Is race mixing common in your country?

Is race mixing common in your country?

yes it's common know

Not at all, no


>only one black man/white woman couple

GOYIM, do it right you stupid cattle animal! The focus of race mixing propaganda must be BBC!

quite uncommon

no, not really

Yes, especially norwegian women and somali men

It's encouraged

Reckon about 90% of young couples are interracial here.

I don't know. There aren't stats anywhere.

No but I’m here to change that >:)

I'm coming for a Nordic woman and you can't stop me

Good. Spread the seed brother.

Extremely common and I'm taking part in it

>That necrace mixing is not common at all in the USA either


When they look like this? How can you avoid it?

Racemixing between white men and nonwhite women should be enforced.
Nonwhite men and white women should be killed.

Yes, very common

White women fuck brown men, have bastard children, and never marry.

White men marry Asian qts and stay married.

Future of the white race :)

It's all I ever see

Yes, but it's starkly generational. Basically anyone under 30 looks odd dating their own race, while anyone over it rarely interracial.

this makes absolutelly no sense

Explain? Sounds fine for me rereading it.

>anyone under 30 looks odd dating their own race
this is bullshit

I've never seen any one...

Did you confuse ultra liberal Eastern Canadian cities for Brazil? You might get a culture shock here.

all of them looks like pinoy.

nah it doesnt matter where you are this isnt true at all, even in canada

It's constitutionally mandated.

Pls save us.


Only when it's men with thai wives.

no, jesus won't allow it


Well in my suburb it's not race mixing because it's basically fucking China

Not as much as the ebin memes might say.

>tfw no chilean bf to racemix with

Nah man, we're pure amerindians here.


boys can't mix with eachother

The lines of race are blurred in Brazil.

So a mixed person dating a purely white person isn't considered mixing here because both are considered white and of the same race. So in reality, race mixing is rampant here.

It's very rare

>fuvking subhuman wh*Tes

Is it just a forced meme or it is completely serious? are your people mentally ill or some shit?
>not having any fear or proudness to get with some violent aids nigger coming from a war shithole and not even knowing the language.