Bill Maher slamming conservatards over how California is a "failed state" and how Republitard states are shit
!! Sup Forums BTFO !!
Spouting your opinion like pic related
Someone's mad that a US state is going to be a larger economy than them soon
Based Billy Maher.
Bill maher is chill dude, smokes weed, isn't beholden to muh rights activists.
California is a failed state because it is not really part of the USA at this point.
Why is he so confused, oh that is right he lives in a gated community so is disconnected from reality.
California should secede honestly so it doesn't have to deal with rednecks like you
>economy is the only thing that matters
But Sup Forums told me democrats are bad for cities and states.
>sovereignty is the only thing that matters
I've lived in California all of my life and will be leaving soon. I'll be taking my $80k salary and LEAVING this state.
The ridiculously high cost of living combined with the insane gun laws we just passed are forcing my hand.
Missouri will get my tax dollars from now on.
isnt Cali. a "little" bit in debt?
>400 billion
also, what is that hyena in the background of Maher's show?
Sup Forums told me fucking a tranny is a good thing.
What to do?! :(
>debt 400b
>GDP 2.5t
find a country with a better ratio
California is a bunch of rich people and even more spics living beneath them. That's why the economy is booming. Rich people by things and lots of cheap labor. Disgusting, desu.
I'm sensing a lot of butthurt from conservatards that a liberal state with a large Latino population is way more successful than their backwards shitholes
B-but Sup Forums is always right.
it is
But they have a larger middle class than other states by % just google it
Why not raise taxes even higher in CA?
You will have lower taxes because of shit tier Missouri wages. Hahahaha, your " muh guns" temper tantrum. Why do Republicans act like petulant children?
If California is so good, why do Californians move to Texas?
To get closer to mexico
Louisiana here.
We have the largest dependency on welfare and we just elected a democratic governor but yeah let's scapegoat our problems all on conservatives.
[nospoiler]both parties are shit[/nospoiler]
Question from a nigger.
How many niggers does Cali have? Compared to the red states in the south east?
Cali's wealth comes from White people setting up big corp's theres in the 80's when Reagen was in office
Now it's just Mexico with higher taxes & the white working class moving to Texas
Norcal reporting.
Nigger levels = Spic levels
Spics have the edge in the south, though
You know nothing about my job
The company i am working for will nearly match my salary with a much lower cost of living.
Ill end up coming out ahead.
They are completely missing the point on why it sucks. Someone said earlier that the state has the highest middle class. Well, if you are middle class and live in the state of california you will have to buy a million dollar home. You will get a big pay check and everything will disappear with how expensive simply living in the state is. You won't be able to save up much money even if share rooms with someone, unless your rich. Commiefornia has created a system that demands you always give out your money.
please let these fags legalize recreational weed this fall
t. colorado
This is a huge part of why I am leaving.
In the bay I pay almost $2000 a month for a shitty one bedroom apartment. Why the fuck should I stay in California when almost half of my monthly paycheck goes to my rent?
I'm making $80k a year I should be living like a king. Fuck California and its high cost of living.
The Bay Area is notoriously the most expensive area in Cali. You would get similar prices in Manhattan, London, Paris, or Tokyo for example. It's a major city. Most to St. Louis and you will be paying a fraction of that. Unfortunately you are missing out on culturally enriching experiences and being in a major US hub.
>Culturally enriching
Ive had enough "cultural enrichment" for one lifetime
>culturally enriching experiences
The most culturally enriching experience you will get in St. Louis is a cap in yo ass punk
>culturally enriching experiences
White hipsters eating cale & Mexicans mowing their lawns isn't culturally enriching
I live in missouri. The wages are indeed shit, especially for the work expected,but cost of living is dirt cheap. I live comphy as fuck on $10/ hour.
My place is small but clean, car is old but reliable. If you want to be a "baller" dont come here, you'll work 3 jobs to get a lifestyle youll never have time to enjoy.
Im going to kansas city not st louis
>Tfw im a software engineer that was offered a $75k/yr position in kansas city less than a year out of school
Suck it california I'm going to have an arsenal of spoopy scary salt weapons and there aint nothing you can do about it
O guess u r right
I've never met anyone who thought Commiefornia was American. Everyone I've known that has gone to California has left it in short order, with bad stories to tell.
>cites California unemployment rate
>shits on Florida
>mfw Florida has a lower unemployment rate
Florida is shit, bunch of old timers live there.
I'm not worried, CCW permits are easy to get and I can afford to live on the good side of town
>California is a failed state because it is not really part of the USA at this point.
Pretty sure failed state means a non-functioning state
We need to dispel this fiction that Bill Maher doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing...
>hurr durr, california bad
>can i has free pass from ovens now?
So why are California business fleeing California in record numbers for Republican Texas?
I hear rent is going down in Chicago. You should really check it out there. Tons of culture.
Why would I ever want to live in Chicongo? The gun laws suck dicks.
I'm sure all those people tending to retirement communities will provide lots of innovation to boost the economy...
As soon as he mentioned trickle down, I turned the video off.
California reporting in, absolutely sure it is a failed state.
I don't know anyone younger than 30 with a job that they can break the poverty line with.
State legislature knowingly violating federal jurisprudence with ex-post-facto laws and openly owned by several mafias.
But they got everything gerrymandered pretty well so even though their approval is even lower than the fed, they are fine.
LA should become its own state because it shits all over the surrounding areas and its shit mayors float up to the top of the toilet to become governor.
California is also full of retards, lmao.
>being more retarded than Alabama
>unironically using "slam", "blast", et al to describe speech
Thats what happens when you let mexicans in by the busload
Florida is the diamond of America.
California is a liberal state, and Maher is a cuckservative.
Sounds like your ass got slammed by Bubba and is now blasted to outer space.
Bill Maher is just spouting simplistic fallacies. California has many natural advantages over other states. For example, port cities. These are commercial hubs that handle the produce of the interior states. Another added advantage is that California is an agricultural powerhouse.
Merchants, business and manufacturing all gravitate to these coastal ports.
But, honestly, California has seen better days.
When did Maher become "based" among Sup Forums? I remember prior to 2014 and /new/ he was just an atypical limousine liberal.
He's a shitlib, doofus.
holy shit. how is the average iq that low when you have all those cluster of techies that are clearly well above average?
I don't know why you think Sup Forums supports him.
>North Cal
nigga, yall white as hell.
Millions and millions of beaners
>Based Billy Maher.
Not Mexican enough.
I see people here say he's one of the "redpilled" liberals all the time or some shit.
>port cities make ur state great
There are a lot of Mexicans up here now. When I was a kid in the seventies I had one mexican friend and he was pretty unique for around here. Now I'm surrounded by them.
>Kid in the 70s
Oldfags browse Sup Forums?
Bill mahar lives in a high security gated community...
Of course he thinks Cali is nice.
Also the demographic change is still ongoing at a high rate. It takes a while, south Africa still hasn't fucking collapsed despite being pretty primed to for a long time.
Is he seriously comparing Cali to fucking Louisana? Why not Texas?
Louisana has almost nothing to export though. its also full of niggers.
California at least has functioning agriculture and livestock farms. I can't think of a single thing Louisana exports except endless amounts of illiterate niggers.
Silicon Valley is literally a meme now. Most of the smarter people moved on to neo-tech states with lower costs of living.
For people who aren't blind, and live in CA, they can see that rent is getting higher and higher and higher. living in CA is shit unless you're a homeowner.
>Jon Stewart
>Bill Maher
>mfw caliexit blows up in face and becomes mexico
Louisiana is a statistical outlier. It has suffered massively from poor administration, corruption and natural disaster. It also has a major competitor next door: Texas.
But given all that, New Orleans does pretty well.
This, the only reason to be there now is if you work for the giants like apple or google.
Actually Louisiana isn't a major port city because of the Erie Canal, which set the way for New York City to become the largest port city on the East Coast.
Just Sup Forums
Could be two teenagers samefagging
>Scoreboards bitch
How americans don't hate theirselves?
LOL weed jokes. This is why marijuana will never be legalized for medicinal use in other states. Because it's a big joke.
Also Bill Maher is a big blow hard loud mouth presenting shitty stand up as a political view. Which is another issue with this country when comedians are seen as sources for political commentary and people actually take their opinions to heart.
>jew nose
Who exactly IS a good source of political commentary. Politicians obviously can't be trusted. The media can't be trusted. I don't see why it's automatically bad to listen to someone that happens to be a comedian for political commentary.
That's not to say I support the people that hang every word from Bill Maher and mindlessly clap whenever he says something.
>unless you're a homeowner.
Property tax and insurance is probably a bitch, too.
Forming ones own opinions is the number one option. Politicians and talking heads are all trying to get one for their own team but comedians who are trying to get a laugh and get one in for their own team are no better. The worse part about political comedians is normal fags will walk around quoting their shit. Shit like the Daily Show and their off shoot series are made to get liberal people something to repeat the next day. I'm not saying one is better than the other, they're all shit sources to form a political opinion.
There is also the federal debt m8. Which is obviously also part of California. If we add the % of the federal debt that belongs to California+its own debt,you have a place well over 100% of its GDP in debt.
even scientist/researchers can't be trusted because they rely on funding
California is fucked m8.
Moonbeam just passed more contradiction of gun laws from the bullet button to ammo purchase.
I live in Kansas, if you are living "comphy as fuck on $10/hour" you have low standards or you have another source of income or something else reducing your expenses. Even in rural Missouri that isn't a lot of money.
On that note, Maher is spot on that Kansas is an utter failure. People vote republican because they believe democrats are evil more than they support the policies republicans promote.
Kansas has ultra-conservative "common-sense" policies, and they are completely shit and don't work. I used to be more conservative, the longer I live here the more I realize how the policies they push simply are not good choices. Republicans need to bring something more to the table if an almost entirely white rural state can fail this badly, why can I assume that these policies would be good for the nation at large?
The point is to approach everything you hear from EVERYONE (including your parents, family, bosses, etc..) with a healthy dose of skepticism. Blindly accepting narratives and parroting them is what (((they))) count on.
I always hear how kansas is a failure from some people but I also hear how the problems are really overblown.
Which is bullshit given that California give more to the federal government than it takes back in terms of hand outs.
Fuck pols opinion I love California. Fly over faggots eat a aids dick
>2000$ for a one bedroom
San Jose is expensive. SF is even worse
you mean liberals