How was your day my nordic brothers?

how was your day my nordic brothers?

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Haha, you switched the Estonian flag to a Romanian flag. Clever.

Done with my usual 8 hour of week work. Now time for 6 days of just chilling beside my pool, unless it rains.

Sucking cock for a living sounds like a blast

my gf finally agreed to video-call me on skype and show me her getting fucked by her latest bull while I'm on vacation in Australia.

Must say though, the black people here aren't the same

go back to UK and scrub those toilets for 6 days, you only got 2 years to live like a leech before they kick you out

Japanese are honorary nordic.

Everyone is Nordic in this thread.

Except Romania.

don't ever talk like this about my nordic brother

Heard yesterday Scotlands trying to join the nordic council. Someone redpill me on how exactly is scotland nordic?

wow british banter is so weak next time try harder Muhammad

Besides being verbally attacked by some discusting mudslimes on my way to the store
Pretty good

Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles.

That's really it senpai. Don't get why.

yes if they get rid of english scum we don't want southerners in our alliance

We should give them our seat desu if it means we can get out of the cuckdom.

>Scotlands trying to join the nordic council.
Really? Bloody hell they're getting desperate now.

Odin let the ugliest vikings rape them

Scotland is nordic

I'm on vacation in the US right now protesting that evil racist Trump. People here really seem to care about the opinions of someone who's never lived here!

Saw three full adult nigger men, and two niglets. It's where I live too.
Glad I'm going off to uni come fall, this is probably the first signs of a serious case of nigger infestation.

You aren't funny and neither is your forced meme.

Literal shit poster
>Average Romanian above
inb4 cucked leaf

>he thinks that i'm memeing
leafepsting is the worst type of post is so stfu

>Feels bad man


Hello, nordic bro. Can I join your nordic masterrace club please? We was Ostrogoths and shit.

you're alright romania, you can be Nordic if you want




I took this picture from wikipedia that proves we actually of scandinavian origin. Don't forget we are proud heirs of Kievan Rus furthermore. I want to be nordic too, accept me my brothers.

It was my Grandmother's 90th birthday and also the 70 year anniversary of her and my grandfather's wedding.
I saw a lot of our extended family there, ranging from elderly, to infants.
Our family is prosperous, and doing well. There were people from 4 different generations present, ranging from my grandparents, to their kids, grand kids, and the kids of their grand kids.

had the choice of getting our family dog surgery or putting her to sleep. couldn't stand my mom and sister crying so I decided to go ahead with the surgery and foot the bill

finland btfo

>valuing money more than the life of your doggo.
>only choosing to save her because you can't stand whining of women.

You have no honor or heart.
Shame you.


I guess I should've written ''couldn't bear'' instead of ''couldn't stand''. of course I'm sad as well but I get even more so when I seem them cry.

it's not about the money, though in this case my mom couldn't afford the surgery on her own. dealing with old animals is always an emotional roller coaster and sometimes you're just delaying the inevitable. you need to be sure you're thinking of the animal's wellbeing instead of just your own emotions.

You have a good point there.
Extending the suffering of the animal ain't good either.

Post this every day until we're re-united my Dacian friend.

Irish guy here, lots of Nordic admixture
I'm pretty much Nordic except I know how to have fun!


my toleration to radiation wil not be ignored

I gave it a shot, put some szk and em and thought it must mean smth in magyar. It probably does though...

Done some science today

Bozgors communicate with one another through pheromones, not words.

Nice try gyppo

Nice try nippon

Nice try slav

Nice try potato wog

Nice try roach



pretty good my aryan fellow!

can leaf be nord?

it's cold here.

Dominated by Norwegians, some of the Islands there were a part of the Norwegian Kingdom before they were gifted away to pay some debt.

slavs and chinks are now nords, so sure!

Nordic genes

Looks pretty comfy

GTFO faggot!


look ma', I made a joke on the internet today. Have a participation medal!