja minä vastasin. En tarkoita että he olisivat ainoita suomalaisia.

Oli miten oli. Eipä sillä väliä. Sukurutsa kumminkin on se selitys miksi se on niin luonnottoman yleinen pohjanmaalla eikä normaali vähemmistö kuten pirkanmaalla, josta pohjanmaa asutettiin.

>Yes they did.
No proof.
>That's why they got equal rights
Doesn't seem to have been the case, since Finnish speakers didn't get the same amount of privileges, also if Finns joined up voluntarily surely they would've assimilated fully if they were so ecstatic about their newlyfound Swedishness.

Lol, you haven't been to the army, have you? General can definitely organise a operation against Finland. 1/100 officers were killed. Means fuckall. I can, low IQ Läski-Sami, they bagged Poland and Japan. It really does work like that since I'm not going to translate anything to you. This is a Taiwanese tic-toc forum, not some international symposium.