Communism is better than capitalism, capitalism is the cancer destroying our planet
you cant refute this im sorry
Communism is better than capitalism, capitalism is the cancer destroying our planet
you cant refute this im sorry
They're both fucking cancer
Well you know,
Communism may have destroyed countries
But capitalism destroyed the white race.
You just can't argue that
If communism is better then paypal everyone on Sup Forums a 100 dollars right now or you are talking shit.
Sweden, posting shitty bait from his cuck shed. Don't you have a wife getting fucked by Tyrone to worry about?
Yes OP, actually I'm poor. Send me some shekels via paypal
eat poop RIGHT NOW or you are talking shit
ya nice argument
well we can and should do better than capitalism
capitalism has killed way more people that communism if thats what you are asking, also capitalism has served white people very well, do you think that it is a coincident that rich people are white?
>actually I'm poor
go to bed you 10 year old
Communism is worse then facism and it promotes anti white racism. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote and welfare should be cut to prevent genetically inferior people from raising packs of criminals like Mike brown or Freddie gray.
there is no such thing as racism against white people
I think you should go to bed, but muhammad is likely still with your wife. Maybe be a good little cuck and lick up his potent seed after he pumps it into your wife's pussy?
Yes there is most racism is anti white. Anti black "racism" is reactionary to niggers low Iqs and embrace of thug culture. Also Bolsheviks were almost all Jews initially and the holohoax was exaggerated.
Sounds like OP needs a Pinochet helicopter ride. Don't worry, we'll pick up the tab
Racism can only exist between equals.
Communism, where people are all completley equal and people work for society rather than for themselves would be a good system, but it's one that is impossible to achieve because communism is an ideal to took to for guidence, but in practice is impossible. It's obvious that under a good socialist government where people couldn't soak up more resources than they can use hording them for themselves would be a better society than we have now, but the rich have power and will not let it go easily like through politics. Socialism where people are forced to work together would be much better for all society in the long run but we can never get there if we don't fight for it. Even with impactfull events like the Brexit happening most leftists are still doing nothing and many are claiming they're just waiting for the right time as an excuse for their lazyness. We need to actually take action and that means more than just posting viral images constantly on sites very few people use, it means being involved with actual labor movments and people who are fighting capitalism.
why am I not surprised?
The politicians steal the money and no jobs around. We're fucked. Need shekels to purchase a new computer and work as a freelancer
If we cannot refuse it then it is not scientific. Hence it belongs in the realm of fairytales.
The goal of socialism is for the means of production to be in the hands of the public, i.e. you're entitled to the actual value of your labor, if you make a good part of somthing that's sold for $200 you deserve a porportional wage, not being payed cents on the dollar while the owner who does nothing reaps most of the reward.
>it's only communism if it works
Communism, the one human invention that always works with a 100% success rate.
no its not about equal distribution lol, turn that caps lock off
as much as revolution is the way to take the power from the rich (yes, a violently armed revolution) the masses need to be educated and while most people will not know of or even heard of dialectic materialism it doesnt matter, its very basic, the workers are being fucked by the rich
well mabey its because im not brainwashed by capitalist media all my life
Enforced by who?
Exacatly communists are just as corrupt as capitalists.
The fact sven is so relecuant to part with his money as well to his fellow workers to show us all how great communism really is shows he's really a capitalist at heart too.
you have to understand, its not the politicians fault, they have no choice in their actions, its the bourgeois and the capitalist system, the politicians are only puppets
Hey guise we'll give you money equal to your labour down with the man!!!!!!!!!
Ummmm I don't remember saying that, anyway what are you going to do about it peasent, off to the work camps for you.
T. Communism & Uncle Stalin
We live in a socialist government like Venezuela
>Communism is better than capitalism, capitalism is the cancer destroying our planet
OP is correct, as evidenced by all the successful nations practicing communism in the world. Let's name them here so we can show joy in knowledge.
I'll start:
1. Ummmm.......
define socialism and then declare if venezuela is socialist or not
Any police force will be owned by whoever has the power, for the people to be free they need to be able to protect themselves. Having an armed society is the only way to ensure that the people have power. If someone wants to revert to capitalism and start taking from the people at a factory or whatever the people will have to stop that themselves. There will always be people fucked over under any system, we can only hope to make that amount of people smaller under a socialist system where people are given more rights.
The only thing that has killed more people than communism is disease. Doing a quick search on how many people have died under capitalism and the only thing that comes up is a reddit thread that is full of shit. They even blame the Irish potato famine on capitalism and not a fungus.
in communism the bourgeois gets fucked over (also the fascists)
>you will never be the guy to push socialists out of the helicopters
Why even live?
They're both shit. Try the fourth way, OP.
Fuck you and fuck communism
Why are you being such a bitter fuckstain?
My country was ruined by lefties. I wish people in 1st world who support communism would die.
The problem with communism is that it was never a real ideology intended to be implemented.
It's a bunch of utopian pipe dreams whose only purpose is to manipulate useful idiots in getting rid of the current power structure, so a new one can take control.
Communism is a natural reaction to out of control capitalism.
It's too early to be drunk Sven
>"the means of production must belong to workers, and for a short transition period, the vanguard party (state) will take the means of production from capitalists"
>can we have the means of production now? t. worker
I don't even get how exactly the state would grant the workers the means of production and who would keep said workers from getting on top and keep it that way
Why even live if you think Pinochet was anything other than an economic failure and a coward? He is a sad excuse of a human and an even sadder excuse of a man.
Oh sven, you poor sheltered fuck
"Force" people to work together…
"Makes" society "better"…..
Whatever "better" is…
You're lost and very naive
>capitalism is the cancer destroying our planet
Oh really? I thought all this thrash in the streets of Maracaibo was all thanks to the inefficiency of a commun- oh I mean socialist government...
So at last I truly see. Thanks Sven.
I agree, communism is much better at destroying the planet.
Judeo Communism and Judeo Capitalism are two sides of the same shekel.
If you choose one side or the other, you're still choosing the Jew.
China is the cancer destroying our planet. They are Communist.
>in communism the bourgeois gets fucked over (also the fascists)
There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.
>Jews are the cancer destroying our planet. They created Communism.
"Better" in what sense?
fucking swedish autist
free market rape your edgy communist fairytales
Capitalism brings the most economic prosperity to people. Nearly everyone can afford food, housing, a TV/phone/computer.
Under communism you may have money, but you don't have much to spend it on.
Not an argument.
ebin XD
Well what is the truth then?
>Well what is the truth then?
Fascism/National Socialism is the truth.
Tax is theft
I heard communism is good for the environment, is this true?
and one more...
>Communism may have destroyed countries
The US is one of the least socialist and communist nations in the developed world, and yet the propaganda ministry is still terrifying the feeble-minded right with spectres of "communism" and "socialism".
It would be hilarious if they weren't all actually falling for it.
>anyone who protests capitalism MUST want to be literally the USSR 2.0
ebin strawman
nice meme
Communism is about the workers control of the means of production, it's not about letting hobos into your house you fucking retard
If you "force" people to work together instead of having them naturally come together, you get the opposite results.
>Communism is about the jews control of the means of production and about letting jews into your mind
>identity politics
You are just a liberal calling yourself a commie, racism against whites is still racism
nice strawman
if you people tried spouting this bullshit in an actual post-communist country you would lose your teeth
>nice strawman
Socialism and thus Communism is Jewish.
Marx was a Jew.
Trotsky was a Jew.
Lenin was a Jew.
Stalin was surrounded by Jews.
The first Soviet government was mostly Jewish.
Anti-Semitism was a crime punishable by death in the USSR.
The Soviets razed Churches and spared Synagogues.
Socialism/Communism is Jewish.
The funny thing is that millions of former Soviets and Yugoslavs are nostalgic for the old days.
>m-m-muh climate!
It has been reported in the press many times that the issue of pollution is to be the next big crusade of the New Left activists, after the war in Vietnam peters out. And just as peace was not their goal or motive in that crusade, so clean air is not their goal or motive in this one.
If, after the failure of such accusations as “Capitalism leads you to the poorhouse” and “Capitalism leads you to war,” the New Left is left with nothing better than: “Capitalism defiles the beauty of your countryside,” one may justifiably conclude that, as an intellectual power, the collectivist movement is through.
City smog and filthy rivers are not good for men (though they are not the kind of danger that the ecological panic-mongers proclaim them to be). This is a scientific, technological problem—not a political one—and it can be solved only by technology. Even if smog were a risk to human life, we must remember that life in nature, without technology, is wholesale death.
People are all equal, on the same level (as dirt)
t. Clock-boy Ahmed
>Communism is about the jews control of the means of production
That would be zionism, basically white supremacy with jews, all zionists will be shot in the revolution don't worry about that
>letting jews into your mind
When will your fucking paranoia end?
Yes it could work only in a country where everyone will work. But that's not achievable currently in many countries due to (NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSS).
>That would be zionism, basically white supremacy with jews,
And since Communism is Jewish it still fits.
>all zionists will be shot in the revolution don't worry about that
And yet you'll allow the Jews and other non-Whites to remain in White countries?
>When will your fucking paranoia end?
It's not paranoia if it's the truth.
Kids back in the day at least were original when trying to troll ppl.
You are just a stereotypical cuckshed owner.
>capitalism is the cancer destroying our planet
Stop. The only country that has anything even remotely close to capitalism is fucking Switzerland.
me in the pic, how do i look?
Marx had Jewish roots but was born into a Lutheran family and became atheist. He, Trotsky, Lenin, and many others were internationalists that weren't too keen on ethnocentrism. Stalin and the early USSR had some Jews but many of them were killed between 1934-53. Antisemitism was not a capital crime in the USSR. The government had some rather Antisemitic policies, especially in Stalin's and Brezhnev's regimes. Synagogues weren't spared any more than churches. I know Jews that visited the USSR many times in Brezhnev's reign, and they had to take measures to hide their religious texts from customs authorities.
What's worse, there are actually people posting on Sup Forums who believe that shit.
Yeah, there are plenty of examples of successful currently existing communist countries, right?
Can't wait to go on vacation to North Korea and Venezuela!
A fucking mobster bro, Get yourself a tan and start saying "Gringo" And I swear, Manuel, This time you'll get Texas.
>MFW i see anti-marxist anti-russian propaganda everywhere
good job
Heck, Atleast North Korea don't get shitskins, We should go exile over there in a bunch.