
czechoslovak new wave edition

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I have entered

>be the founding father of HUNgary
>conquer whatever it crosses in front of you
>be called the Scourge of God
>die of nosebleed
what did the magyars mean by this

What are you up to this fine friday evening, /v4/?

Pic related, that's what i'm up to

reading a book and listening to music

doing truck driver missions in San Andreas

>they should have sacrificeda virgin boy to the great hungarian csingisz hán


Sounds like comfy evenings

Is it good?
Can you play as a skellybro?

he raped his women and one of them poisoned him

>mfw watching election debate and the fucking pirate is the most sensible person in the room
the absolute state of todays' politics

forgot to attach a suitable >f

>and the fucking pirate

a guy in charge of our pirate party
he's relatively well informed compared to other candidates, some of which are outright meme spouting faggots

I know, I was just memeing
most countries have these "pirate parties", here in argentina there is one but they are very obscure nobody knows bout them

got a bit tipsy with guys on skype it was actually pretty fun we played uno and guess the drawing thingy
watching basketball now

Look at my superior music taste. Also can anyone recommend good bar/pub in Brno?

>3000 members

I never understood why people like Radiohead

>two Misfits albums
you're alright

No idea. As you can see from chart, I am more of a metal guy, but one day I've heard paranoid android, then karma police and I loved it, soo I kept listening to Radiohead.

Yeah, i'm being Mr. skeletal right now

It's like Muse or Pixies but gayer in every way

Is there skeleton romance? This is important

No idea. But only one of the companions is skeletal and he's a dude

did you play dragon commander? there's a skellington girl to romance there, although, well..

Yes, that's why I'm asking.
I wish DC was a full fledged political RPG instead of being a half-assed RTS/TPS though, advisors and marriage were 10/10

they are sort of centrist libertarians/borderline anarchists
want voting/filling taxes/etc. over internet to simplify it and cut the expenditures
they also don't believe in copyright and shit
sounds gay

I'm voting them actually

>want voting/filling taxes/etc. over internet to simplify it and cut the expenditures
>they also don't believe in copyright and shit
sounds good to me, copyright was always a meme

I understand having babis or KSCM is shit position but voting for sjw incarnates?

I'm not voting for them but
1) SJW is a strawman to begin with
2) closer to what's understood under the term "SJW" are the greens

Yeah, they are mostly alright
but they definitely have some really dumb ideas as well (like universal income)
they aren't really sjw afaik
those would be greens, ksčm, čssd (although sjws got somewhat purged) and to some extend top09

>universal income
>a dumb idea
there are some good arguments for it.

Can we all agree that pic related looks much more asthetic and sexy?
It's meant to be lads, especially if we want to bring up our game to the big leagues.

It looks sharp. It looks like women's legs.

Please come Balkan brothers

>man hungary is fucking huge, i never realised that
>-oh it's just a meme map
almost had me fooled

Not that guy, and I consider it an interesting concept, but depending on implementation and depending on response from the general populace it could go very wrong. Two bad scenarios that come to mind are that a surge of inflation (that would come no matter what) would make the universal income too low to serve its purpose; the worse possibility is that government would keep raising it and drive an inflation spiral to zimbabwe levels.

I'm not sure if our society as it is now is ready for it, if it ever be.

>A*stria prevents Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, and Slovenia from sharing borders

anytime that guy was in Mate Slovo he was always 100% pro rapefugees, just coming from that.

going to watch Dívka na koštěti


it depends on how quickly automation destroys the working class. In the future it could be necessary for that reason. It's probably better to start debating the topic and working out the problems you mentioned now than it is to wait until millions are unemployed because WALL-E stole their job.

A lot of people are against it based on thinking it's gommie, but there are actually some libertarian thinkers that support it because it would allow all welfare programs to eventually be discontinued.

>there are some good arguments for it.
so are for communism
the arguments against are overwhelming
he maybe was, I don't really keep up with everything he says
I doubt all pirates are "rapefugees welcome" anyway, unlike greens

Does the choice of race affect anything in conversation?

well in west, pirate parties are heavily "diversity welcoming"

well maybe
I don't really plant to vote for them anyway

>immediately with the comparison to communism
it's just welfare with less bureaucracy involved

It's not just issue of automation displacing human labour but also issue of consumption habits and notion of what the other guy "deserves". Judging from public discourse, there are many who don't really consider it worthwhile to keep a person alive just on virtue of human life alone.

What do you define as "pro-rapefugee", 1, 2 or all three?
>Fuck having borders and shit
>We should help people fleeing from war, it's humanitarian thing to do
>Killing people in dinghies is not right

Yeah. Different dialogue options and people of that race might act more positive towards you

welfare is "take this little money so that you don't starve to death while you look for a real job"
universal income is "take this money so that you can spent all day playing videogames or something"


That is not realistic description of what universal basic income was. Level of income high enough to allow luxurious subsistence is not feasible, except maybe in Switzerland.

Although even if it were, a vidya addled junkie sitting at home would be preferable to a vidya addled junkie jumping people in the night

I just came home from Košice, good night

sleep well m8

dobrou noc


Just returned from this peculiar place. People were nice, humble and fun to be around. We prayed, sang, had a meal, drank some wine and I felt welcomed as fuck, going there tomorrow evening as well.
I'm off to bed now, have a good night folks.

We lost 2:5 so it wasn't bašavel, just drinking

why is old technology so much nicer than this hypercapitalistic crapware we're surrounded with nowadays

new stuff is literally designed to break down so you keep having to buy more.

How is it called in english? Planned obsolecnece?

Fuck i can't even type

I forgot what it was called

it's obsnolescsncse you dummy

yes it is called like that
more profitable for companies

5th cider

looks like this thread is a bit dead. If I've seen correctly one even died 2 days ago because of lack of bumping. Is the summer oficially over?
Anyway henlo frens, been away for a while, heavy studying and shit. Also had to clear up my mind out of V4 for a while. I remember this summer while studying anatomy that this thread was open 0-24 on my laptop and even took couple of my night's sleep hours. I don't even understand how I passed it in the first place kek. Anything new of significance happened this 2 days?

Začad? I think we're the only two here now

it definitely did speed up over the summer.
Earlier a thread could sometimes last a couple days.
I wont let /v4/ die

keksimus. I watched couple of episodes of MASH now and sipping some beer on balcony. I did't even eat anything today. Some salty crackers in the morning and a bowl of chips in the afternoon. And I'm not even hungry. Also my mother bought me a couch for my apartment this morning via online shop. But she didn't know that they will not bring it all the way to fifth floor. It's fun to hear her realise that she fucked up over the phone kek. Anyway I have nobody to help me bringing it up and will probably have to go and get friendly with some neighbours this weekend and exploit my friendliness kek

is the greek still muscleposting or is he gone too? He said that he'll be here till his vacation ends

Haha I'm sure someone will help you. I also heard that a bottle of vodka can magically lift things up lol. I've only had lunch at work today and decided to get drunk tonight with some random group of people I met on Skype. Ended up drinking 5 ciders but only got headache and acidic reflux from it, not even drunk.

He's here still


also I'm sure that vodka helps, but I think it cannot help me lift 200 kilos of couch. And how the fuck do you randomly get into skype calls with random people kek, that sounds like fun

Was on interpals again looking for random people to chat with and some profile viewed me, it's some guys looking for people to join their skype group so I messaged it to invite me and there's like 30 people there in total. We played some Uno and guess the drawing online while drinking, was quite fun.

sounds pretty fun. I've only ever skyped a few people off interpals and it was after exchanging messages for a while

During the times when the eastern block was still alive czechoslovakia was known for producing great, high-quality furniture and other stuff, their women were seen as kind of exotic princesses.
And now czechia is only known for producing porn and being a brothel for western europeans.
Yes, we all miss glorious Warsaw Pact.

>Skyping random internet strangers
my autism does not permit this

>Anything new of significance happened this 2 days?
user found out he's not getting kicked out of uni after all and still has a chance to finish his studies and not spend the rest of his life working some cigány-tier jobs.
Thank you for reading my blog and don't forget to subscrige

that sure does sounds fun. I sometimes think about going to interpals (prolly will after exams) but I always thought of it as a "get a gf or get some nudepix" hub.
Also I sometimes think about how my life for the next 5 years will solely revolve around school and when I finish it I'll have to go straight to work. I can never imagine myself being in a situations like that one, shitposting on chan, finding drink buddies online etc. I plan on getting a family right after finishing college and that will probably be the end of my free years, not that I ever had some of that in the first place. I just wonder if I will be able to fully experience this last couple of years of my "childhood" the way I want. For the past year I didn't really do much and was always either studying or just sleeping at home and watching bing bong theory in the evening because there was nothing else on tv.

any famous v4 user or just random? Also why getting kicked out?
Subscribed and gave 2$ on patreon

sadly truth, there were many beneficial things about the iron curtain, primarily being shielded from our "culture"

How were drug problems in Soviet times? Just as bad as now? Lighter?

>any famous v4 user or just random?
well, me

>Also why getting kicked out?
failing one subject (economics related shit) too many times, I thought I'm out, turns out I still get another shot if I pay a certain fee

im contemplating about similar things at the moment, how im missing out on a lot of stuff already in my age and how I should just do something stupid and enjoy myself etc.

anyway, dobrou noc

good night fren

are you the US Czech? What state are you living in?

Nah, my family is Polish diaspora. I am a Florida man.

>sadly truth
No it's not, rusek is baiting
burger culture >>>>>>> gommie """culture"""

wake up dummies

i think us czech was in indiana
havent seen the flag in awhile, he must be back

I think that was a different one, he namefagged as "pl" sometimes so I'm guessing he was Polish as well

id rather not jump to conclusions

indeed, more investigation is required

>Yes, we all miss glorious Warsaw Pact.

cheers ukmerge ima drunk hpoe you tooo


pnly 12 desu

I'll never understand why people get drunk desu

the only times ive ever been happy is when i drink desu