>Be Tom Hiddleston
>Being chased by a giant two legged lizard in the middle of nowhere
>Proceed to look back and just stand there, gawking, ready to get eaten
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People wanted him to be Bond.
> not noticing he is reacting to Kong roaring in the distance
Wow, this CG is top notch for ten years ago!
it looks perfectly fine
You want to kill yourselves today people? read the comment section literally want to open my wrists in the tub now. This is the new standard of film and there's nothing we can do about it.
he heard kong...
oh great so its gonna be just like the Peter Jackson movie where literally every creature that isnt Kong is way more interesting.
Man I'm tired of these CGI-filled action flicks. They're all gonna age terribly very quickly.
it already looks aged and shit without it even releasing yet.
>where literally every creature that isnt Kong is way more interesting.
as it should be, Kong is nothing special really.
the creature's body doesn't even make any fucking sense, he'd have to use both arms to prop himself up all the time
theyre keeping that mistake right?
>dude what if
>what if we took a dinosaur
>and took two of it's legs off
>it'll look so cool
What am I supposed to be looking at here
Guy who took the pic is a tard. In the clip the tail clips through the guy and is extremely noticeable without even really any effort.
Name a single movie that hasn't aged. You can't. Don't you dare say Jurassic Park because it shows its age.
>cgi video game tier fights
Movies with practical special effects will age better than movies with just CGI.
Completely untrue as history has proven.
Show me this history you speak of.
t. idiot
What kind of spasticated dinosaur was that?
>hasnt aged at all
>better than all CGI
>completely not repainted Halloween masks the actors made fun of
>.....aaaaand cut!
this will never not look retarded
Why are they calling the Steve Brule movie king kong?
Kring Krong
>Be Tom Fiddlestom
>Being chased by a giant two legged skelezard in the middle of fucking nowhere
>Hear terrifying cacophonous roar echo over the screeching of the the spooky beast pursuing me
>Now is a good time to stop running away!
So you prefer this?
We're both cherry picking to prove our points, right?
Maybe I should've clarified. Well-made special effects will age better than 'top of the line' CGI that was great at the time.
Kind of how we and birds use both legs to prop ourselves up all the time?
Its not the best looking creature design-wise but it's not bad either.
It shows that at least they somewhat tried.
They really made him look much bigger in the intial previews but here he is not as big as I thought he'd be. How the FUCK is he suppose to fight Godzilla who could just step on him?
It's probably gonna be another Godzilla 1998 sizing clusterfuck.
>yfw 12 years old effects are better
>>Being chased by a giant two legged lizard in the middle of nowhere
i didnt know taylor swift was in this movie
>not knowing they size him up on the poster for effect
So do you guys think Tom cruise is the size of a car in this movie because he is on the poster? Also they confirmed he's not full height
What a fucking boring monster
Why does the 2017 one look like a black man?
It's actually modeled on the original Kong from the 30s movie, Jackson's Kong was modeled on a proper silverback.
> close up of him from a blu Ray rip
> shot of him in motion ripped from a shiity YouTube video
>exact same base head as smaug
wtf I love generic lizard monsters now
No matter how hard I try I can never root for the monkey
>I thought Godzilla 2014 was garbage
>King Kuck looks like shit and is directed by a complete libtard psychopath
>I have Japanese friends online who are hyped as fuck for every monster movie Legendary is going to shit out and already love the generic 'Skull Crawlers' and I feel myself being infected by their enthusiasm
this is a bad feel
Kill yourself. It doesn't look like that at all
King Kong always racial connotations, don't know why you care a libtard is directing it.
When will they stop making King Kong movies? There hasn't been a single good remake
This movie looks like Jackson carbon copy, down to uncharismatic lanky jew as the main character
This looks so fucking bland holy shit, the actors have zero enthusiasm and sound like they're reading from a script
>it looks perfectly fine
yeah, no. that user has a point the cgi doesnt look good
>kang kong literally slam dunking a basketball shaped rock
I fucking hate people like you, the CGI is good, especially in a broad daylight with doesn't happen much these days
Kill yourself you pleb
No, it looks fine enough.