Pauline Hanson's One Nation Butthurt Thread
Post your best facey/redd1t/twatter caps of butthurt lefties running scared from based QLD and Pauline Hanson.
Pauline Hanson's One Nation Butthurt Thread
Post your best facey/redd1t/twatter caps of butthurt lefties running scared from based QLD and Pauline Hanson.
Guess everyone's gone to bed.
>Pauline getting elected could lead to a Muzzie ODing
Based Hanson triggering cucks
It's amazing to me that strayans have to put up with just as much SJW horse shit as everyone else.
Americlap here, who is Pauline, is it just one person? How can that effect anything or is it mutliple right wing people
Pauline Hanson's One Nation party is a nationalist/protectionist party led by Pauline Hanson. They were prominent for a few years 20 years ago then got completely destroyed by the major parties who performed an incredible character assassination on Hanson and even jailed her (for charges she was later acquitted of). She has fought hard and constantly and finally QLD (the best state) has voted her in again and the lefty shit states (NSW,VIC) are butthurt as fuck.
The crowning achievement of leftist asspain in Anglo countries is when Trump gets elected, you better do it, don't let us down.
Can she do anything as one person?
They are poised to possibly get another 1 or 2 seats, which that in the senate they could hold a balance of power and be able to veto any commie/lefty hit coming into the senate from the greens/labor.
Senators ultimately decide if a bill gets passed, so everything must be met with their approval.
Lol what happened?
Who got elected?
What do they stand for?
Pauline getting a seat is the best thing that's happened this election desu
Damn it's good to be a Queenslander.
>Lol what happened?
One Nation got a massive amount of votes
>Who got elected?
Pauline Fucking Hanson
>What do they stand for?
2016 it's gonna be the best year.
>how much do you hate the 21st Century?
>from arabic background and arabic surname
>the hypocrisy
I live in Victoria, and One Nation was my first preference. We're not all Marxist cucks.
Convinced my parents and grandparents to vote Hanson.
Feels good man
I wanna finger Hex then tell her I voted One Nation and watch her cry.
Wow didn't even notice that.
>Austrian Re-election
>Trump's poll numbers recovering
>Queensland nationalists BTFOing Melbourne fucking shits
2016 is our year
Thank the based Mummers for their New Years Day meme magic ritual
Why do liberals think that Muslims respect limp-wristed faggots?
Lefties will lose their fucking shit when she gets 3-4 Senate seats
I alwayd takr solsce in the fact that only leftist cucks post endless LE CURRENT YEAR shit on socisl media but if they spouted that shit in the street you'd get a lot of people telling them to fuck off.
how do we fix melbourne?
I've always enjoyed that groups with the lowest amount of seats sort of have the most power.
>Muslims are so western!
>she wears a sandnigger head dress
and so it fell to Queensland to save Australia from muzzies and chinks. may Pauline Hanson trigger butthurt for the next 4 years
What has she said to make so many lefties butthurt? it's probably something minor.
>voting booths today
>one green-haired, fat Greens volunteer SJW princess getting around
>literally everyone walking a wide booth around her
>one nation volunteer helping elderly people up the stairs
>two guys behind me in the line talking about how the MP here got done with some shonky chinese business shit
>both of them openly state they're voting hanson
>no objection whatsoever
Last election this number was 1 in 200
the rectal pain so savage it keeps coming back nearly two decades later on
I cannot wait for her maiden Senate speech. The butthurt it will generate will be glorious.
>Australians making their country great again
Why am I not surprised. Can you do ANYTHING wrong?
everything she said has come true
Looks like we're gonna need a One Nation edit of this instead.
[spoiler] I still hope preference deals give LDP their seat [/spoiler]
I haven't been following the Australian election. Who is Pauline Hanson and what does this mean? Obviously leftists are crying about racism so that means she's like the Australian Trump or something?
Nice thead. Do I get a medal even if I put One nation down for my last choice?
Go fuck yourself.
>You're not laughing now
>Australia is meant to be a fair country
Australia is a British Construct, created through the federation of British colonies, by British descended Australians, for British descended Australians.
It is the Muslim World Government that I hate about the 22nd Century, amirite?
Pretty much but obviously she's not super rich. Also she has her own minor party called OneNation rather than being in a major party like Trump.
Sorry, but I can't. Masterbation is a sin.
>New south wales get a majority conservative vote
>Only lefty state is viccy
Blokes, when do we nuke that fucking hipster shithole?
> everything she said has come true
papua new guinea
> fucked-out by australian companies for resources
> literally more than fifty countries
muh azns
> pic related
Tasmania and NT are full labor
Yes, but they didn't vote heavily for the Greens.
What did she get elected too?
>Multicultural Australians
A.K.A. Cucks.
I just saw, but I think it's a non-issue.
Tassy and abbo territory aren't exactly population centres. Also, if you check out the votes conserative wins were nation wide, only state with a humanist preference is victoria.
Check the senate and state results.
Sounds like a win to me. Good job, cunts. The pendulum is swinging our way.
Nothing yet, Senate votes aren't counted until they're 100% finished with the other votes, but if the trend follows she could get more than one seat. Since she's first on her party list, she's pretty much guaranteed now.
When's the countdown?
I feel like we'll have a conservative win but when does the polling all finish? I think labour fucked up by scare-mongering advertisements with medicare. People don't like being forced to have opinions.
I believe they're locking up the boxes and counting further on Tuesday, last time the bosses went home while the worker drones counted ballots, and the AEC got sued for endangering the accountability of the process
Alright mate, what do you think the results will be?
thank you aussies for adding more fuel to the fire. once trump wins the anglosphere will return
My expectation is forth reich in 2017. If it doesn't come true I'm going to let everyone know what year it is.
Hung Lower House, but the Senate will be fantastically memeriffic
>Time is running out. We may have only 10 to 15 years left to turn things around. Because of our resources and our position in the world, we will not have a say because neighbouring countries such as Japan, with 125 million people; China, with 1.2 billion people; India, with 846 million people; Indonesia, with 178 million people; and Malaysia, with 20 million people are well aware of our resources and potential. Wake up, Australia, before it is too late. Australians need and want leaders who can inspire and give hope in difficult times. (1996)
You could have prevented this.
I'm really not too worried about 70 year old Japanese engineers flooding Australia
They're still counting lads, this is still updating:
Things aren't looking as good for the libs as they did two hours ago, hung parliament looking more likely by the second unless the libs can pull loads of the 'close' seats currently projected to end up on labor
Most white Australians are descended from the Irish, other Europeans and post-WW2 refugees like Italians and Baltic Baltic Slavs
Stop your we wuz bullsjit faggo
Immigrant here. One Nation was one of my top preferences today.
I hope she does some great things for the country and not become a power mad hypocrite like the Liberals and Labor.
I know how easy it is to appease Sup Forums by saying anything anti left, but I'd like to give her a chance.
If you are not from Northwestern Europe, you have to go back.
This. If you are not Anglo-Celtic you shouldn't be allowed to have citizenship. If you are not Germanic you should not be allowed to settle.
I'm not, and neither are you.
I don't think that even the miserable Russian winter will be able to freeze away this stale meme though.
I'm Icelander. Master race here, untermensch.
That's adorable, little Vladimir is learning a new word! Soon he will tell me how his communism is the real communism.
Long live mother Russia.
Is Queensland the based part of Oz?
Eh it depends. Every state has its ups and downs.
Good work, Australia.
And most of QLD has down's
Hey now, Carl Barron is from Queensland so it's not all bad!
Ah, it feels good to see traitors get butthurt. Hopefully the next step is putting in death camps.
Implying that place of my current location makes me Russian, doesn't make you Australian by extension, Pajeet Chang.
Although me mom has UK and Aus citizenships. She is of Scottish master race though.
>start researching what Islam is
I don't get this. If he researched what Islam is, how can still be this ignorant. The way it spread, it's methods, it's legislative etc. it is freely aviable, and still claim it is something benign.
Cool your burning anus on the snow outside. While you're at it, stop being boring.
>how much do you hate THE CURRENT CENTURY
>can we vote for qld to break off from australia?
I'm okay with this. Us and WA will leave, and the rest of you cunts can enjoy your left wing shit hole.
Also, that reef joke was pretty funny desu
>All these angry "aussies" on twitter and facebook butthurt over this lady
>No one calling this lady a cunt
I find these people highly suspect
I saw the 2016 year book photos and most of those kids look inbred.
Stop mass replying. Just don't reply to anyone and you'll get the same message across.
no, you can't make me!
>get excited for potential banter and insightful Australian election analysis
>hover over the replies with jubilant anticipation
>it's just user's mass reply he HAD to do because he's so desperate for a (you)
Are you sure those aren't Mexicans?