Can we have an Arkan appreciation thread plz?
Based remover of kebab and defender of Christendom.
Also, Americans apologize for bombing Christians in defence of the muslim fucking shits.
Can we have an Arkan appreciation thread plz?
Based remover of kebab and defender of Christendom.
Also, Americans apologize for bombing Christians in defence of the muslim fucking shits.
Other urls found in this thread:
>chewing the chewing gums
>Defender of christianity
>Goes around massacring christian civilians in Croatia
Nice one, turkroach.
Fuck this shit
>Croats start attacking innocent Serbian villagers
>Serbian army responds in defence
Geeee I wonder
>Croats start attacking
Yeah, sure, we started the war.
That's why the first casualties were Croatian police officers and the entire war was done on Croatian territory, with Croatian towns being sieged and destroyed.
This is what started the war
>Ražnatović was assassinated, on Saturday, 15 January 2000, 17:05 GMT, in the lobby of Belgrade's elite InterContinental Hotel, a location where he was surrounded by other hotel guests. The killer, Dobrosav Gavrić, was a 23-year-old police mobile brigade's junior member. Gavrić had ties to the underworld and was on sick leave at the time. He walked up alone towards his target from behind. Ražnatović was sitting and chatting with two friends and, according to BBC Radio, was filling out a betting slip. Gavrić waited for a few minutes, calmly walked up behind the party, and rapidly fired a succession of bullets from his CZ-99 pistol. Ražnatović was shot in his left eye and lapsed into a coma on the spot.[23][24] His bodyguard Zvonko Mateović put him into a car, and rushed him to a hospital, but he died on the way.[25]
>According to his widow, Svetlana, Ražnatović died in her arms as they were driving to the hospital. His companions Milenko Mandić, a business manager, and Dragan Garić, a police inspector, were also shot to death by Gavrić. Gavrić was shot and wounded immediately after by Mateović and fell unconscious. A female bystander was seriously wounded in the shootout as well. After complicated surgery, Gavrić survived, but remained disabled and confined to a wheelchair as the result of a spinal wound.
>After complicated surgery, Gavrić survived, but remained disabled and confined to a wheelchair as the result of a spinal wound.
>remained disabled and confined to a wheelchair
Yeah I am sure the war for separation from Yugoslavia was not started by the people who wanted the separation, aha, makes perfect sense.
You killed innocent civilians and then cried when the Serbian army slapped your shit.
>fucking this daily
>not based
>Yeah I am sure the war for separation from Yugoslavia was not started by the people who wanted the separation, aha, makes perfect sense.
We wanted independence, yes. We wanted it peacefully, as we had no army and weren't equipped to even wage war, especially against the entire Yugoslav army which was a global power at it's peak, prior to Tito's death. The JNA literally invaded Slavonija and Krajina with military equipment, and their goal was to conquer Zagreb to maintain Yugoslavia by force, under Serbian leadership.
>You killed innocent civilians and then cried when the Serbian army slapped your shit.
We didn't kill anyone. The first casualty that marked the beginning of the war was a Croatian police officer Josip Božićević. You clearly know nothing about what happened here, maybe you should stop posting?
>t. blgar hoping to have keks from exyus raging in his thread
padanje ide u sva polja ;)
HMMM !!!
Evo ga
Evo ga opet
Alo je l' rodjen iko od vas pre rata? Nije, 'aj prestanite da serete i idite da ucite or something
Balavci glupi, jeb'o vas rat sve redom do jednoga kao da ste ga vi vodili
Not just that. Croats are literally the #1 kebab enablers. They team up with Mooslims to destroy Serbs. That's why we have this saying which I'm sure you heard before. "Ubij hrvata da siptar nema brata"
Fuck off backstabber, no one's buying this anymore
Ajd ne seri.
Dude was literally a thief and a criminal, not surprised that Serbia made him leader of an entire volunteer unit, considering most of his followers were the same
I don't know why you started this shit thread, Bulgaria. I thought Bulgars were cool dudes that tried to be distant from the Balkan shitmess. I guess there is a rotten apple in every bunch
I think the main point is that the Balkans is a rotten apple as a whole. Ridiculous how much they despise each other despite being 99% the same.
Indeed. Siding with muslims is the greatest sin and crime. Especially disgusting Bosniak or Albanian scum.
>implying I haven't seen the Croats cheering for Kosovo's independence
>implying Croats would not sell you the Albanians and clap happily after it
Our government might be cucked by the West, but literally 0 people from the populace support Kosovo or Albania.
I don;t understand this meme. You back stabbed us way more. It's a meme to make you mad and full of hate, because separated we are weak.
The west fears an allied Balkans, you are playing right into their hands.
if im 99% the same as shitskin bulgarian then you are 99% the same as the shitskin pakis in your country.
This is exactly what I mean.
Do not insult me by telling me that I am the same as a turkroach bulgarian, Mehmet.
>implying I haven't seen the Croats cheering for Kosovo's independence
Nobody gives a single fuck about Kosovo, it's about sticking it to Serbia.
>The west fears an allied Balkans, you are playing right into their hands.
>But I'm not by inciting hatred between Croats and Serbs :^)
But you are very close.
As close as you are to those Somalian niggers you so insist on taking into your country.
>posting balkan nigger propaganda
Guess you forgot 1885
Diaspora faggot go home
Yes, government propaganda meme. I can post the same poster, but with you holding the knife while we were fighting the t*rks and Greeks + a couple more like the Serb/Bulgar war which you started.
Same shit. Why fall for it? It's propaganda to make you alone and without allies.
You're quite pathetic, desu.
>Balkan nigger propaganda
>French magazine
turkic does not equal turkish my friend
>all these ex-yu threads
He's bulgarian, his brain is between his rectum and his anus.
Has there ever been a Balkan thread without butthurt shitflinging?
You will never be part of such an alliance and you have shown it consistently in history, anceint and recent. You prefer to side with muslims and enemies just to "stick it to the Serbs" that will never change, you hate being part of the Balkans.
I admit, we did kinda start that shit, but that was because our monarch was a fucking psychopath, not because the people really desired something from you
Well then why throw the backstabber meme when it's just a lie?
The people never hated each other, we fucking fought the roaches for centuries together.
Still more tame than Romania-Hungary diarrhea
Arkan is a hero you dumb fuck. he removed kebab.
About that, do u have any roaches or any muslim minority in Bulgaria?
>tfw you will never bang a young Ceca
>You prefer to side with muslims and enemies
The only time we "sided with muslims" was ww2, and it wasn't our call, it was Germany's. Hitler somehow concluded that Islamic values match those of NatSoc so we had no other choice but to cooperate with the muzzies of Bosnia.
If you're referring to the wars following the breakup of Yugoslavia, we didn't side with them. Bosnia was invaded by Serbs, so they pleaded for help us due to having a "common enemy". In reality, Croatian forces (mainly HoS) removed kebab across Bosnia (see ), but we got away with it due to well done propaganda which dumped all the blame on Serbs.
Watch this. It's the most redpilled version of the Yugo wars you'll find anywhere.
I wish serbs and croats could focus on the real enemy: kebab.
>The Weight of Chains
Posting serb propaganda.
Nice flag, "Croat".
On paper we have about 8% who identify themselves as having "turkish self-determination" whatever the fuck that means.
In reality they are 100% pure Bulgarians who were converted forcefully during the slavery. Later on the country was in such trouble under the communists and then democracy that we neglected to educate them and they fell for the meme that they are actual t*rks.
It's a great shame and pity. They think they are actual turkish people.
Literally ALL roaches were either killed or kicked out from the country after the war when we got finally free.
Red star Belgrade fans don't like talking about him anymore
fuck them they are traitors and ustase bootlickers
It's not Serb propaganda, it's the truth. Both our nations were heavily manipulated into a war from which the west made huge profit.
Only retards can believe the conventional narrative of "We are flawless, it's all Serbian fault".
t.albo disapora
Fuck off, pomak. Eastern Bulgaria is Serbian land. When the next war starts, we will reclaim Republika Srpska, Kninska Krajina, Kosovo, Eastern Bulgaria, southern Hungary, southern Romania, Makedonija, and Crna Gora. We will massacre you pomaci by the truckloads, the Srebrenica """"""genocide"""""""" will come true, my friend, on BulgArian soil!!!!
All Bulgars are Turks.
And if you could have the chance to lick Muslim feet again, you will.
Both meme countries. Southern territories of both are territories of Velika Srbija.
They are majority, not the minority
Surely you mean Western Bulgaria :^) cuz Eastern is near the Black Sea lel
t. shitpar diaspora
I am a Bosnian Serb friend. And I mean Eastern Serbia which includes western territories occupied by Bulgarian Islamofascists.
>Bulgarian Islamofascists
That's a new one, may I save it my dear shitsking muslim neighbour?
it's time to remove it brothers
Mrs diasporo u pizdu materinu, jesi cuo.
Based Arkan impregnated so many female prison guards in his lifetime and had so many bastard children man, based as fuck.
Memes aside, Arkan worked for the secret police. His unit was sent do do Slobo's bidding and to keep Serbs from Croatia compliant to Slobo's will.
The story of Serbian criminal underworld and it's ties to the state and to warlords is actually quite fascinating.
>Mrs diasporo u pizdu materinu, jesi cuo.
Ti ne bi dosao da jebes Norvezanke i mlatis lovu da si imao priliku, a? Ne, pa zna se da ce Vucic i Dacic da Make Serbia Great Again
A lozi te to sto mali ćopavi arkan jebao drolje, zanimljiv fetish
Idi sedi ispred trafike i cirkaj pivo, srbine
Ja sam bio i vratio se prikane moj. Ako sam nesto naucio to je da ljudi ovde ne vole kad im se soli pamet. A ti da si tako uspesan ne bi imao potrebu da nabijas na nos drugima kako ''mlatis lovu''. Idi u moj kurac.
Glup si sto si se vratio gde god da si bio, valjda to i sam znas posto tu zivis.
Od Srbije nema nista, svima ce unistiti zivote.
A i sta se tebe tice koliko ja para imam, sta ti to menja?
'Ajde batali me toga da ti mene mrzis sto je ne dajem sebe svojoj, vec nekoj tudjoj drzavi.
Kao da je Srbija meni nekad nesto dala, kradu i sakom i kapom i ja sam sad problem sto sam od toga otisao?
Sure buddy
Sometimes I feel all the western flags are just Balkan diaspora...
Burazeru, ti si ocigledno usamljen i na umu su ti neke stvari jer ti nacinjes tu pricu a ne ja.
Bio dva puta i vratio se, zapravo. Vidis, koliko god ti mislio da si evoluirao, nisi. Da jesi, shvatio bi da je svet selo i da za 8 sati stizes do Amerike. Isto tako se mozes vratiti. Malo odes, malo se vratis. Dosta ljudi tako zivi. Ja bez ovog ovde ne mogu. Iskreno, nekad zelim da propadnem sa svojim drugovima u ovom sranju samo da bi bio s njima. Volim Zapad jer mi daje kupovnu moc da godinu dana pijem pivo ispred trafike kad se vratim. Uopste se ne kurcim, ne trosim na kurve i splavove i ne velicam Zapad ovde niti tamo kad sam ne velicam Srbiju. Sve je ok.
That's because they are. Especially in balkan threads.
Croats and Bosniaks killing civilians Serb and LITERALLY yelling "allahu ackbar" at 35 sec.
>we never killed civilian Serbs I promise
Is there something worse than betraying your faith and siding with the mini-roaches against your brother slavs and Christians?
Fucking disgusting.
This is why I like to open a nice bottle of rose wine on the anniversary of Srebrenica and toast to the fact that Serbs did nothing wrong.
Aye. People, especially in the west who have never experienced what we have with the atrocities of islam, often cannot comprehend that there is nothing wrong with killing muslims.
No matter how innocent they look, they will kill your entire family without a second thought if the occasion arises.
>Serbs did nothing wrong.
I'll drink to that. Srebrenica best day of my life.
It usually coincides (the anniversary) with the end of ramadan. So I'll probably activate my facebook around the time and traditionally post a severed pig's head and caption the photo 'ramadan mubarak'. Triggered the fuck out of some of the bosnian muslim people I have on fb. Fuck them. They go to the graves of their loved ones in football jerseys screaming allahu akbar in the middle of fucking Europe. Westerners need to understand all this kebab removal business is no meme.
They need to experience what islam means first hand, then they will understand. I hope it won't be too late.
Based af
>Americans apologize for bombing Christians
Sorry that the Jews made my country bomb Christians.
>the poor defenceless Bosniaks had no army
>small children and old people taking up brooms to fight the evil Serbs
top fucking kek, pic related
there was one like 3 hours ago
i guess the kids woke up
I mean, the bosnian muslim president titled his manifesto ''the Islamic declaration'' so if it were up to him, Bosnia would today be a caliphate. But no, let's go fuck the Serbs up.
The NATO occupied territory of kosovo and bosnia are literal bridgeheads of radical islamic terrorism in the heart of Europe, and nobody seems to fucking care. Thanks for the (you)'s.
Explain yourself
Yeah, and the reasoning behind it goes like this:
''So what? Serbs had Greek and Russian volunteers. Why can't we have our own volunteers''
>bosnian politicians declare that Turkey is their motherland
>bosnian muslims import mujahedeen into Europe and give them citizenship
>somehow this isn't seen as a problem.
i always felt bad for the tiger
i wanna shove that rifle up his ass for holding a baby tiger like that
dont really care about the war
was before my time and id like it to stay that way
Its a national holiday. No need for an explanation
Nothing to explain. You see, a Croat thinks he is cultured because he does the bidding of his German masters. They accept the murderous tendencies of Westerners without embracing things like actual culture. All in a desperate attempt to have senpai notice them. They're still cool though.
as i said
the old people got home from work and the illiterate children are back from the field so the bst they can do is shitpost about the war
It doesn't hurt him. Haven't you ever held a cat like that?
yeah but still seems cruel
got any documentaries on that.
Don't mind if they are Serbian language, I speak Serbian.
That's actually the proper way to handle cats. Their mothers carry them that way as well.
gledam sve ove dijaspore od amerike do australije
fakat nas je malo ali bome nas ima
yes i know but its that way because they dont have hands like we do and i know but it seems cruel when a human does it
Aren't there any legitimate heroes for Serbs to look up to and not this crawling in my skin edgelord?
t. Kosovafag
Yeah, their skin is a lot thicker and more elastic in that part.
Yes! Full videos of last year's hit TV documentary.
Check out the meme docu from 20 years ago as well. (the above series is way better though)
What's a kosova precious?
Malo nas je al' smo zato govna.
Thanks, much appreciated
>t. Kosovafag
You mean Albanian invader surely?
It's natural and perfectly painless - the skin is thick and elastic, and they barely have any nerve endings there. They instinctively curl up and stop moving when you grab them there, even as adults.
>b-but that was 20 years ago
Orly? Explain letting the fucking muslim migrant invaders sleep, eat and desecrate Christian graves last year in Croatia?
>b-but they were Serb graves
That shit makes my blood boil and there is NO EXCUSE for it.
You are American, just like I'm a German.
Don't pretend you would want to live in Kosovo. Not even Albanians like it in that crime ridden, Islamist shithole. Go eat some burgers, watch football but don't pretend to be something you're not.
Getting really tired of diasporafags claiming to be Serbs, Albanians, Croatians or whatever.
Kosovo. Sorry if I triggered you, whenever I use an a and not an o I sometimes forget it triggers you. Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to someone from tumblr.
>slavics migrate into Balkans
>Push Albanians back
>this is why the Albanian language has many words for more Mountainous terrain
>Romania has hundreds of cognates with Albanian
>calls Albanians invaders
Shiptar scum
>You are American, just like I'm a German.
Does that mean the Turks born in Germany are Germans too?