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Hanfu edition

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>Hanfu movement (simplified Chinese: 汉服运动; traditional Chinese: 汉服运动), is a neo-traditionalist and nationalist movement that developed in China since 2001. Participants revitalize their utopian vision of the authentic “Great Han” and corresponding “real China” through dress, reinvented Confucian ritual, and anti-foreign sentiment.Enthusiasts of the movement claim that "authentic China" can be recovered by wearing a particular type of clothing


Taiwan is true China.
I wish them the best

The US will always be the world's only superpower. And should they ever fall, a resourceless nation like China certainly won't be able to take over that role.

Both are China

how do I play majong? will Chinese people look up to me for learning?

which resources can it not get through trade? Don't they have Tibet and de facto control over the south seas?

>98% of global rare earth metals
>most shale oil

these girls look pretty average

you gotta raise your standards if you wanna be a laowinner bro

All the colours of the rainbow

Shanghai be fresh af

Meanwhile Beijing

Weird I thought Hangzhou would be better seeing as there's less people living there.

it'll be quite interesting to see how effective china really is for the next few years
considering the communist party newest cosplay is the environmental terrorist party

>A Tianjin official who declined to be named told the South China Morning Post that many plants are affected. All bake painting plants were told to stop production.
>Local governments were so aggressive in shutting down polluting facilities that the environment ministry had to step in, asking local authorities not to blindly shut down plants that could meet environmental standards.

Chinese Government should ban all women's clothing but hanfus

This looks like the perfect cross between a kimono and hakama.

Also doesn't look like you need five million accessories to wear it properly.

hanzhou is surrounded by mountains

Do the mountains cause pollution?

Mountains prevent the pollution from dissipating.

This, how can other dresses even compete with Hanfu. Modernized Hanfu for everyday wear is so cute on the girl.

>yw (prob) n have a qt Hanfu wearing Chinese gf (female)
idk why I even bother living anymore

>HSK teaching me useless fucking vocab again like 比赛

What occasions call for full hanfu?

fugg I even got trips to confirm ;_;


>one of the most common words

Thats Korean

I'm not a normie, I don't have much cause to ever say "sports match"

Festivals, holidays, rituals and temples visiting.

viet ex wouldn't wear an ao dai cause she hated her culture or something

>that picture

Why is the writing section, which is 10 questions out of 80, on the HSK3 test worth 33% of the total mark?

I mean who the fuck writes anything these days? Do they really expect me to be able to handwrite 600 characters? Get real.

peru? what are you up to peru? what kindle books are you reading peru?

the struggle is real

I'm sorry Chinese bros/grils. I know it's wrong to fetishize an entire race. I'm easily brainwashed and all of the WMAF spam over the years has finally gotten to me.
How will I ever recover from this?

why fight it

>I know it's wrong to fetishize an entire race.

that is jewish propaganda. mix away my white brother.

>mix away my white brother
Um....pretty sure that is jewish propaganda.

Isn't Jew white too? Why the hate?

The Hanfu movement is a massive joke. The real reason why it started was because a bunch of chinks got royally assmad that the guests at China APEC were wearing Manchu clothing.


No, Jews want white people to consider them white, but among themselves, consider whites as a separate, lesser race below Jews. It's a nice psyop.

simple choice for me, but with my flag I guess that's to be expected

Dude don't even go there, white people cant even decide amongst themselves who is white.


That is a Japanese shrine maiden cosplay.

Do Chinese women taste better than white?

>Do Chinese women taste better than white?

Is that a white woman?

Why do chinese men obsess over white women?

The Changshan is objectively the best asian men attire ever.

Why don't you talk in Chinese?


>tfw you will never train traditional archery with a Han girl.


Now this is an useful word to learn, wtf I love HSK now!

Also a breddy gud dress.

What would you prefer:

1) Redpilled whites are absorbed into mongoloid race. (The rest go extinct/are turned into niggers and sandniggers.)

2) The white race survives in a relatively pure form, but is now subordinate to the yellow man.

1. Better to dilute and stay #1 than remain pure and be #2. Of course, a true 1488 bro doesn't think #2 is possible.

thread music


bump 4 qts

比赛 doesn't mean sports match, itcan refer to any formal competition. I think the word competition is pretty fucking important to know. I thought you Brits were supposed to be smart.


So Hanfu is pretty much Chinese LARP?

All those cute dresses. i wish I had one to give for a beloved one.

as a serious question everyone tells how in Asia, namely Korea and Japan there's a lot of surgery and make up in the girls. how true is this for china and their provinces?


There existing two groups, one Who wear hanfu for the aesthetic and cultural reason. Another is an actual Natsoc like nationalists who want a pure "Han" China.


same with European LARPers

>who want a pure "Han" China

Literally impossible. How are you supposed to reverse 300 years of Manchu domination?

Chinese pay a lot of attention to Western "White" political. They absolutely despise the "White left" (a term they coined for the SJW and leftist). So the Chinese copy from the alt-right movement so China can avoid the immigration, LGBTQ, feminism, BLM, Islamic and all that other shit that the West is suffering from. So yeah, it pretty much the same shit.

>tfw Japan is more Chinese than China

Interesting thing is Sup Forums altright is just western version of 2chan Netouyo (internet right wing) so its always been Asian thing all along

She has no chill

>The list of potential threats to China's economy is long and some might shave a couple of percentage points off its growth rate (leaving it close to 10%). But none seems likely by itself to cause the economy to collapse in the next two years—ie, during the time when America's economy is likely to stumble. But what if several blows land at the same time? For example, an American recession breeds greater protectionism, global financial turmoil unnerves Chinese stockmarket investors, share prices collapse and a downturn creates social unrest. The overall impact on the economy would then be more painful.
>China's best insurance against this is that its budget finances are in better shape than those of any other big economy. China's leaders are acutely aware of the risks of social unrest and they will be willing and able to try to spend their way out of trouble. That makes a sharp downturn in China less likely in the near future. But what about farther ahead?
>China's economic success has been based on the essential ingredients of growth: high savings, openness to trade, good education and strong productivity growth. This means its long-term prospects remain strong, although its trend growth rate will inevitably slow as its economy matures and its labour force starts to shrink.
>Tao Wang, Bank of America's economist in Beijing, says she is optimistic about China's economy in the short term and the long term, but thinks the medium term looks risky. There is a high chance of a sharp slowdown sometime within the next ten years. The problem with years of rapid growth is that it hides problems that are then painfully exposed when times are hard. But for the time being, the chances are that China can keep sprinting even if America takes to its sick bed. That is good news for the world.

September 28th, 2007.

>tfw japan copies the part that gets cucked by foreigners to this day

>tfw china purges its cultural weaknesses (i.e. empathy, mercy) and becomes the sociopathic soulless machine race of genetic superhumans backed by unfeeling robotic killer drones

That's unironically a good thing though

China needs to go through our 1970's-1980's. Heavy manufacturing should be shipped to Vietnam/Cambodia/Philippines. They can deal with the pollution.

This is correct though

Yes and it is gorgeous.

Most Chinese are still autistic about muh purity muh healthy food muh chi and/or poor as fuck. Many don't even shave or wash much because they think it is unhealthy and impure.
Now ask yourself that question again.

t. Colony where British were literal gods


u wot m8?

where are you?

Shame on chinks


Chink here, the "hanfu" pictures here are relics of a bygone era taken out of context and put in the context of modern times. The types of females are no longer present in modern day China and when they were around they had a thing for niggers (notice how their facial features resemble that of SJW females in the West). Don't be fooled by this Chinazi propaganda, they are chinks larping as westerners in a certain way, real chink females are treated as nothing but sex objects by modern society.

Technically, hanfu already extinct by the 17th century

So, who is your Chinese waifu?


Her name is 刘飞儿


Is she half Jap? Doesn't look Chinese.

She's pure Chinese, I believe.

Her face is very Japanese. Well my waifu is Liu JiongRan.

Chinese cosplayers.
Post them.


>Women think men want them dressed like sluts showing off as much skin as possible
>This is how men actually want them




Even Chinese uni students can't write for shit because they do it on their phones and computers
