Thoughts on Porky?

Thoughts on Porky?

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The merchant is America's greatest ally.

Inferior to the Happy Merchant in both concept and pose.

What is Porky?

Anti-capitalist meme

PORKY PIG. Allah hu akbar

Also, hello, the Pope.


/leftypol/'s version of happy merchant
taken from an old soviet propaganda poster.

One of the few lefty/pol/ memes that made me laugh.

your boss

Stop forcing unfunny shit, leftycucks.

Leftists all have cerebral palsy that's why they will never be as funny as us, the glorious alt-right.


all of those are too long and awful

I think it's probably the perfect example of the nature of the commiesphere before it collapsed under the weight of its own shittiness. I'll explain in greentext:

>lefty/pol/ is incapable of making anything on their own, including memes, so they steal and make significantly shitter, unfunny versions of our memes and shit up the meme economy with their garbage

This is clearly comparable to the shit industry and tech of commieshit countries which were so crap they made basically nothing on their own without reverse engineering Western technology and making shitter versions of everything we did.

A cheap happy merchant ripoff.

It's really stupid honestly, /leftypol/ had to make their own version of happy merchant just because he was too anti-Semitic. For some reason they refuse to acknowledge that Jews are the epitome of the bourgeoisie they claim to despise, happy merchant is the perfect representation of the greedy capitalist, yet they choose to make another one that isn't Jewish to avoid appearing anti-Semitic or whatever.

>lefty politically incorrect doesn't want to be politically incorrect

It's been a fact since soviet times that the cornerstone of leftist ideology is cognitive dissonance.

Many bourgeoisie are jews, andany are white and many are asian and many are middle eastern, ect. Their power doesn't come from their race, the bourgeoisie be from any group, it's the money that they have that gives them the power to exploit others, and they don't care who they exploit, even members of their own race. There are more poor jews suffering from bourgeoisie policies than there are bourgeois jews themselves. Most people only care about themselves, whoever gets the power to continue uplifting themselves while making others pay for it will, which is why it makes little sense not to fight for people to be equal and not have the ability to climb over other people like that.


>supporting Isreal

I didn't make the image
