AMERICAN (Widest range of foods in the widest range in quality. Ex. Shitty pizza to Traditional American thanksgiving dinner)

JAPANESE (Chinese copycat)
ITALIAN (because it's all carb focused and inferior to french)
TURKISH (A LOT LIKE GREEK but better blend of European/Middle eastern)




BRITAIN (actually have top tier breakfast and tea time, sadly everything else is shit)
CANADIAN (everything bad from Britain/America but covered in maple syrup)

JEWISH (Sorry our overlord merchants, you guys have shitty dry food and can't use pork/nonkosher shit)
ISLAMIC (ditto jews)

>Widest range of foods in the widest range in quality

>being this butt blasted
Go eat some mcdonalds pleb.

Yeah, seems like a correct ranking

Thanks giving dinner is like traditional chrimbo dinner, off yourselves


Chile is mostly there for the seafood.

chinese food is gutter oil and msg, it's literally the worst kind of food on the planet


This list is so shit it can be only made by americans


Thanksgiving dinner is Canadian though

I'm sorry I can't, because other countries are exclusively restricted to your opinion of what their respective cousin entails. Only America has access to other forms of food.

> He really think that he eat/ate real italian food in America and not a bad imitation by noo joyzeyrzerz and noo yorkers.

Ok ...

>chinese food is gutter oil and msg
Actually Chinese food in other countries just reflects what the locals like.

For example. Broccoli beef is popular in the US because broccoli and beef is cheap in the states and Americans like beef. Both broccoli and beef are expensive in China so there isn't broccoli beef there.

Tl;dr your countrymen likes "the worst kind of food on the planet".

But what would the world be like without American staples like macaroni and cheese and canned hamburgers?

Ah yes, the good old "only freedoms I appreciate should be freedoms"-retardation. Truly astonishing how the supposed "land of the free" can be so anti-freedom the second it rubs them the wrong way.

I totally didn't read past "I'm sorry".

I guess you had that burger. Now fuck off elsewhere if you have nothing of value to contribute.

Christ are you people emotionally fragile. We're it not for Butthurt belt subhumans, you would the most easily angered group on Sup Forums

Middle eastern food is quality man, if you've never had shawarma or anything like that you're missing out. Defineltlely doesn't belong that low on the list and there isn't such a thing as "Islamic" food. Ditto with Christian food.

Lebanese cuisine high quality it's my favorite resturant

I thought Peruvian is rad for their seafood, personally Peruvian is the best Lat Am food
Hungarian should be GOAT or GOOD tier

I'm sure you "totally" didn't, bro.

What's that? Did I push a button a little to hard?

Someone has to explain me what's so good about French cuisine.
Dessert are top tier, but that's pretty much the only thing that came to my mind (And even there, south Italy probably beat us)

That's it. Now I'm personally going to mail Kim Jung Boom to nuke the USA off this planet.

>No u are mad.


I've had food in both Italy and the States. Americans are more plentiful. Italians tend to have smaller portion size and seem to "ration" their stuff.

American Italian places give bread in the beginning and give a large amount of extra virgin olive oil and balasmic (even if it's imported from Italy) on the plate for dip. I haven't seen that kind of thing in Italy.

We invented Pavlova. This should put us in the best tier by ourselves.

I rest my case.

>I'm sure you "totally" didn't, bro.
I didn't. You have nothing to contribute. I seriously want you to leave. You're just shit posting at this point.

You're upset you weren't listed. Yet you don't make a case for yourself. Instead like a kid you just talk shit.

Don't bother replying to this. Because I won't reply to a waste of time like you again.

Unironically this. I've noticed that Scandi's can get viciously defensive when mocked, even when it's obvious that everyone in the thread is just mindlessly funposting.

Maybe this whole shitposting thing is something only Anglos and Latins can do right.


>countless chinese restaurants across the world including in denmark
>literally no denmark restaurants anywhere

Stop pretending to be reasonable you deceptive pseudo-intellectual fuck.

You might as well replace it with peruvian food then, since chilean seafood is basically a downgraded version of it.

Westernised Chinese food is popular across the globe, Dane food looks like general Scandi food but with less emphasis on seafood.

>quantity = quality
wow top tier argument there bud

Well I put it there because the French were the pioneers of the culinary world. During the colonial age the French scoured the world for ingredients. Many techniques were refined. And a lot of the rules of dining and course meals were lead by the French culinary industry.

tl;dr French is up there not for crepes or croque-monsieur, but for it's historic and lasting contributions that other countries have adopted as well as it's haute cuisine.

A good example of this is Gordon Ramsey is British, but he opens a great restaurant in London that uses mostly British ingredients and draws inspiration from old British recipes. It's quintessentially "British" but 99.99% chance that the cooking techniques, the kitchen organization, the tools, the plating and presentation, the lineup of the course meal, etc are all based on French techniques.

>Panda Express

Chilean wine tho.

>inb4 muh Malbec

Yeah. Argentian wine is fine too. IMO better than Chilean but not better than Californian. Goes very good with red meats.

>panda implications i didn't imply
>i wasn't even talking to you
Fuck off retard

What I've enjoyed so far:

- South African. I fucking love how it blends the culinary trends of 3 continents. And I really enjoy their meat dishes.

- Indonesian is hands-down the best SE Asian. I like Thai and Vietnamese, but Indonesian slightly edges it. I loved Rijstaffel ever since I visited the Netherlands.

- Turkish has a great assembly of vegetables, meats, seafood, dairy, rice and breads.

- Afghan is equally good as Turkish, but I think their pilaf is better (carrots and raisins with rice and meat is god-tier).

- Belgian is criminally underrated. I've had so many hearty dishes there and the beer is amazing.

>no portuguese food
Will you kindly fuck off?

Nouvelle cuisine is a big meme. As for the techniques I don't really know.
Actually during colonial time, the spainard were the one that bring the most ingredients (From the Americas). Even the Dutch got more than us on this regard (From Indonesia).
I thought the "line up" is more of a Italian thing (Aperitivo from turin, The typical pasta on Primo, caffè etc...) but I might be wrong.
Everytime I go to a french restaurant i'm Always disappointed... thing that doesn't happend to me in Spain, Portugal or Italy. Also eating to Italian/Portuguese friends is always a greater experience than eating in a french house. I don't think like you can call a cuisine good if you can't actually have a great meal without spending a fortune

>Widest range of foods in the widest range in quality
Fast foods count in not "quality" but "quantity" with shitty sugar and oils, you fatty chaps

>chimping out and being this butt hurt because his non-country is not mentioned
It's not like they said it was shit. Can't mentioned every non-country.

Think of it as getting to place it where ever you like.

Americans have more than just fast food restaurants you know.

p.s. go back home loser English teacher



>ITALIAN (because it's all carb focused

t. American who only knows about pasta and pizza

You fucking idiot learn something about Italian food


Mostly good list. Japanese food is not Chinese copycat. Japan has been developing mostly independently for over 1,000 years.

>shit tier
Kebab is Alah tier, especially if made with pork.

He's right that it's a step down from French, though.

Northern Europeans are way too self-conscious to handle any amount of negative attention. Its an almost instinctual thing with them.

If you mean chinese food outside china you right

I'll just leave this here

Vietnamese, French, and American food are the best.

Brazil, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, and Hungary should be there.


I think we stole that from New Zealand. Just like how we steal their highly educated workforce.


McDonald's wouldn't be relatively successful in a shitton of countries if their """"""food""""" wasn't liked enough.

Swedish food is GOAT.

would fuq the swede over that k*rd

>no v4 country mentioned
>not even hungary

>Greek only in good tier
Shit list made by an mart shart American

Brazil? Churrasqueria alone does not make a cuisine and I've really yet to see arguments for Brazilian food say being better than German other than a handful of dishes based in local ingredients. Not saying they don't deserve it, saying I haven't seen it. Turkey? Could be interchangeable with Greek tbqh, the Mexibro who made this cartoon chose Lebanese, which is what we get in Mexico. Really Levantine or Eastern Mediterranean cuisine is kinda the same thing, you'd have to make a case as to why Turkey's is the best variation, and filo being universal to them all is not it.

Iran and Hungary I'd grant may be missing as they do seem the best representatives of culinary traditions that aren't covered there and which do make good food, Malaysia's would be dependant on whether they're distinct enough not to be covered in Thai, Chinese or India already, I get it the South Pacific isn't represented, all my life I've wanted to taste bread fruit, but it does not appear they have yet (and it could change) reached the level of Haute Cuisine. All I know about Malaysia other than it heavily incorporates some foreign traditions (which is a point in its favor really) is that they eat bats.

Peruvian seafood is shit. Their water is too warm for proper seafood

I have had chinese american food. It gave me diarrhea multiple times. Truly the worst kind of food

mexican cuisine which is closest thing to mediterranean cuisines outside of europe and thai cuisine are underrated as fuck. also japenese cuisine is most overrated.

It's bad. Full of grease and sugar.

> Widest range of foods in the widest range in quality. Ex. Shitty pizza to Traditional American thanksgiving dinner

So, every western country's cuisine then.

>Kebab is Alah tier
not sure if cuckold or just kebab

>this is what amerisharts actually believe

>"Mexican food isn't that great, I've tried every combo on taco bell"

Fucking americucks thinking their fried greasy shit is the best

Fuck off faggot. I live in LA. All the spics I meet in Mexico speak english and insist on how they love America and want to be American.

All the fucking spics here only speak spanish and love mexico.

Fucking foods the same. Your cuisine is repetitive and weak.

It's really not.

Although American food is trully under-rated by everyone, Americans included.
Mexican cuisine is truly god-tier, but not long ago Mexicans thought their food was garbage, there was some government-sponsored campaign to document and establish Mexican cuisine throughout the country, and this campaign was very successful. It brought their various food dishes together to form one truly unique and superior cuisine.
I have a personal dream that one day the same will happen for American food, if and when it does, our "food" will become a cuisine that will be world-renowned and exceed America itself in its existence.

There is truly so much that the world does not know about our food, even countless things that Americans are not aware of.

We could dwarf all other cuisines...but because our food has not been harmonized, we are known for fast food shit.

this tbqh

besides bbq and those big ass southeren meals with all kinds of dishes and the obviously apple pie which stuff do you consider good cousine from your country? im actually interested not memeing.

>Bad Tier

You high senpai?


We have so many dishes, that are unique and reflective of all the states, and truly express each state's history and natural environment and culture, for so many things such as breakfast, drinks, fruits, vegetables, all forms of deserts, lunches, dinners, for so many different life-styles: that I truly am not capable of answers that question, because I do not believe that someone has ever experienced all of these things before.

No one has ever gone around to all the states and compiled all of our foods and tried all of the dishes.

But our food truly is just as good as the best cuisine in the world, it has just not been polished yest. Americans don't think of our food as a cuisine, as something unique, as something to develop and protect. We just think of "hey there's a thai restaurant I saw on the way home from work lets order out".

But look at the uniqueness of certain aspects of our foods: Macaroni and cheese was created by one of our fucking founding fathers!

We are the only country in the world to have an established breakfast-cuisine!

We seem to be the only developed country that has a culture of hunting and preparing wild game, we even have restaurants that specialize in this.

We are so talented at preparing food that we are famous for taking other nation's cuisines and making them better and even more famous.

Surely all of these unique things, if brought together into a documented and established set of gastronomy, would be something amazing, and unique among the best cuisines in the world.
>t. man who worked himself out of poverty by working as a cook in kitchens

what the fuck is going on here


>literally like 14 countries
>doesn't even include your non country

unironically would read something sbout usa food, sounds interesting.

This is outdated. Vietnam has McDonalds now

Vietnam status upgraded!

Also I just finished my lunch.

Greek food is best

Wow, a funny German?

you are somones sneaky diaspora

probably asian

I'm not Asian. But I am in Japan right now.

Greek food is best food
and this

>not long ago Mexicans thought their food was garbage, there was some government-sponsored campaign to document and establish Mexican cuisine throughout the country, and this campaign was very successful. It brought their various food dishes together to form one truly unique and superior cuisine.
What? No, Mexican food has always been highly celebrated inside Mexico, even if it might seem otherwise to the rural migrants in the US. The recent efforts were done in Calderon's term in order to get th UNESCO designation, and mostly focused in his own home state's rural cooking, that's Michoacan, not the haute cuisine in Puebla which has been catalogued for decades. Granted, there's been a movement in this century to form it into a system much along the same lines as there was with Japanese cuisine and much the same following along the lines of French gastronomy, but that hasn't been the government other than helping through cultural institutions, it's for the most part been the restauranteurs themselves lobbying for such and doing the actual heavy lifting.

>No one has ever gone around to all the states and compiled all of our foods and tried all of the dishes.
Yes, they have, few places in the world have invested the amount of resources the US has in glorifying every little morsel or variaton found in their country, just take a look at the media empire now commanded by the American food industry, there's literal thousands of hours of world renowned chefs poring every single corner of America looking for original dishes. The problem is no matter how original the variation things like apple pie and fried chicken are hardly uniquely American dishes, nevermind dishes like hamburguers and pizzas which can be documented to have been originated in Europe. So you're left with only a small handful of regional styles which are variations on Mexican, French or British along witha few surviving Native American originals. Soul food is mostly European (CONT)

shan't read any further

not really

yeah maori scaffolders really add a lot to our country

I don't like South African indian food at all, it's all too watery for my taste

I like the boer food thougb

(CONT) Cajun is the closest to a genuine American original. Understand I'm not dismissing there truly has been contributions, brilliant chefs, very high end quality cuisine in places like New York or gastronomic movements in California, but to argue it hasn't been catalogued or dcumented, or that there's some hidden cashe of undiscovered and unappreciated American cuisine is ludicrous. How many true American originals can anyone name, that aren't just stewing local animals like racoon or possum?

>t. guys who basically eat giant jumping rat steaks flavored with vegemite with fried spider legs on the side.

saved to my american banter folder lads

>liking food from other culture