Wish I could cuddle with a qt european boi

wish I could cuddle with a qt european boi...

Me too.

you can cuddle with the Estonian...

If I ever go to Estonia again I will find him.

you should, I think he's worth it

I want january come fast, for then I will be in Finland and try to meet up with a cutie.

how qt

mm, I am really excited about it so preparing for my journey.

I hope you have fun!

If only it was January already...



Does anime posting and homosexuality go hand in hand?

Does a bear shit in the woods?

Paijauksessa ei ole mitään homoa.

My first boy crush was an American

I thought you didn't like Americans

Did you ever meet him?

Me too lad


We were in the same school in Ohio

Did you do any lewds

did you ever talk to him about it?



We were frinds but didn't told him about it

that sucks qt

do you have a boy crush on anyone now?



stop this madness

let me be your bf, I just want to cuddle you

is he qt

Yep and now he's my bf


I'm not joining your harem, and you're a bottom.

i think the kiwis are on their own now

>you're a bottom
we can still cuddle

Oh yeah, I totally want to cuddle with someone that's going to later run off and fuck his bf.

why do you always bring that up

Oh no! You're just pointing out my cuckscheme, how could you?!
