How do we save Sup Forums? Is it beyond redemption? Do we need a split?
Lot of cancer on the catalog today.
How do we save Sup Forums? Is it beyond redemption? Do we need a split?
Lot of cancer on the catalog today.
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what we need is for the "anthro" part of rule 3 to be deleted.
everyone on Sup Forums jacks off to furry porn and we're all waiting to talk about it, but due to some archaic rules that make no sense in this day and age we aren't allowed to.
most of the cancer is related to film, so go ahead and have your film board you fucking retard
Sup Forums has been this way for too long and Sup Forums has become too popular to save it
either laugh along with the chaos or just leave, i'd like to think one day it would get to much for me and i'd finally be free
>How do we save Sup Forums?
More moderation, which is not a good thing.
>Is it beyond redemption?
Continuing on my previous answer, I believe so, yes.
>Do we need a split?
Yes. Keep Sup Forums and let all the shit stay here, and create another, much less popular and slower board to get away from all the shit on Sup Forums. Somehow. Although I don't think it will work in the long run.
Post Keit-ai.
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
remember Sup Forums is the problem on Sup Forums not all the Sup Forums, Sup Forums and twitter meme garbage!
Overhaul the whole board immediately
>better unbiased and consistent moderation
>threads post count is 1000 instead of the regular 300ish
>Find a way to actually permaban ban evasions
Sup Forums? how often are video games discussed here?
lmao these threads never accomplish anything
this place is a pile of trash
Ban all political discussion. Done.
Just delete it seriously
>Find a way to actually permaban ban evasions
This seems like it's 100% impossible though. Only thing they can do is use cookies (they can be deleted), ban IPs (they can be changed), ban IP ranges (you can use proxies). Banning proxies is a sisyphean task. But to ban more frequently would probably help, not everyone is autistic enough to reset their router or go through proxies every minute.
Their "board culture" has infected ours. You would know this if didn't start posting after it happened
>You can just remove politics from Sup Forums
This is how pedestrian your understanding of film as a medium is. You disgust me.
Proxies are banned, no? All VPNs that I've tried, paid or free, are.
Sup Forums needs to reach the meme singularity
Just make it so new ips can't post for 10-30 minutes once they connect
Most are, but not all.
why not make /dfc/ /blk/ and /rlm/ and all the lowlife losers out?
>proxies are banned
it's impossible to identify whether or not an ip is from a proxy, without actually researching it and then banning it after discovering it. proxies pop up every day. vpns, same thing.
this is an interesting idea.
Last year Star Wars massive spam killed Sup Forums. Just deal with it.
more Trump threads
>Is it beyond redemption?
Yes. The userbase is shit, splitting the board or changing the name wouldn't change a thing
This. The mexican meme spammers hate those threads
>Sup Forums
same as now, although more moderation.
>/film/ or some other name
strictly about the films (and perhaps television shows) themselves. no actor/actress threads, no controversies, no politics, no news articles, nothing only indirectly on topic, nothing secondary or tertiary, in the OP. those threads go on Sup Forums if they even go there. if you want to discuss it on /film/, it must be within the film itself.
>triggered Sup Forumsack
You're all cancer.
Just make a dedicated /celeb/ containment board that combines all the twitter caps and discussion of drama related to well-known individuals from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc.
You'd kill 3 birds with one stone.
Containment boards aren't working. See Sup Forums.
>You're all cancer.
*only when "Sup Forums threads" are taking away replies from my meme thread
People have been asking for /cel/ for years. It's not going to happen now especially because of "the fappening"
nah i've been here since 2006, i don't see it happen, incredibly minor compared to Sup Forums and other shit.
Heres the thing, you need a different board to let these niggers vent out their memes and another board for serious discussions only
>Sup Forums
Leave Sup Forums as it is, but actually take moderation down a notch, allow these topics into this board
>Film Nudity
>all Sup Forums related memes
>Celeb/actor threads
>gossip threads
>commercial threads
>threads that only talk about specific scenes (what did X mean about this/what happened here)
>multiple threads about a single show/film
This would definitely negate the "only discussions about X's careers are allowed in this board' rule, which is stupid in the first place.
Next would be to create a pseudo-general board focused on discussing actual films;
in /kino/ (or /film/) both TV sows and Films are all allowed but is to be moderated much more strictly than regular Sup Forums, also threads should lasts much longer acting as generals/containments in which only one thread should exist about a specific movie instead
So you have one board dedicated in preserving Sup Forums culture and another that actually tries to discuss films
>he still hasn't realized Sup Forums is a designated shitposting board
the people on here literally get upset and sperg out over comic book movies, you can't expect anyone to take the board seriously
Increase cunnyposting and overall shitposting, this is all Sup Forums is good for, you redditors can fuck off to where you came from
Why not post Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums?
splitting Sup Forums right now just means the same people on two boards posting the same shit in both places.
the only real answer is actually enforcing the rules of the site on this board. Especially the one about "keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums."
Why not post Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums?
Why not post [s4s] threads on [s4s] instead of Sup Forums?
>*only when "Sup Forums threads" are taking away replies from my meme thread
Nah cunt. You're all cancer period.
>openly justifying Sup Forums threads
Kill yourself.
this is bretty good idea. i'd love to be on one board for tv memes and the other for kino memes
every time I think the board is irredeemable a decent discussion drops in my lap and I'm tethered to the board again for even longer.
thanks B.F. Skinner.
Sup Forums is probably a top 3 or 4 board on Sup Forums in terms of userbase/popularity, but because it's so much more mainstream than the others, it seems to have become the go-to shitposting board where everything goes. All types of threads start here, because all types of people come here.
It can't be saved. Only shitposting is left, I have accepted that.
The best thing is to just spend less time here and do other things. I've started reading a lot more than before, as well as actually watching more film.
>lmao let's keep making these threads that do nothing xD
You are as bad as the blacked poster
Answer my question. Or are you using kindergarten "they do it and that's why i do it" logic.
Search your heart.
What kind of a justification is that? No, those threads aren't welcome either. As stated multiple times now: You are all cancer. You triggered Sup Forumscuck.
pussy ass bitch faggot
>Being such an entitled man baby you think you can decide what people can and can't post
No one reacts to the tame Sup Forumsullshit that's posted outside of Sup Forums on Sup Forums. So the only way to get yer jollies by thinking you're shocking normies is to post on boards where it isn't allowed. That way you can interpret any response as shocked anger and feel really, really good about how much epically smarter you are than the mods every time they delete all your posts with a single click every time you airplane mode your phone and clear your cookies to evade their bans.
It's the same answer to my question to you.
Because they know you'll keep replying
>"they do it and that's why i do it"
That's a good point too. Why not? Almost everything else is allowed save for illegal content and nudity
>this is the kind of people I share Sup Forums with these days
>Almost everything else is allowed
It isn't though. People with literal mental deficiencies are setting up bots to endlessly spam the same crap that was against the rules the first time it was posted.
>It's the same answer to my question to you.
My answer would be that I don't post those things here. You only do can? And because you get attention?
>That's a good point too.
You are the definition of a problem on Sup Forums.
You want to shut down threads that contradict their narrative because you have no argument, but you know you'll look like the censoring cunt you are if you admit that it's the political views that bother you. So you act like it's everything BUT the politics that are the problem, to the point where you'll try to convince people that discussion of a television show pushing some sort of politics is not related to television.
You already know this, and so does most of Sup Forums, but you seem to think you're fooling people so you keep doing it. It's pretty funny, and one of the main reasons to come to Sup Forums still. I mean just look at the reaction you and many of these kind have had to Once you stop pretending you care about this boards quality then the real "How do we save Sup Forums?" bullshit can start.
Permaban JUST and Brendan posters.
>People with literal mental deficiencies are setting up bots to endlessly spam the same crap that was against the rules the first time it was posted.
This is one of the most retarded things i have ever read
>My answer would be that I don't post those things here.
How can I know for sure?
>You only do can? And because you get attention?
I don't post Sup Forums, Sup Forums or any other boards meme shit.
>You are the definition of a problem on Sup Forums.
I know the problems here and have seen them all take over. Your history on this board clearly started after this stuff took over which is why you pretend to care about the board only when Sup Forums threads pop up.
More this
Sup Forums has been shit for YEARS, even before pol got insanely popular and the userbase started flooding other boards
No. Cunt. Stop it with the cancer altogether.
>haha all the pajeets are taking a shit on this board so I can too!
Sup Forums has had an issue with shitty forced meme threads like baneposting for years, and I'm not sure there's an easy solution to this beyond more aggressive moderation.
The main recent problem I've seen on Sup Forums and throughout Sup Forums is that the Sup Forums infestation has spread however. Sup Forums has always been packed with irreverent and edgy humour, but hasn't tended to be particularly political.
Recently I've seen loads of weird alt-right racist / sexist / fake news bullshit on disparate boards like /fit/, Sup Forums, /tg/ etc. that you never used to see closer to Sup Forums's inception however. It's a far more global problem than just Sup Forums. I'm not sure whether killing Sup Forums would just cause the users to fuck up the rest of the site more, but ignoring the problem isn't working.
this desu
Dont kill Sup Forums and its culture
>that you never used to see closer to Sup Forums's inception howeve
t. started posting in 2015
>can't refute my point
>can't resist replying
Get some self-awareness and then maybe we can start fixing Sup Forums to the point where you go back to whatever board it is you crawled out of.
>That's a good point too. Why not?
because it's detrimental to the board? but you're new here so you don't give a shit about the board, that's clear.
You think the cunny spam is manually posted?
>Sup Forumsfag immediately comes to defend the crossboard posting
Literally worse than bronies
>Your history on this board clearly started after this stuff took over
How can you be for sure? You're not, and you're wrong.
>which is why you pretend to care
Why do you assume I only pretend? I'm not and you're wrong. Stop assuming and stay on point. You seem fine with the board going to shit, even encouraging it. Fuck off.
Take note of this post, how he only picks one part and tries to imply. This is another pretender that wants you to believe he cares about Sup Forums quality. More than likely he is someone that joined Sup Forums after 2012, and will now try to do some sort of damage control based on what he's read on ED and other posts
The center of your arguments is you think moderation is censorship. The problem is you aren't saying anything meaningful and are validating your positions through response.
>muh Sup Forums bogeyman!!!
>delet Sup Forums!!!!!
Keep bitching on /qa/. Sup Forums is a multicultural board of peace.
>Clearly doesn't know what he's talking about
>Probably found Sup Forums 6 months ago
>le this was never how the site use to be
People like you are the worst
only redditors complain
kys or go back motherfucker
>anyone who doesn't like what I like likes what I don't like
>How can you be for sure? You're not, and you're wrong.
Your complaints are about Sup Forums threads which have only increased a tiny bit more since the election. The Sup Forums tier spam on this board has been through the fucking roof since 2014. Sure you can say Sup Forums was always shit, but it's never been this bad
more waifupostings ;DD
My complaint about Sup Forums started because YOU mentioned Sup Forums in one of your posts, and defended Sup Forums posting "because other people are doing bad things too". I am aware of all problems of Sup Forums, but I can't stand retards with shit logic who are only here to see it burn like you.
>Get some self-awareness
>to the point where you go back to whatever board it is you crawled out of.
The fucking irony.
>Sup Forums threads have only increased a tiny bit since the election.
... Took me a second to realize what you wrote there. Yea, since the election, Sup Forums is actually down slightly, if anything.
Though they're still up 4-5 times since the start of the year.
Which ones?
Yay, Ledecky-bro!
we should embrace it
Suggestion: Moar Foy
>Is it beyond redemption?
In which regard? I've frequented this board for several years and it hasnt gotten any shittier. Unless you count for the fact that the popular topics reflect current trends in TV/movie entertainment industry... and there is no point arguing that 1+1 isnt 2.
Personally i take the trend as a net positive, more time for reading and watching old stuff from the golden age of cinema. I think i only have 2 TV-series remaining that i actively follow... plus 10-15 new movies a year
>be shitposter
>see that people get easily triggered by Sup Forumsshit
>start spewing Sup Forumsshit for GUARANTEED dozens of (You)s per thread
It's hilarious to me that all our newfriends still haven't figured out the golden rule of "don't respond to shitposts". Until they learn this I'm going to milk the shit out of it and spam Sup Forumsshit 24/7
at this point I have to think people are intentionally responding to shitposting to encourage shitposting because they think that'll anger others.
> Until they learn this I'm going to milk the shit out of it and spam Sup Forumsshit 24/7
so you admit you still get high on (you)s liek a newfag? damn you must be new. i got over that years ago.
cute and silly! ;D
hello my friend!
>hello my friend!
>people are stupid and reply to Sup Forums threads, they don't learn!
>i'm going to do the same until they learn!
Literal baby logic.
Shut the fuck up furry fag.
We've been through this before and it was painful, learn from history.
>it's another reddit is upset that Sup Forums isn't a safe enough space for them thread
Campaign all you want, faggot.
Wherever you go, my shitposting will follow.
If only you knew just what feats of memery I have accomplished, the sheer tide of my shitposting would fry your little head.
I am always out there, I am always watching, shitposting from the shadows.
Today seemed to be especially bad, STOP BUMPING RETARDED THREADS PEOPLE!
More threads that focus on celebrity necks??