If people weren't indoctrinated as children to believe in mythical sky ghosts, how many people do you think would actually be religious?
If people weren't indoctrinated as children to believe in mythical sky ghosts...
there are a lot of people who convert to christianity later in life, religion is memetic, not genetic, spreads horizontally.
>mythical sky ghosts
when someone finally explains to you what christianity is about you'll probably be among them.
it's about worshipping a religious fanatic from 2000 years ago who was killed because fermented insurrection against the Roman Empire because he thought a Jewish war god impregnated his cheating mother.
In the internet age? 1/4 maybe
i understand where you're coming from though, i was an edgy teenager too.
good luck, man.
>implying that isn't an accurate description of your dead kike on a stick
>If people weren't indoctrinated as children to believe in mythical sky ghosts
how many young people do you honestly think are taken to church anymore?
it's hardly the norm now
The religious would be limited to the insane, thone with sub-100 IQ, and recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.
>God (Author)
Fucking triggered, seriously
>mythical sky ghosts
That sounds faggy, stop saying it. I even agree with you but holy shit
>sky ghosts
This is why people don't take modern atheists seriously. Stop saying things that make you look mentally backward.
>how many
Religion is part of human nature. We are hardwired to be animists. We are also hardwired to be social. Religion is, therefore, an inevitability.
Something will always take the place of religion if it's removed. Progressivism, shitposting dank memes, drugs, drinking, SJWs, politics, nationalism. There is always something.
Science is a religion.
If that were true, your computer wouldn't work, but it does.
>computers work because of le science! Darwin made computers evolve so people can shitpost on the internet
Please tell me you are not actually this retarded.
For microprocessors to function, our understanding of how electricity behaves on very small scales has to be accurate to a staggeringly precise degree. We possess the understanding necessary to make microprocessors because of science.
I did not write anything in the greentext quote in your post. I agree it's absurd but it's also a misrepresentation.
Even if science were a religion, it wouldn't make Chritianity, or any other for that matter, less shit.
My mother hates religion, Christianity in particular.
Despite being raised being taught that Chrisianity is actually the fucking devil and only stupid people and the easily misled practice it I've been gravitating towards it.
So in answer to your question OP, probably not a massively noticeable change
If atheists weren't so fat and greasy, how many people do you think would actually wear fedoras?
I don't see why anybody would hate Christianity most of all. Islam is worse, so is Scientology.
Sorry, what?
She got diddled by a catholic
>grow up in atheist home
>surrounded by atheists my whole life
>find Christ anyway
Don't believe the meme.
>doesn't believe in my magical sky ghost
>le edgy kid meme
Elon Musk is kinda fat m8.
I'm not even that guy but look at his hip-shoulder ratio.
>black v-neck
>blue jeans
He looks like one of those kids that would play magic the gathering instead of eating lunch in high school.
Judging by the fact that every culture no matter where you go on the planet developed religion then of course they would you retarded fedora tipping grape looking chunderthrower
Sorry, what?
I remember being a rising freshman in high school, too
Try again
Louder. He can't hear you from inside his spaceship.
Try again
From the age of 11 up to 18ish I rejected religion and everything about it. Now I'm a devout Orthodox and nobody indoctrinated me. Hell, my family to this moment still thinks I'm an atheist, but they don't seem to mind it and religion insn't a preffered topic so I never mentioned it.
This. I wasn't indoctrinated or forced into any religion, and I converted from agnosticism to Christianity.
i think we can all agree here on Sup Forums the vast, overwhelming majority of atheists are absolutely garbage.
its possible to be an atheist without being a complete fucking redditor over it
Yeah. I sure hate seeing my own reflection in these trolls though and seeing how silly I was to be right there with them. Its cringeworthy.
>He looks like one of those kids that would play magic the gathering instead of eating lunch in high school.
He was a nerd in post-apartheid South Africa that was bullied so hard he had to be hospitalized. The whole reason he wants to build spaceships is to get away from the Great Chimpening.
Well sure but it doesn't stop him from being a fatty.
>be me
>Raised in atheist household (dad is fedora tier)
>Scientifically literate, have a Masters of Engineering
>Move out, live in europe for a year (before total cuckage)
>Do lots of acid, shrooms, weed n' stuff
>Graduate to Benadryl
>Huh religious experiences and revelation are indeed possible, enough evidence to allay my skepticism has been achieved
>Become skeptical about science being able to solve everything
>Find Jesus and related memery across religions
>Sober up, read books n' stuff and fall onto the "disregarding religion is retarded" side of the arguement
>/x/ unironically but still functioning member of society
Probably a nihilistic Christian with heretical tendencies who needs further evidence that I should care more about my eternal soul.
The truth? Wasn't indoctrinated in anyyting. Got batized I think as kid, evangelic or whatever. Left church for church BS and moniez. Had some sort of wakeup call in the last
couple years, came suddenly and still got no clue, no external influence. Did some research. Found evidence. Did more research. Shit's going down. Fuck it. Very much a fighter for the cause now. Shit's going to be awsome. But dying first, thats not so good. Meh. Who cares. Still awesome as fuck. KEK wills it.