Why are germans so arrogant?

Why are germans so arrogant?

Don't they know the word "modesty"?

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I thought it was the other way around, germons were too low esteem

Because we are literal gods. Bow down to your superior masters and despair, inferior insects.

How do you feel knowing most of your country's achievements are stolen roman inventions and/or attributed to being violent niggers?

chill out /his/tard, my post was ironic.
No reason to bring the same shitty insults again

kek where is this from

good stuff

found it in a random Sup Forums powers thread

>Germans value his freedom

That's an Anglo/frog trait you dumb krout nigger you guys are like robots

why are you autists so triggered by ironic shitposting?
Jesus Christ

I also like my freedom, hence why I'm leaving this country soon

Would you be triggerd if I started saying British values honesty and such?

Genese am deutschen Wesen, Schlitzauge :DDDD

Germans tend to be stiff and sanctimonious faggots in real life, but I wouldn't consider them any more arrogant than other world leading nations.

no of course not because I don't take memes serious or get butthurt over some wewuz history.
Also both of the values we named are basic human traits, just saying.

I was just surprised that a brit out of all people couldn't get the irony.

Anglo's clearly don't value their freedom considering the several past British governments.

Thank you for the kind words

>wtf I'm not sanctimonio...

all the anglos that cared about freedom came to the us. hence your tv tax and inability to buy certain knives

I knew this thread was originated by us Jap poster. Germans are our only friends who listen to our clumsy English so patiently. Vielen Dank Freund.

no big Thing, you're welcome.
And thanks for animu

>Play MMO

at least he didn't use emoticons in the chat

Everyone has a tv tax mate to pay for public broadcasters
Yanks don't get a choice unfortunately

And if you think you really are free then almost every index is wrong you guys are 3rd world tier

no one on earth is free .
We are all trapped in a limited world

Ger? ^^

fucking delete this!
It's a bigger national embarrassment than the holocaust

>destroy a German player in any FPS
>starts micspamming "VOTEBAN" angrily
>pronounces it VOH-TAY-BAHN

>German values his freedom

>tv tax
How much are you Brit user paying for it actually? We are paying about 15$ per month and maybe 0.05-0.1 of them are being donated for NK's missile project.

>lives in a police state

Think it's about $16 a month but I've never paid for one

>>about $16
Ruthless. And how much of it Germans are skimming off?

that cancerous shit still exist
way too easy recognizing a german