White women:

White women:
>Hate masculinity
>Treat men like living money machines
>Can't cook
>Have no curves

>Appreciate masculinity
>Treat men like human beings
>Will cook for you
>Have the sexiest curves

Please tell me why I should date a white woman when Latinas exist?

So I guess you've never met a "Latina" before eh op?

>Please tell me why I should date a white woman when Latinas exist?
You shouldn't. Find yourself a sexy latina qt 3.14

t. pedro

all true

Latinas from south america are fucking hot famalam. Latinas from mexico and central america are usually fat.

Also hispanics in general have conservative vaules like hard working, Christian, traditional family values...

t. cuck

All women like masculinity, white women just pretend they don't. Name one woman who would fuck a lanklet over a Chad.

White women bitch about men who treat them like shit, then fuck the guys who treat them like shit just like every woman. Betas are just stupid enough to believe them and become SJWs who think they are going to drown themselves in pussy only to find they become cucks down the road.

Are there any that don't turn into goblins by 35?

Would I have to force her to make stews to keep her carb intake low?





Well, let's see:

-Hard sell-by date of 40.
-Every single relative of hers is now a relative of yours and will stop by your place like they live there, too.
-You will soon be subjected to numerous threatening posturing displays from male relatives about treating her right etc etc.
-You will have to deal with a woman who totally buys into the "women are insane but men should love the contradiction lolololololololol" thing
-Everything is drama
-You will be struck by her on regular basis (though it's marginally acceptable to give her a good shove or two)
-Depending on region of birth etc. you will have a tolerable accent to deal with or a boiling cat being peeled with a butter knife

>dick status:: MUH

tfw Swed and don't have any cute spics, only sandniggers.

Can we please trade?

Any latina from a decent family (Mom wasn't a whore and didn't have sex until marriage) is very redpilled

Mestizos are IQ 85 subhumans. Don't destroy the gene pool.

Mexico will never take us to space.

>Every time

Americans need to stop complaining about Mexicans and Latin-Americans. I wish we could trade our sandniggers for their Mexicans.

"Appreciating masculinity" is not a good thing.

Mestizos are nearly as bad as arabs. They're useless.

I love you Japan, I'm returning in september :3

shut up you degenerate jap

Ask a white guy with a thrown girlfriend anything

>Appreciate masculinity
>Treat men like human beings
>Will cook for you
I can do these.


Let's trade then

A lot of Latinas are feminist as fuck what are you talking about

Fuck that.

Anyone have sauce on this? last time this was posted I couldn't find anything.

Yes but you are a holohol.

That fucking gremlin at the back of the image.

plus their holes during sex is so fucking messy, white gunk oozing everywhere

I love it

I married one op. Most content I've ever been in my life.

My wife is colombian, but from a rich family and looks just as white as any european. Green eyes, dirty blonde, etc. No accent as she came here young. She's red pilled and wants illegals deported. However her family is admittedly far from red-pilled

Those nails are ghastly. Am I alone in being repulsed by the weird things women do to their nails? Coloured is bad enough, but when they're so stupidly long and sharp AND coloured... yuk.

Uhm fuck they're all bad, but I've met Somalian and Arabs they are straight shit. I've met a few good Mexicans, but more annoying ones. It's a tough sell. Honestly I just wish there weren't so many Mexicans.

Go google 涼宮琴音@AV女優 (元 白咲碧) you'll find her twitter

>a white guy with a thrown girlfriend

What did you throw her against?

That explains the face, I guess

What if I'm not masculine, value equality in relationship, don't see women as my property and piece of meat, like to discuss feelings and mood with romantic partner as part of communication? Not everyone wants what you want.

>Hard working

Bullshit. They work for ten minutes and take a break for 5. Just because they "work" 12 hours a day doesn't mean they have a good work ethic. And that's just the ones that actually work since they love social programs and government handouts. Just because they're Catholic doesn't mean they're conservative.

i think you might be gay Ivan

Something wrong, Ivan?

Then any western european (preferably british) girl will do well for you

So none of them?

You need to throw that bitch in a salon.

Isn't this level of public faggotry illegal in Russia?

Spot the angry white girls

>Will cook for you
lol dream on

When will this meme end? Latina women are fucking disgusting m8. In fact, all women are. The moment these "Latina goddesses" reach a standard of living and power equal to their white counterparts they'll be the same pieces of shit as them.

You could always become a trap.

>implying there are women on Sup Forums

>become a trap
>in Russia

That or this
You decide

isn't this level of public cringe posting illegal in romania ?

I have yet to meet a Latina that didn't cheat

OP is a faggot and pic related

Also keep those characteristics you described about "white" women for your own continent faggot.

I think we just committed several crimes

>Please tell me why I should date a white woman when Latinas exist?
Fuck off burguer, you stay the hell away from our women! You stick to your bbc loving white bitches and be a good little cuck!

Latinas are just what's produced when white people rape people of other races.
Why the fuck did we stop guys?

>lazy pedritou no trabajar muchou
>dey took er jerbsss

Which one is it friendo? clap once for yes, twice for no.

Yes. It's difficult to find girl in Russia that appreciates those qualities. That's why often I have to ethnically mix(Estonians, Swedes, Finns).
Why do you think that British is preferably of them all? Never been with one.
I'm a man and I enjoy being a man. I don't like other men, I like women.

My girlfriend is from venezuala and her mom is in 40's and is considered to be pretty hot. I'm guessing my girlfriend will age very well since she looks like a younger version of her mom.

American women are shit tier

>tfw no south american qt migrating to Europe
I mean, we have Spaniard qt but thtye look manly as fuck tbqh

South American Latinas definitely. They're actually trying to build a civilization down there. Mexico? Barely better than niggers.

Personally, I'd be insulted to be put in the same racial group as Mexicans if I were a South American.

What flavor is that?

Your entire population is descended from slaves.
Being cucked and fucked by whitey is in your DNA.


there is nothing latin about "latinas"

stop romanticizing beaners

white hispanics are called SPANISH PEOPLE

fucking mexican mongrels

>Italian being a butthurt faggot

No surprise.

That's the difference between blacks and Hispanics. In my experience, blacks either work hard at their job or don't bother getting a job at all. Latinos will get a job, do nothing for 12 hours except hide from their supervisors, collect paychecks, and send the money back to where they came from.

M8 my city is full of sudacas,and their second generation is garbage tier. I guess that they are better than Sand niggers,but they have the same problems,in crime rates and the like. That plus reggaeton. Fuck them

I'm a girl but I can't cook and I am not really curvy, just thin.

LATINO is NOT a race you stupid American fucks.

Spanish people are WHITE Europeans from LATIN EUROPE.

WHITE Ukrainian Argentine descendants as in my picture are still LATINOS because they grew up in a LATIN culture. (Latin as in DERIVED FROM THE ROMAN EMPIRE)

What you mean when you talk about brown Latin Americans is MESTIZOS, that is, those MIXED with Native genes.

>Your entire population is descended from slaves.
Wrong, we also have a lot of imigrants and asians here.

We even got confederates living here. And maintaining a pretty high rate of purity too!

Be as it may, you should stick to your own women, latinas belong to latinos!

>Personally, I'd be insulted to be put in the same racial group as Mexicans if I were a South American.

Pretty much
How's the wall going?

>Most content
Let me guess .Are you a Mexican?

>not really curvy, just fat.
No need to lie here

>And maintaining a pretty high rate of purity too!
Yeah, they are well know for fuckign their siblings.

looks like Pepe

>Yeah, they are well know for fuckign their siblings.
Can't argue with that, there used to be only 1000 of them, now there is nearly 200k of them, they sure breed fast!

"Are you kidding meeee?"


>thtye look manly as fuck tbqh
Everything compared to a french looks manly Pierre.

Because 5-7% of guys are really masculine alphas and not all of us like to being judged by ability to behave like an ape?

I choose neither. Stay in your shithole you and your ancestors have made. It makes no difference to me whether you continue to wallow in shit or decide to improve your nation, just keep your dumbass ideas out of my country.

Southern cone stronk

That's perfectly fine to want Sven, but any women would get tired of taking care emotionally for you pretty quickly, and inevitable will cheat on you and dump you. If you don't act like a man and take charge and lead women will never respect you, in the eyes of your woman you should always be superior not equal, fuck you should degrade them every once in a while to "show them their place", because women crave being controlled to that extend, there's nothing more liberating for a woman than to be completely dominated by a man.

So if I were you I would forget about all that equality crap and hoping women to take care of you emotionally, because nothing dries up a vagina faster than a man acting like a woman, abs she will inevitably jump into bed with the first alpha"ass hole" she meets.
Trust me, I'm that asshole and I've cucked a few of your country men already.
Pro tip: Never let a GF travel abroad on her own.

looks like your girlfriend should get thrown off a building

Whatever. If it's brown, flush it down.

In my experience...white women always seem to have a sense of entitlement. And usually have an ego/narcissistic attitude.

Usually they don't cook. Never clean... Basically they don't have any motherly or basic nurturing instincts.

Yeah, it's both.

If an employer can pay Mexican a week's wages for the same as he would spend on a day's wages for an American, it doesn't matter if the American works twice as hard for fewer hours, the employer still comes out ahead with the Mexican. Doubly do when you consider the lack of taxes being paid on under the table workers.


I agree. We hate the brown Bolivian immigrants we get here as much as you hate the Mexicans.


Not to mention aggressive personalities. Their entire personality is invested in being a "spicy latina". Fucking memes.


They are very emotionally attached to their males but you have to be the Man of the house. You have to be assertive.

Where do you get this shit from? Is it American women or what? White women around here love masculine, strong white men.

i want to worship her body

They do here, too.

Sup Forums is just full of neckbeard basement dwelling virgins (im 1 of those 3) who think all women are equivalent to the dumb whores in the media

pollacks are very susceptible to the big nigger dick meme

>one post by this ID