Where we justified of cooking millions of Japs?
Would have slow roasted more if the a-bombs hadn't functioned as intended.
Abhorrent as it sounds, the atomic bombs saved lives.
Well it also told the world not to fuck with us
It was like 75,000 total
and yes we were justified, because we won.
Start shit, get hit.
Japan should be thanking America every day for not being made into a colony and a Yankee bootrest on the way into the Far East.
Nukes do not exist.
It wasn't millions, but yeah we were. The same way we were justified in all the bombing runs on the Japanese mainland. In one night we burned the entire city of Tokyo to the ground killing over 150,000 Japanese civilians.
America didn't cook enough of them.
if we didnt do it they would have kept fighting
there were japanese troops held out until the 70s because they didnt know the war was over
No you should have bomb Kyoto not the other city. Modern Japan is cuck and respect America for BOMBING US.
I believe if Kyoto was bombed we would hate gaijin fucker and not be cuck
Alternatives were much worse for nips.
>mass invasion
>mass use of chemical weapons
>intensive fire bombing
Much more will die.
We shouldn't have stopped the bombing.
This. The centre of an atomic blast supposedly reaches 100M°C, think how long it takes for a pot of boiling water to cool down, it's like an hour. Increase that a million times, a million hours is over a hundred years. Not to mention that an 'atomic bomb' is supposed to be a lot larger than a pot of water, like, a lot bigger. I bet you could fit more than a dozen cooking pots in an 'atomic bomb' casing if you took the 'nuclear material' (in reality, old pinball machine parts) out so it really is impractical to expect something that supposedly only happened 70 years ago to have cooled down by now.
My grandfather would have been on his way to Southeast Asia if Japan hadn't surrendered.
The dropping of the nuclear bombs saved more lives then they killed.
Too bad you can't reuse it on Middle East because of fucking commies.
>it takes an hour for water to cool down in Switzerland
Nazi gold is not water faggot.
This. The nuclear option allowed for more Americans and Japanese to live in the end.
It's an honest mistake, I swim in both.
Yeah, and that really worked out well didn't it?
>Bombs Japs
>Gets entrenched in stagnating conflicts with ragheads and gooks for almost half a century combined, of which there is no clear victory.
Yeah, well played. GG. Go 'murica.
>Comparing nukes blowing in the total volume of earth atmosphere to boiled water in a pan.
Most retarded thing I've read today.
>What is dynamic equilibrium: the post
What happens when you spill a pot of boiling water into the ocean? It nearly immediately cools down to the temperature of the water surrounding it.
The 'nukes' didn't detonate in the ocean.
I used to think that no, but japs are cunts they had it coming
>what is air
The point is, the size of our entire atmosphere is millions of times larger then the size of the blast from an atomic bomb.
Look up thermodynamic equilibrium.
>>what is air
>Being able to differentiate between the ocean and air
Is that why so many of you drown? Do you take a big gulp of ocean water thinking you can breathe it and go wide-eyed in confusion about why your lungs are now burning as you lose consciousness?
I'm pretty sure my pot of boiling water is millions of times smaller than the atmosphere too.
No I don't think those bombs killing so many innocent civilians were justified. They weren't neccesary to end the fucking war, just the burgers flexing muscles.
Your knowledge of thermodynamics is truly amazing, but maybe you should stick to things you're good at, like giving people +20 HP.
They're two different states of matter though.
Nuclear bombs don't create liquid, they create super-heated air. It's one of the most retarded attempts of a metaphor I've ever heard.
Actually, they create a plasma.
>ywn live in an underground bunker with 10000 bitches just for yourself
why even live
>imagine a world in which only America has nukes
So much freedom. So much nuclear holocaust. How glorious!
holy fuck you're retarded
Bombing the gooks ended a war, and had nothing to do with starting the other wars, and you know it.
No they don't. At least little boy and fat man didn't.
Would firebombing Japan into submission be a viable alternative for you then? The firebombings produced significantly more causalities in terms of civilians killed than the nukes.
>Sweden saying cück things
>Sweden advocating perpetuation of war
Seems about right.
Well let's see here... were the Japanese justified in slaughtering 300,000 civilians in Nanking?
That is the tip of the iceberg. Japanese treatment of the populations of invaded Pacific islands was too depraved to put into history books.
What goes around comes around.
Not millions you fucking retard but yes and we won.
I don't understand your reasoning. The higher the temperature difference between chunk of air and the air it's in, the faster the heat will disperse. Ever try dumping your pot of boiling water into the ocean and putting your hand into the ocean 10 seconds later and see how hot it still is.
What exactly are you expecting to still be warm? The air? Or something else? I don't get it.
The japs refused a viewing of the bombs power. So the americans brought the view to them
Totally justified
This. I can't fucking stand hear people complain about the a bombs being in humane. What do you think the japanese would have done to the US if they had won?
>The japs refused a viewing of the bombs power.
lol. source please.
>In early May 1945, the Interim Committee was created by Stimson at the urging of leaders of the Manhattan Project and with the approval of Truman to advise on matters pertaining to nuclear energy.[81] During the meetings on May 31 and June 1, scientist Ernest Lawrence had suggested giving the Japanese a non-combat demonstration.[82] Arthur Compton later recalled that:
We nuked tens if thousands, not millions. That being said, we were justified in nuking millions.
One does not win a war by winning hearts and minds. One wins avwar by irrevocably ending your opponent's ability to fight. Then, and only then, if you're feeling magnanimous, you help rebuild ther nation.
-Signed, An honors history teacher
>I don't get it.
Totally justified, we dropped pamphlets warning them, and even if we didn't, it was warranted by the fact that Japan had basically murdered it's way through damn near all of of Southeast Asia, killing as many if not many more civilians
>I can predict the future
>ü being Swedish
The Japanese millitary did horrible things and so did the American. I don't think killing civilians is ever justified. But the idea that those bombs were 100% justified is just pure bullshit.
That's right user. I don't.
I wish. Firebombing Tokyo was breddy gud.
says they just considered offering a viewing to the japs, but decided against it in the end. Still cool though
Name one atrocity committed by Americans that was anything close to what the Japanese did to pacific islanders, Chinks, or flips.. actually name any atrocity committed by Americans during the war period. We weren't the ones holocausting and raping and trying to take over the world. We were the good guys, remember? A fact that seems lost on the millennial cuckold generation of today.
>inb4 bombings were atrocities
Literally every force in WW2 bombed cities n shit.
>inb4 the "axis were the good guys" edgelord post
>I don't think killing civilians is ever justified. But the idea that those bombs were 100% justified is just pure bullshit.
So it would be better to kill millions of americans, british and japanese troops? It would be better to risk japan winning?
Is Sweden the most pathetic nation on earth? You're probably angry about your new refugee laws. I bet you think refusing refugees fleeing poverty in any number in unjustifiable.
>"Can't figure out what possibilities there would given cultural values and reactions of the time."
>Its okay to firebomb the Japanese until we utterly eradicate most of their major cities than to pick the most swift, expedient option to end the war.
>Firebomb and invasion, wherein millions of US soldiers would die and significantly more Japanese soldiers AND civilians (Civilian Causality Ratio ~ 3:1 - 2:1, if not significantly higher due to an invasion on home turf leading to devastated infrastructure, starvation, disease, etc)
would be given*
>So it would be better to kill millions of americans, british and japanese troops? It would be better to risk japan winning?
At least they agreed to war, civilians didn't.
Without the nukes we would never have got anime
By your line of logic we never agreed about the war when the Japanese attacked in Pearl Harbor. What about the civilians of Asia?
You've got some hardline cuck logic right here, Sven.
Christians were holocausted in Japan. Christians were holocausted in Germany.
Or they could have just accepted the surrender terms Japan offered months prior with identical terms, minus the surrendering of the Emperor. That would have saved lives.
Sure, you didn't agree to the war. But some innocent kid in hiroshima didn't either.
>Japan offensively attacked the rest of Asia first
You really have some false equivalence problems going on.
Do you know US POW's were waterboarded and when the USA won they hanged Japs for waterboarding.
I wonder who's going to hang your war criminals ?
Did an innocent kid in Hiroshima offensively attack the rest of Asia? Why was he killed then?
Japs? Yes.
Give your hypothetical scenario where everyone (US, Japan, Asia) goes home and sucks Jamal and Mohammed's cock by 2016 without dying by 1945, then.
>At least they agreed to war
LOL, What? Do you know what a draft is? Do you know anything about history?
To stop 10 other kids his age is other parts of Japan getting killed.
Yeah so it seems all you can do is be a cuck. The situation by the end of the war was limited given the continued bombing of Japan did not lead to capitulation to the surrender terms offered while Japan tried to negotiate for "surrender terms" that were more of a cessation of war that was more beneficial for them even if they attacked on Pearl Harbor without warning.
Seems you prefer burning Japanese civilians more than living ones while trying to preach from a false higher moral ground using circular logic to justify the feces you eat from your bull.
History is written by the victors. The victors choose who to punish.
Either you're trolling or your just an idiot.
Oh no, this shitty forced meme about the Japanese doing waterboarding and getting executed for it.
Debatable if it was "waterboarding" or classical water torture. You can research the associated details of the case, but punishment was more for this kind of shit:
>Specifications: beating using among others hands, sword scabbard, saber belt, belt buckle, bamboo sticks, rifle butts; kicking; subjecting PWs to ju-jitsu; forcing PW to stand at attention for a long period of time, sometimes in cold weather without sufficient clothing and on one occasion, in the nude; throwing a bucket of ice cold water over PW in cold weather;water treatment which entailed forcing water down PWs throat and nostrils using among others a hose, tubes; picking up and throwing PW to the ground; banging head against a wall; raising and lowering a sword on a PWs neck in an effort to make him give information.
>Specifications: beating, kicking, water torture, burning using wood, lighted cigarettes and burning pokers, forcing to stand/kneel in snow w/out adequate protection
>Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor," Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) told his colleagues last Thursday during the debate on military commissions legislation. "We punished people with 15 years of hard labor when waterboarding was used against Americans in World War II," he said.
Specifications:beating using hands, fists, club; kicking; water torture; burning using cigarettes; strapping on a stretcher head downward
>Specification 1: That in or about July or August, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture Morris O. Killough, an American Prisoner of War, by beating and kicking him; by fastening him on a stretcher and pouring water up his nostrils.
>Specification 2: That on or about 15 May, 1944, at Fukoka Prisoner of War Branch Camp Number 3, Kyushu, Japan, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture Thomas B. Armitage, William O Cash and Munroe Dave Woodall, American Prisoners of War by beating and kicking them, by forcing water into their mouths and noses; and by pressing lighted cigarettes against their bodies.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Air is different than water, so is concrete, & steel, & human flesh.
>The so-called "water treatment" was commonly used. The victim was bound or otherwise secured in a prone position; and water was forced through his mouth and nostrils into his lungs and stomach until he lost consciousness. Pressure was then applied, sometimes by jumping upon his abdomen to force the water out. The usual practice was to revive the victim and successively repeat the process.
>The Japanese water torture was used by the Imperial Japanese Army and the Kempetei on political dissidents (particularly Chinese) and Allied POWs, not to gain information but as punishment, often arbitrarily. A type of funnel, usually formed from a towel, was placed over the victim's mouth and nose. At the same time, a 5-gallon can was filled with water and usually urine and kerosine. The concoction was poured into the funnel, and the victim had to either swallow all 5 gallons of this mixture or drown.
>Having swallowed 5 gallons of this liquid, the victim's stomach would stretch and swell. The victim would then be bound, often with barbed wire, and the stomach would be struck, either with a rod of some sort or soldiers would even jump on it, depending on how the prisoner was bound. This pressure could easily cause the bloated stomach to burst. If not, the victim was then hanged by his ankles and the liquid would drain out through his mouth, risking drowning once again. The process could then be repeated.
And somehow Zimbabwe has internet and thinks these historical water torture techniques are equivalent to modern waterboarding.
i wonder whos gonna slaughter your people for beeing anti white