Anyone know where we can get this Jersey?
Anyone know where we can get this Jersey?
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This fag gets on my nerves more every day.
Anyone know where I can get that hat?
The Triggering has gotten so powerful, it's spread to allies and enemies alike.
trashing this thread
This is now a /polgbt/ thread.
Society is turning gay because we've come to realize that women are the Vaginal Jew.
I thought gay men had good taste?
Yeah, but Milo's trying to rustle as many jimmies as possible. By the looks of things, he's doing it.
He's not a sniper, he's a nuke, and friend or foe, you're fucked if you're in the blast radius.
Holy shit!
I just think he's dressed like an idiot, who wears a jersey when they aren't at a game? who the fuck wears a yarmulke with a jersey? Why is is jersey styled after the fucking Texans, and his bright red yarmulke looks stupid as fuck
This whole outfit is a disaster
Holy shit I assumed it was fake before I realized he's obese, this is FUCKING disgusting, gas the fats size war now
You're proving me right though. If somebody says "that outfit triggers me" or "that outfit makes me angry", he's doing something right.
A troll doesn't concern themselves with anything but making people butthurt, and although Milo chooses to focus himself on special snowflakes, if some normies get upset too, so be it.
that fag israeli gettin on my nerves
post more /polgbt/
what was the other guys method?
>implying gay guys wear makeup, like tranny degenerates
>implying Sup Forums would would ever willingly destroy /polgbt/ in favor of the Vaginal Jew
Milo always wears sunglasses because of the bags under his eyes from staying up doing coke all night. Sober people don't tweet at 3:00AM
I do, but that's just because I work the late shift at my job.
I don't know what Milo's doing though.
Waffle Stomping
Shower pooping is a refined artform and is more common than people give it credit for.
It's almost like a secret society, where elite members are too scared to speak out, but once open discourse is permissive, various methods and techniques are developed.
Some people really get into it, often defeloping intricate styles, such as the foot-heel method. Using the ball of the big toe or my personal tactic, the YOLO full foot smear.
Seariously, shower pooping is super real. Plebs and unitiated wouldn't understand.
And before anyone launches into judgement, no I am not a NEET or neckbeard, I am a woman and I have a professional career in Social Media innovation and design implementation.
Do you even bother with TP?
All rightwings conservative or people who work for Beirbart/Foxnews are pro Jew...but Sup Forumslution hate Jews.
the best one
joey diaz?
> literally spending money on the hygenic jew.
Toilet paper is the most bluepilled invention ever.
We're pooping in a shower here. You have a high pressue shower hose and poo-luffe right there and you're talking about toilet paper. Get the fuck out, kid.
Good god
Kill yourself.
Radically pro-straight members of Sup Forums never cease to amaze me.
When I look at how much Sup Forums hates kikes and niggers, it's so often matters of culture rather than actually being race or skin color, but when it comes to gay people, suddenly they make the choice to go full klansman and indiscriminately hate gay people.
I guess it's true what they say though, about flagrantly anti-gay people and their secret hunger for dick.
>I am a woman and I have a professional career in Social Media innovation and design
Ya blew it
Anybody with a brain know that. I don't give a fuck about gays, less competition for me if I want fuck women. Most ULTRA anti feminist men or anti gay are closet gays.
Shower pooping is the most redpilled thing ever
> /fit/
> Sup Forums
> /biz/
> /cgl/
>being so fat you can't poop like a normal person nor reach around to clean your own ass.
Thank you for spelling it correctly. It triggers me when people misspell it as 'yahmuhka'