Christians, masturbation, sin.
I would really like a based discussion about this with other Christians or anyone being interested.
Masturbation: anything that does not lead to offspring
Christians, masturbation, sin.
I would really like a based discussion about this with other Christians or anyone being interested.
Masturbation: anything that does not lead to offspring
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Romans 14: (Not statically chosen)
nothing is unclean in itself
make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification
I thought mr. onan was supposed to make a baby and decided to jizz in the dry sand instead
I believe that masturbation is a sin, for one thing even having lust for someone is considered a sin so even if it were okay there's other things that go along with it that aren't.
This. It wasn't that he jacked off. It's that he jacked off instead of doing what God said to do, which was to creampie somebody.
>Go out of the world:
There are no people left to be the world. No one opposes a spiritual house that is correct. Or real right principles of what to do with lust.
>All is sin all is useless:
This is useless in the meaning of sin. Not as Ecclesiastes says.
>Lust is sin:
This is unfundable. There has to be a clear reason why.
>The whole christianity is seeing this wrong:
This is probably true. (...)
Or say or show something why not. That the whole of christianity is seeing this wrong is no reason why it would be right.
BUMP for spiritual Ubermenschenism
So God forces people to do certain things?
>things that go along with it
So what kinds of things? Porn? Other people of whatever sexe, age or even being? (This last thing would mean another species)
If the worst thing I had to worry about in life was having a wank I'd probably be about the holiest man alive.
Doubtless lust for instance is a much more pressing concern.
>spiritual Ubermenschenism
YesssS Best idea
Or YesssshuA
celibate master race reporting
>Masturbation: anything that does not lead to offspring
Is sexual intercourse with your wife without the intent of impregnation sin?
I'd say your holy scriptures were written by smart people who understood issues
in this case
>masturbation and pornography are an alternative to a partner and procreation
>people lose interest in sex/family/children
>civilization dies out
the same would go for weird fetishes, transshit, homosexuality, beastiality etc.
Been trying to quit for years, but I'm not a Christian so there's no real incentive to quit.
Oh boy, here comes the 'le masturbation is evil' crew again.
There is NOTHING condemning masturbation in the bible. Masturbating to the thought of a woman you are not married to though is sinful, you are committing adultery in your heart (Matthew 5:28).
Condoms are forbidden but timing sex with her ovulation cycle to minimise the likeliness of pregnancy is allowed IF you cannot afford raising a child right now (lifestyle doesn't count like "I want a sports car rather than a child" but only "We couldn't feed it if we now got child")
it fucks up your brain
in a way you should be concerned about if you browse Sup Forums
>Condoms are forbidden
Perhaps in your heretic catholic shit, however actual Christians follow the word of God in the bible instead of a pedophile with a pointed hat.
talking about pornography. not really masturbation itself if it's within bounds
Yeshua is master race.
Even porn doesn't fuck up your brain if you're not totally out of control about it. If that's the case then there are probably many other things in your life that are totally out of control.
As for lusting after a picture of a woman you're not married to being moral or not, that's a different question.
what do you define as out of control
"ugly manlet reporting"
I don't know if there exists an easy official definition for that, but I'd say that if you face problems without access to porn or to booze or to whatever else then that's something in your life that you've lost control over.
So this is probably The best or one of the Best churches in the world:
It is black and in Africa. Because this way it is not suggested that they would have to be about any of the issues as masturbation. Which is clearly a mistake in Christianity. The guy here was even prophesied before birth, and of course his ministry.
I mean looking at this, and some of the other things they say, like ''''grudge'''', so some extreme things, without any other thought, as in the whole of Christianity, the enormous weight that is put on things that are a normal part of life.
Grudge: also something that needs a little more attention then just acting as if it just disappeared in thin air. This is an understanding kind of thing, I just mean to moderate a little what can be said about it in Christianity. And the enormous weight on it without any other thought.
This is a playlist of some miracles that took place there. At their Youtube channel. Most of then look terrible. I don't know why they chose exactly these ones, type. But they did.
It's the lust that's the sin, not the lack of reproduction
Romans 3:23-24
23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus
Not justifying degenerate behavior, but just sayin'. Salvation comes through the acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior and the persistent will to do good towards your fellow Man. The overwhelming majority of our physical existence is sin.
Right. I'd still say it would be best to avoid. You don't need it and it does have risks
I would never think of criticizing a man who avoids porn on principle.
Similarly, I'm no big fan of Mormonism, but I have substantial respect for the ones who actually practice abstinence from alcohol and other such things. My personal position on that is that beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy, but that's just one of many things I'm willing to be wrong about.
I don't mean anti-anti racism, anti-anti gay or anti-anti-anything. I think Sup Forums or stormfront makes distinctions that exist. But what will work best to do with them.
yeah it's not related to religion in my case.
I 'believe' that religion is a set of social norms that define a good and functioning society and how everyone has to behave in order for it to work. So obviously things they (the thinkers and writers of the texts) regarded as bad were described as sinful. Painting a god and saying "because he wants it" makes it much easier to bring to the people than explaining why exactly you shouldn't do it.
like I made the example here Some of the things will become obsolete. That's why christianity had its reformation.
Personally, one of the things I quite like about Christianity is how even if you take the religion out of it it's still mainly just a lot of good sense about how to have a highly functional society.
Of course we can all argue about the details until we run out of breath, but the basics are pretty much just common sense.
>Masturbation: anything that does not lead to offspring
this would include
>every daily activity outside the bedroom if we're being a stickler for definitions, "anything"
with that corrected, so maybe "any sexual activity that does not lead to offpsring," that would include
>a fertile couple trying to have sex to make babies and being unable to on that specific try, even though they were trying to
If we correct that to "any sexual activity that is known beforehand will most likely not lead to offspring by intention," then that includes
>your wholesome heterosexual couple still having marital relations after a hysterectomy, or after menopause
If we correct that to "any sexual activity that is known beforehand will not lead to offspring by intention when the possibility of offspring is otherwise a viable option," then maybe that is closer to what you want, though the second to last may be what you want as well
I might sound like I'm being a picky autist about this but if you want to have a serious discussion you need to be very clear on terms and definitions.
yup. It goes a little bad when different cultures meet though. If people take the hocus pocus part too serious that is
Where in the bible is it said masturbation is a sin? "If your right arm causes you to sin, cut it off" is not directlybsaying jerking off is wrong. There are many sins you can do with your hands.
Isn't pic related a part of God's plan? If we masturbate to pic related, aren't we celebrating God's creation?
well, you are NOT putting your dick into that god's creation
But how is lusting in any size or subject a sin?
Stil Romans 14
>15 If your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love.
The same goes for what is not done or eaten.
I take the Bible but whatever other thing can say something about this? I think life in practice. And there is nothing that can disaprove it in any way. Or there has to be an extra reason.
As it is now ''''Not Doing'''' is too big. There is hardly any ''''Do''''. It can no longer be said that it is something that one decides for himself. Because like habit it is said that lust = sin.
Well you're living a pretty unfulfilled life if whacking off to a picture is the center of your universe. But if you're a biologically normal, healthy male then obviously you're going to find that to be attractive, and if that's not taking you away from plowing your faithful wife then popping one off to an imaginary picture is probably better than whores and lusting after every woman in sight.
Without marriage, that WOULD be a sin.
Matthew 5:28-30
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
and in the 17th day god created silicon implants and waxing and he saw and it was good?
also where do you derive the "have to married" rule?
the bible very consistently says you shouldn't lay one that is engaged to other.
having to be married is never mentioned. not once.
just making it official
As a post-Vatican II Roman Catholic, I'm hard pressed to cite anything in the bible beyond the same stories they read us year in and year out.
However, marriage is one of the seven sacraments that you're expected to receive during your lifetime, and it is understood that sex only happens between a husband and wife.
>LUST, a natural human desire innate in us that we can't help
>a sin
You stupid Christians make me PUKE
Yes. Through creating us, God did create silicon implants. What is wrong with girls trying to look sexy? With natality rates droping throughout the western world, with the rise of sodomy and other sexual abominations, why do you judge reminding you that you are attracted to the opposite sex? That God's plan feels good? Should we all turn asexual? Most people cannot afford to marry nowadays. Masturbation at least reminds them of their duty to God.
I think you're failing to differentiate between a natural response and indulgence. One of the key themes in Christianity is free will. Nobody's going to hell for natural reactions or dumb mistakes. But those who willfully do what they know to be wrong are a different matter.
i understand it is part of the religion, i just cant see any basis in scripture for it.
i was just jking. idgaf.
>Those trips
>Condoms are forbidden
I don't know if there's any basis in scripture for making up your own wedding vows or having the state perform the marriage.
What I do know is that if you're willing to stand before God, family, and a priest, wear each-other's rings, and vow that it's for richer or poorer, sickness or health, and all that, until death do you part, then that's the kind of commitment any sane person would want as the foundation for building a family.
On one hand this seems such a difficult and heavy text.
On the other hand the lust-thing can be dangerous. So I for one am actually happy that the weight of the danger is represented somewhere.
I mean: like women having to get brutally raped all the time. Or anyone can suddenly be fucked, brutally at any time and at any place by anyone?
All basically have the same feelings. All can do it with any kind of partner. So now there is a lot of weight on the other side of sin. Gays sodomise by propagating that they really can't do it with the opposite sex or marry them.
But say as a male you can get brutally arse fucked at any time? Or as a child-man?
I think this is the reason why it is so exaggeratedly described in the Bible. I mean in the barbaric days they did not even have a toilet.
Matthew 22:37
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 ////////All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”///////////
I don't think this text can be done at once. I don't mean that. There is too much weight on the whole thing.
Matthew 5:28-30
28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Except the bible actually says it's a sin to simply think about lusting over someone's wife or someone who isn't your wife . If your hanging out with your friend, and his wife has huge breast and gorgeous blonde hair, you are going to feel urges to fuck her. Now if you repress it and force yourself to not think about it, that's fine, but that's all your doing: repressing an innate human desire to reproduce.
I am addicted to masturbation and I don't know if I want to stop
I'm no biblical scholar, but for me personally there's a pretty big difference between getting turned on by something hawt and spending my time lusting after it.
We would hope that we don't need crazy strict rabbinical laws because we're a society of rapeful apes who can't tell right from wrong on their own.
You can always stop for a while and see how it goes. It's good for perspective.
Even better is if you life the kind of life where it's just not that big a concern. For instance maybe you go off and do something where you don't have the opportunity to jack off in your basement to animes all day long, and then maybe you realize you were more excited about other things or you think CHANSU~ and rub one out in about 3 seconds so you can get back to other things.
yea yea,
im not talking about that.
im talking about extra marital sex.
But there is a fundamental difference between lusting for a specific person, say my neighbors wife, Katy, and masturbating to random girls on the internet. While lusting for your neighbor means you want to have a sex with a specific person outside marriage, lusting for a random nude girl just means you, in principle, want to have sex. And there can be no sin in wanting to have sex. Sex is a natural, vital component of God's plan.
There doesn't need to be basis in Scripture. Sacred Tradition was upheld in the Early Church. Sola Scriptura is a young heresy unique to fundamentalism and protestantism. That said, the Church (the same Church in Matthew 16:18) is given the right to discern and promulgate morality. That is not to mean they create morality, but define that which is already moral (Per Matthew 18:18).
So considering masturbation, it is immoral. It is rightly denounced as immoral as it goes intrinsically against the purpose of ejaculation. The purpose of it is for procreation and the unity of spouses. To masturbate is to selfishly abuse the procreation process.
Wanting to have sex is natural. Being undisciplined however is primitive and needs to be remedied. Masturbation is disordered against purpose. Having a "sex drive" is natural, obviously, however this gives no excuse for acting on said nature in an unnatural and abusive way. Abuse, as in, abusing the purpose of sexual stimulation.
The Church can judge whether something is immoral (a human perception of things) but it cannot judge whether it is a sin. That right is reserved to God alone. There is great difference between the dogma (words of Jesus) and the Cannon (tradition of the Church).
All that being said, it seems somewhat unnecessary and perhaps even perverse to by posting porn alongside your arguments.
It's almost as if you have some underlying psychological issue trying to get out.
They can determine that which is sin. Through reason and drawing logical conclusions from morality, they absolutely can. They cannot alter what is considered sinful and they never do. However the Church can determine sin and has. They have the authority to do that.
Likewise, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding as to what DOGMA and CANON really are. Dogma is not defined as "words of Jesus", and Canon is not simply the tradition of the Church.
I've abstained for three months before
I agree with you but I also think there's a reciprocal relationship between abstinence from masturbation and having structure in your life. In other words, I can't really tell myself if my life changes/productivity was because I stopped jerking off or my activities simply kept me too busy to be concerned like you said.
It's biologically important to ejaculate more than once every three months. I think it's pretty obvious that the ideal case is you have a beautiful wife and love her so much nutting deep inside her isn't even the important part of your relationship.
But, short of that, I think it's like everything else in life where you have to figure out what works rather than just pretend to be a robot. As a man of science, my determination is that it's a net good idea to not inadvertently go too long and then get blindsided by natural urges.
I dated my wife for 5 years until we martial in March 15 current year. We are both 18 and kept the Law of Chastity until the wedding night. It was difficult at times to maintain myself from masturbation or not jumping on her, so I used cold showers l, ice cubes on muh dick and sometimes self-flagelation or she assisted me in it.
So you dare say men can reason God in full? The only one who truly is? If the Church can determine sin, why is the God the one who Judges, and not the Clergy? I would say your statement is borderline heretical.
I did simplify significantly, but it is not far from truth. Dogma stems directly from God, while cannon stems from tradition. And the only direct message from god came from the Bible, the Jewish prophets and Jesus and the apostles blessed by God. Everything else is cannon.
I am not posting porn. Porn, as in the graphic depiction of sex, celebrates promiscuity (porn stars are very rarely married to their partners). I am posting pictures of beautiful women, who descend from Eve, who was created from man, who shares the beautiful image of God. Thus, I only celebrate God's creation. And if a man is aroused by that image, great. Since it is God's plan for a man to be attracted to a woman.
That's pretty much what happened to me. I was having constant erections in unwarranted situations and I ended up having my first wet dream.
It's easy to think negatively about it as "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation, in the event that you don't have a partner. It is necessary to ejaculate, and it's easy to be ashamed of pleasuring yourself to achieve it if you do not have a partner.
You're intentionally posting reckless and provokative pictures, trying to get a rise out of me, etc. Meanwhile I could go down to the local art museum and admire both the male and female form in all of God's inspired creative beauty without it being needlessly sexual.
Kind of like if you see some guys dick in the bathroom or some gal's boob hanging out to breastfeed, then that's just pretty much normal every day things and not anything to get worked up about.
I never said man can reason God in full. That is a leap of great faith. The Church can discern sin by the Grace of God, certainly. They can discern that which is evil. It isn't complicated and it isn't controversial. It has basis in Scripture as well as Sacred Tradition. What you are saying is heretical; not borderline but nearly completely.
Regarding the Dogma and CANON (note: not cannon) you are consistently having a misunderstanding. Dogma is an absolute and true teaching. The Immaculate Conception, the Trinitarian Formula, the divine nature of Christ, etc.
Canon, however, is not so unambiguous. Canon is simply that which is taught and accepted. Your distinction is erroneous and I'd like to see where you came to those definitions.
t. Martin Luther
>ashamed of pleasuring yourself to achieve it if you do not have a partner.
That's just how we're designed, bro. There's something mechanically wrong with your equipment if you're not blowing a wad even if it has to happen when you're asleep.
Just like we're designed to find our soul mates and marry them and at least not make God have to come down and lay waste to Sodom and Gomorrah even if we're not going to be procreating as was intended.
What is "needlessly sexual" in the pictures I posted so far? Were there genitalia? Was there sex? The fear of nudity and sexual attraction is not inherently Christian. It was a part of the western culture, but seems to be no longer. I celebrate that historic trend.
And where is that basis in the scripture? Please cite it.
The Trinitarian formula comes from the Bible (Matthew 28:19), that is why it is absolute. Nothing but God is absolute, and if you disagree you are a heretic.
I understand what you mean. Thank you.
Quick question for the ones arguing in this thread
If i masturbate and rarely pray but uphold good actions towards my fellow human beings whenever i can will i still go to hell?
Only God can judge you.
How can you go through life not exploring sexuality?
It's up to God as many would say, although as a Lutheran I'd argue differently.
methods to avoid this sexual urges: cold shower, prayer, ice to dick and balls, flaggelation.
I totally love this subject. At this time the sin seems totally on the other side. ''''Not doing it'''', like the Bible says, do not unease anyone by doing something is now on the side of ''''not doing something''''. Not for bad reasons, but it is interesting
Get right in your heart with God. I guess you could call that prayer. Do this first and foremost.
Cranking your dick around and worrying about Hell is stuff for miscreants to fixate upon.
lol does that work ?
No Christians supported contraception until the Anglicans did in the 1930's
Masturbating is against God's design. Instead of ejaculating in your wife, you just waste it.
It's good to have self control.
You are correct. But do understand that, like any excretory gland system, it needs to be flushed out. You could no more ask a woman to stop ovulating and having periods just for lack of a man.
Call us all cursed and fallen, but the obvious thing to do is get married and make babies.
>Christians, masturbation, sin.
jesus cared about your gains.
You'd be surprised, but it does. Good flagellation releases anti-stress and happiness hormones, so sexual frustration is relieved. I couldn't always deliver it properly, so me and my wife-to-be used to return each other the favor. We have a Russian sauna where we use rods with leaves to self-spank or spank other attendees, many people aware of old anti-stress practice.
You are absolutely right. Never masturbated and proud. Lots of wet with cum nights though.
Seems like fapping degeneracy is a Ahill's heel of Sup Forums.
And this whole worship of Kek - literal Satanic idol
Don't make it a part time job.
I joined nofap long ago because everytime I felt disgusted at myself when "doing it".
I have always been a christian but religion isn't really what motivated me.
It's not masturbation itself but porn and the internet.
Rid of porn and internet abuse and the problem will solve itself.
Whenever you want to do it pray and apply cold ice. It helped through teen years to marriage.
Icing your taint and hitting each other is kind of weird, bro.
No hate or anything, but is that really normal in Russia? It makes me think of a weird Jew movie I once saw about how horrible Catholicism is.
In Russian Lutheran community, yes. As for hitting each other, it's maybe exclusive for our denomination and some Catholics as a way to keep down sexual urge, but Russians and Finns do it for fun in sauna with pic related for fun and endorphins. We just used it as a way to avoid sexual thingy for 5 years we were together. We used well-polished rods priest gave us. They don't really damage your skin or anything. Painful, but helpful. Ice is a total bro at any time, also healthy as it gets.
My masturbation addiction was a cause by Sup Forums desu
Fucking degenerate hentai posters