In 10 days Kurdistan will be finally free

In 10 days Kurdistan will be finally free
What are your thoughts about this historic moment?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2017


History in the making!

Really? how nice this people will finally be free


lmao implying anyone will acknowledge this referendum.
It makes kurds feel better sleeping at night, but nothing more.

>full blown invasion of the kurdish area by turkey

> Israel: Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu states that he is in favor of an independent Kurdish state and that Kurds are pro-western people who share similar values with Israeli people.[55]
> Poland: Deputy Marshal of the Sejm Stanisław Tyszka stated that Poland would approve the referendum.[72]

Well that's at least 2 countries

You can probably add Greece to that list.

good job polan


>What are your thoughts about this historic moment?

Biji Kurdistan, biji Rojava, biji Apo.


Seriously though my relatives live in Ankawa, Kurdistan is a mess
Barzani can't pay wages and government salaries
Kurdish Islamists are rising in power
Corruption worse than Baghdad
No electricity
Barzani using peshmerga to prevent opposition parties from physically entering parliament building

Will they get attacked by all of their neighbours like us in 1948? Or the question should be, how well can they even handle this situation

>Will they get attacked by all of their neighbours like us in 1948?

Why are the UK and US against Kurdish independence?

אני לא חושב שניתן להשוות
וגם, אם זה כן - זה לא אומר הכרזת עצמאות אוטומטית. זה ייתן להם יד חזקה יותר מול עיראק ושות'

Yes. The only thing Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs, Turks, and Persians agree on is their mutual hatred of Kurds


Biji Kurdistan!!

Kurds are just Turks but hairier and dumber, so this cherrypicked photo doesn't say much. They are all gommunists too.

I, for one welcome the new Kurdish domination of the M*ddle East

Do these people deserve their own nation?

Kurds are ugly
More news at 11

All people deserve a chance :3


Koksal baba is cute :3

stop being moor

Communism will win, user. Turkey is fascist trash.

Turkey makes weak whites bow before them

What's wrong with being moor

hmmm I don't know

If Kurdistan isn't free, the next big conflict in the Middle East is going to be Arabs vs. Kurds.

>Kurdistan becomes a thing
>Kurds from Turkey and other cunts get driven into Kurdistan Rohingya style
>Islamic Sharia law takes its seat in the Kurdish government
>Sup Forums cries rivers of salt because Kurds arent muh secular good goys lile they thought
>Turns Africa tier because Kurds are inept


Turkey is a shit fascist state that jails journalists, and where the fucking internet is censored. Your delusional power fantasies (literally the #1 defining characteristic of a weakling) will do nothing to change that.

Is every fucking European flag a Turk? Kurds already have a government of their own, they're basically independent they just need recognition (In Iraq), and no, the SDF will not join the Kurdistan. I don't get why Turks are upset over this hapening in Iraq when they trade and have diplomatic relation with Iraqi Kurdistan to make sure nothing spills over

>Communism will win
Wish this was true
>Turkey is fascist
Nah it's islamofascist country these days. Erdoshit tries his best to dismiss ataturk who was a fascist

>Kurds are pro-western people who share similar values with Israeli people

Erdogan is already threatening them

>Is every fucking European flag a Turk?
Our diaspora are useless antisocial neets so they pass all their time on Sup Forums

When Israel acknowledges them we will have a problem

Lol get rekt Kurds

>Communism will win, user
This. Rojava today, tomorrow the world.

what's the best turkish gommie party

Not me, I just happen to have known enough Kurds to know theres basically no difference between them and Arabs.

Are you a Syrian refugee?

>communism will win

Time for you to go back mr.leftypol.

No, I am Greek


No he is greek

There isnt any
Communism has been pretty much dead in Turkey since 70's thanks to fascists and amerishart subhumans who supported them. Our working class dont like communists either eventhough most doesnt even know what it means or how it works.

>most doesnt even know what it means or how it works.
Turkey after all

Why would you want communism?

>implizieren der durchschnitt teutsche weiß es besser

It has never been tried?

binland pls

zumindest hassen wir nicht die linken sondern die rechten


>Jews and a western slav whore

What about cunts that actually matter like France, UK, US, Japan, China...

Turkey fears the Kurds within its own territory will get ideas, and the US and UK are Turkish allies.
It would sap territory from the Iraqi government, which is kinda sorta aligned with the West, at least when its Shiite militias which answer only to Iran aren't slaughtering Sunnis.
It creates instability. I know less about the UK, but the US is a fundamentally conservative superpower. It doesn't like change, and this is change.

>doesn't like change, and this is change
except when they screw gouvernments and wonder they get radical muslims

When will you be leaving your first world capitalistic country and move to rojava or north korea and live communist paradise my comrade ?

Do those places sound like REAL communism to you?

forced deportation of all k*rds to their new utopia
they may stay if they plead absolute loyalty to the Supreme Turkish Republic, and by kissing the Turkish flag and kneeling to a statue of Mustafa Kemal in a public demonstration.
If it happens I can't wait for the opportunity to tell every muh kurdistan biji i see to move to their newly founded desert shithole
also if a single kurdshit even looks in a bad way at a turkmen in this new pseudo state I want a full invasion, annexation and gassing (genocide) to commence, afterwhich the remaining will be taken from childbirth to be indoctrinated in Ataturkism

The number of *independence movements* the US has supported vs the number it has opposed is vastly outnumbered.
We've opposed pretty much all nascent states, including the creation of the Russian Federation. We wanted the USSR to continue. Given US hegemony in the middle-east, as well as globally, the calculation is certainly one of the devil you know. Fitting a Kurdish state into the regional fabric of US relationships would be very difficult.


>bu gerçek gomünizim değil

Makes me smile

I am quite busy with the construction of Icelandic socialism.

>Thepolitics of the People's Republic of Iceland takes place in a framework of asemi-presidentialsocialist republicrun by a single party, theCommunist Party of Iceland. State power within the People's Republic of Iceland (PRI) is exercised through the Communist Party, theCentral People's Governmentand their provincial and local representation.

>The Communist Party of Iceland usesInternal Referenceto manage and monitor internal disagreements among the people of People's Republic of Iceland.[1]

>Document Number Sixwas circulated among the Icelandic Communist Party in 2013 bythe Davíðsson Administrationto tighten control of the ideological sphere in Iceland to ensure the supreme leadership of the Communist State will not be challenged by Western influences.

Read a fucking book retard.

Cant wait until we occupy it and relocate all our kurds there

And then watch it burn under tribalistic islamic communism

>Turkey fears the Kurds
good one user
very good user
you sound intimidated, gavat
people like you remind me to not hate everything about erdogan, at least he triggers west*Rn gavats
and I welcome drug cartels taking over your shitty beaner country
>gypsy larping as macedon

Think of it as a containtment area

Your just jealous your sister ain't STITCHED-PUSSY-TIGHT tight.
Just imagine blastin that garn.


yet another cunt to destabilize the region. noice.

> We wanted the Russian Empire to continue

>tfw you don't live in tribalistic islamic communism


i wonder why they think war means freedom

the german can't understand sarcasm, due to their lack of humor. no news from the front.

>2017'de barikatçı olmak

>Yes. The only thing Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs, Turks, and Persians agree on is their mutual hatred of Kurds


>a parasite tries to insult anyone

Cause they are subhumans

>Íslenski kommúnisti
Það á að taka fólk eins og þig og hengja ykkur á miðju torgi svo þið fáið loksins þetta í gegnum hausinn ykkar að þetta er ekki að fara að gerast
Ég er friðar maður en ef það kemur að því mun ég glaður drpea eins marga kommúnista eins og þarf ef það kemur að því.
Eina rauða sem mun fara yfir ísland er blóðið ykkar um göturnar í holræsin.

>ywn kurds never existed in history
>literally nothing's changed

i can buy your family gyppo

And yes you are a parasite.

You have such a beautiful language

Some armenians and azeris also hate kurds for the genocides in eastern anatolia

>bulgarian gypsy playing hard to get
give me your mother's number we will negotiate a price
too bad it sounds like a dishwasher

you forgot assyrians

You probably shouldn't google translate what I said then.
*I step away from the mic to breathe in*

Pretty forgettable bunch tbqh
I mean if we are gonna go that deep than the zazas and laz (and some alevis) also hate kurds

Stop yapping and go make me a doner

It was poetry to me user

the more the merrier
I can make your bulgarian family into a gyro if you want

>all these diaspora turks

if you love turkey so much why don't you go back there you fucking leeches

Gotta cleanse this world of wh*Te vermin first.