Thoughts on the Kurill Islands dispute?

Thoughts on the Kurill Islands dispute?

For me, I think it's rightful Japanese clay!

Military is what you settle territorial disputes with. Otherwise stfu.

I think Russia should conquer Hokkaido, rape Japanese women, and nuke Tokyo.

You think it is because you're a dirty weeb.

Japs lost it at war and they should get over it.

>I think it's rightful Japanese clay!
t. Weeb

I don't care but I'd love to see them fight it out.

Jap border is right border


Kulir is AFRICA
Wh*Toid subhuman will regret touching AFRICA
Yakubu made the wh*Te, then BLACK have right to end it whenever they want

Why do Japan want them back?


also they inherited hatred of Russians from American occupation

Only old people actually care about the Kuril islands, most young Japs are Russiaboos

Same reason China wants the South China Sea

East Asian territorial autism + muh grorious history


u mad grandpa

Russia already has too much territory, Japan should have it back.


I am Greek you jap subhuman

>I am Greek
no one hasn't assumed your nationality yet

Alaska shall be reclaimed

t. Kenji Matsumoto


I love USA now.

He's a Japanese proxy. BTW, Kuril belongs to China.

Thanks for your opinion. We truly care about it.

I think that's going to be a difficult situation. I was doing some reading on that recently, and from what I remember both Japanese public and Russian public want their leaders to claim the land and not give in. So obviously neither country's leaders will be super interested in doing that. I think the longer this goes on the harder it will be for Japan to get any of that land, as there will be more people who have been born and raised there as only Russian citizens and never as Japanese, and won't look at an exchange of their land favorably, and their voice will be very influential on an international level. That will provide leverage for Russia, making negotiations impossible for Japan.

Russia has made it easy for Japanese people to go over there without visa, and also made it possible for Japanese ships to perform economic activity in the Russian economic exclusive zone there.

I think it may be the best for Japan is they try and negotiate for some of the land (possibly trying to get some islands completely, and getting small parts of others so they can create harbors on it, and facilitate easy travel to Russian portions without /needing/ to land on a Russian dock) and see if they can get the easy travel and economic zone use of Russian held portions as permanent benefits.

Of course you do, you disgusting weeaboo drone or Japanese in disguise.

But it's not theirs. Not even "Hokkaido" is Japanese territory. The filthy slants are just invaders, illegally occupying someone else's territory (ainu)

Why so hostile, Netherlands?

>US and Gooks
>both have +15
I lold

We should put some ICBMs and few military bases on the Japanese border, just like their masters do on ours.

>talking about japanese border
>pic from dumbass/bombass border

Realistically, Japan isn't getting them back anytime soon. They had their best chance to settle the issue when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Those soldiers are AESTHETIC. Fucking hate modern shit with all the tacticool rails and dumb ballistics glasses like ours have.

Ainu have an interesting history and they are even related to Australian Aboriginals.

I guess you think Crimea belongs to Russia then, will you welcome Russian overlords if they ever come for you?

>I guess you think Crimea belongs to Russia then

But it is officially Russian.

Not according to most Western nations, do you take Russia's views over those of your own government?

I didn't know Ainu had Denisovan ancestry

It is part of their geopolitical imperative. Japan depends on the Sea of Japan staying safe in order to guarantee their territorial integrity. Before and up to WWII they tried to manage that by conquering pretty much the whole area (but mostly those islands, Korea, Manchuria, NE China, Nanjing and Taiwan). Nowadays, their strategy has been to have the utmost marine power (the US) secure the whole place with its navy and having SK and Taiwan be on a similar alliance with the Americans. This is also why the moment they believe the US does not have their back anymore, it's the moment Japan bolsters its navy one more time.

>But it's not theirs. Not even "Hokkaido" is Japanese territory

>do you take Russia's views over those of your own government?
Do you take the views of the people controlling the land on the views of the people butthurt about it?

Crimea voted to join the Russian federation and Russia annexed them with insufficient opposition from Ukraine. That's 2-0, gg no re, for Ukraine.

If Hokkaido isn't part of Japan then you have to gib back everything beyond the original 13 colonies.

>on the views
or the views*

Not a dispute. It's Russian clay and it's insignificant.

> Crimea voted to join the Russian federation and Russia annexed them with insufficient opposition from Ukraine.

Heh, isn't the horse yoked behind the wagon here?

Ok. It's not like I have a personal investment in borders.

Given that Ukraine didn't recognize Crimean independence to begin with, I'd say it makes sense.

It's a little tragic that the only way to secede a country is to sell your soul to another one, though. Still, Crimea made its decision and Ukraine was too weak to stop it from happening.

Kulir is Ainu's.
Most Ainu in Kulir moved to Hokkaido since Russian came there once.
Ainu is old Mongoloid and the same as ethnic that is called as the Jomon people in Japan.
The Old Mongoloid lives in Canada etc. as Inuit or one of Native American.
And all Japanese are mixed between Old Mongoloid and nomad of Mongoloid.

>A new study released in 2013 by Kanzawa-Kiriyama Hideaki shows that the Jomon population are genetically closer to Papuans and Melanesians, populations located in Oceania. The author also demonstrated that the Jomon have significant Denisovan admixture, which is also found among Papuans, Melanesians and some Negrito ethnic groups in the Philippines.

>The study suggests that the Ainu and Ryukyuan populations of Japan retained much of their Jomon ancestry, however the Ainu received gene flow from neighboring populations such as Nivkhs and the Ryukyuans received genetic input from the Yayoi. In the principal component analysis, the Jomon were genetically close to Cambodians and were genetically more similar to Melanesians and Papuans when compared to other East Eurasians. Therefore the Japanese people may have significant amounts of Melanesian-like or Papuan-like ancestry in their genomes.

Yeah, we are not annexing you

]Interdesting, I always thought Ainu would be more realted to proto-Amerindians who have no Denisovan ancestry but more Neanderthal than East Asians

I honestly doubt that you could, tbqh.

I always thought the Ainu would be related to Papuans or Aboriginals becauae they all look somewhat similar but the Ainu have light skin.

>t. lost Texas
>t. Double post

All clay is American clay.

Mexdico has never attacked a foreign nation in its entire history, we've never had an interest. }Having said that other than the US intervening what wiould stop us exactly? Maras all work for the cartels and those guys are nationalistic as fuck. If Colombia and Mexico decided to split Central America only an outside force would save you.

Which brings me to the point that what Russia did was wrong, regardless of conditions in the ground on crimea Russia had recognized it belonged to Ukraine under international law. It's Texas all over again.

I don't believe might makes right, you do.

Yeah, literally you and what army? You don't believe smaller nations should be respected by larger ones?

The mental gymnastics you Centracas do to appear es edgy right wingers.

I'm not t.

Hokkaido was called as Ezo before the 19th century.
In those days, that was a private territory of Matsumae clan and that was changed into central government's territory.
That was a part of Japan.

>only an outside force would save you.
And that's the thing, they're guaranteed to step in.

Particularly if Colombia invaded Panama and/or Costa Rica.

The reason I don't think you can conquer us is that the region itself isn't easy to conquer and manage, while not having resources worthy of the investment to begin with. Leaving aside the fact that you'd have to pass over Guatemala which would be hard fought over, El Salvador's heartland is surrounded by mountains and rivers, leaving few flanks that must be defended. Not to mention we can blow up both bridges connecting us to Guatemala if the war over Guatemala shows signs of being a losing war.

The only way invasion that I see feasible would be a maritime invasion, which I do not think you're capable of carrying out. And even if you were to initially succeed, you would lose more than you gain, and it would be hard for you to maintain the territories for long.

>I don't believe might makes right, you do.
Are you ignoring half of what I've said so far. Not only did Russia invade Crimea, but Crimea also voted in favor of joining Russia. At that point, it was a matter of who could impose their will on other people first, Ukraine over Crimea or Russia over Ukraine.

Yeah, I know.

I also know it was actually called Yezo, and that many institutions still bear that name.

White in America were immigrants, but both Yamato Japan and Jomon Ainu have lived here for two thousand years.
Yamato were settled people and Jomon were nomadic people.
A part of Jomon people became samurai since the 10th century, and they joined Yamato.

>Yeah, literally you and what army?
Literally USA would protect Costa Rica by not having an army, the same with Panama mexicaca

The constitution of Costa Rica is similar to ours.

>The mental gymnastics you Centracas do to appear es edgy right wingers.
But I'm not edgy nor a right winger, you shit for brains.

I'm being realistic while you are just assuming bigger territory = war won while ignoring all the logistics.

>you would lose more than you gain
This one I won't argue with because you're esentially correct. The Mexican navy does have more than enough ships to handle an invasion of your country however and you're disregarding the conditions of a real invasion scenario, eg one in which there may be an argument to be made that could appeal to some members of your society (just look at living conditions in Chiapas, one of our worse off states, compared to your country) or diverting just a fraction of our industrial base towards war production. On just scale it's a lost fight going in and you know it.

And I don't mean to hurt your pride, I'm glad that you're proud of you're nation and that you would hate to see it fall in foreign hands, and I get it why ours especially would be humilliating. But really the only discussion on any hypothetical scenario would be about logistics and time to accomplish objectives.

If Mexico had ever had an interest on intervening in your region it would have done so at some point in history, the US certainly didn't stop you guys or South Americans from fighting one another even in the 20th century, I'm pretty sure Trump would agree to look the other way if we agreed to pay for his wall.

And no the vote in crimea was not held under international standards and Ukrainians had largely been expelled at that point. More important you're perverting self determination, do you think any of the divisions in your country has a right to secede whenever they want to? Do you think it's legal for a foreign power to intervene? A good chunk of European history was wasted in wars precisely because this or that ethnic minority on the other side of a border. This isn't self determination as with the Kurds. Mexican corporations exist with the power to change demographics in our borders with Guatemala (Cemex, Maseca. etc.) iif we were imperialists we could use that as a tactic to then complain the Guatemalan government isn't providing adequate (CONT)

t. Takeshi

>I'm being realistic while you are just assuming bigger territory = war won while ignoring all the logistics.
what you expected of a mexicaca?

Hey japs
Just win a war against ruskie and take them back

protection to Mexicans. Would that be fair or legal? According to you it is.

No, you're not being realistic, the argument isn't larger territory is FAR latrger population and an industrial manufacturing base.

Not if we were to work out a deal with the Americans, I'm not for invading Central America mongoloid, this is about Crimea and the Kurils. Countries should not have to depend on the whims of those with power to feel secure. Do you think Trump wouldn't sell you out in exchange for his wall? Do you think Americans would care if they came to believe that us invading you would mean no more migrants in their country?

You should feel safe because of law and decency, not power which doesn't belong to you.

Take his strawman by all means Ticocaca

when are you giving back Japan to you know Japan?

>just look at living conditions in Chiapas, one of our worse off states, compared to your country
While I've never personally been to Chiapas, so I can't say for sure, I'm quite confident that the living standards are better over here. Mexico has a lot of states that are better of than us, but Chiapas is not one of them.

If your argument is that you can create a 'just' liberation war by moving some population into believing they would be better of under Mexican control, that's unrealistic. For better or for worse, animosity against Mexico is the one constant the whole country agrees on (including the fucking maras).

>The Mexican navy does have more than enough ships
And you would have to compromise them against a very possible American intervention if you attempted a war of aggression. I'm not proud of it, but we've been sucking American dick since time immemorial. Even the wars you mentioned (for El Salvador those would be the Football/100 hour war and the civil war) happen directly due to American influence on our economy.

And once again, it is perfectly possible that you might succeed, but it is highly unlikely that you would be able to hang on the the region for very long. The political and economic centers of Mexico are much too far away, and the political centers in Central America are too developed and too opposed to Mexican rule to just keep on a leash with little effort. Guatemala alone would become your 4th largest city overnight, which happens to be isolated from the rest of Mexico and very connected to population centers in ES and Honduras.

In any case, going back to the original topic: Even if the Ukraine vote was illegitimate, that was still done when Crimea still had its autonomy, making it internal regional politics within Ukraine. Even if Russia agitated them into action, you can hardly blame Russia when Crimean nationals are the ones partaking in the actions. If you want to blame someone, blame the Crimean regional government.

I don't want them anymore because these islands already Russified and turned into shit.

There are many Korean in Sakhalin.
On the other hand, the history of Russian(Ukrainian?) in Northern territory also is long.
It's as long as the history of white in the continental of America.



You make some very good points and you seem someone reasonable and educated, I'd love to respond in kind but have to go do the grito so we'll have to leave it for another time. I will agree on the substance that your country would pose an enormous challenge and be determined when it comes to oposing occupation. On Crimea we'll just have to agree to disagree.

And congratulations on independence day tomorrow, I do mean it.

I wonder why they don't talk in Spanish.

Actually, Independence Day is today for us, but thanks and likewise. Sorry for insulting you earlier, as well.

Honestly, I find it very annoying when people switch into speaking in a language I don't know in an unrelated thread, so I'd rather avoid doing that myself.

I see.

Cordell Hull in America who conducted the Good Neighbor policy for Central America is famous in Japan also.
USA carried out the same policy to Japan after that.

I think Japan should unite with Russian in Russian-Japanese alliance.
Russia will provide territories for their infrastructure and fabrics while japanese will invest into Russia.

SHould we have FInalnd back too then?
How about Alaska?
Fucking refugee on welfare.

iirc japan also has claims on some chinese and korean islands

>Good Neighbor policy
If only this had actually meant something. We might have had a very different image of the US over here in Latin America in that case, probably similar with how Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are pretty fond of them.

>How about Alaska?
We bought that fair and square.

Japan has a territorial dispute with China and Taiwan over the Sankaku/Diaoyu islands.

There's also a dispute between Japan and Korea over the Liancourt Rocks (lol).

However, basically every East and South East Asian nation has a territorial dispute with basically all of their neighbors.

well, that means the rule by them.


"a theif who sneaks into a house under the cover of a fire"

To the victor blong the spoils.

Many reasons that others said.... and fishing rights.

How does Russia treat their Ainus who are also genetically related to the Ainu in Japan.

Do Russian Ainus speak Russian?

Russian Ainus were Orthodox.
There is a church that they built in Hokkaido.
Most of them were made move to Hokkaido or Kamchatka.
They were a kind of nomads people on the sea originally.

Yes it's japanese clay.
Manchuria is Korean clay

>officially Russian


Gib kuril to us pls.we want to build ski resort there

What's wrong with you. Genetic problem?