Star wars theory

What if Snoke is Qui Gonn Jinn?

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Would be cool, can't get enough of Liam Neeson in a movie that isn't Taken

These theories keep getting worse and worse.

here's an idea...what if Snoke is a completely new character.

WOAH HOLY SHIT that's crazy!

i think kylo ren is the reincarnation of quigon and snoke/sidious/jarjar is the same person and lightsabers are actually prosthesis for dicks

>What if Snoke is Jar Jar Binks
>What if Snoke is Qui Gon
>What if Snoke is Plaeguis
>What if Snoke is a clone of Vader
>What if Snoke is Obi Wan
>What if Snoke is Padme
>What if Snoke is Bobba Fett
>What if Snoke is a storm trooper
>What if Snoke is Max Von Sydow
>What if Snoke is Mace Windu
>What if Snoke is a Bogdanoff
>What if Snoke is a droid
>What if Snoke is Palpatine
>What if Snoke is Moot
you people are fucking retarded

what if darth snoke is luke?

Snoke does look like he's packing an evian bottle under his robes

What if Snoke is actually a George Lucas reincarnation?

Snoke is an ancient dark side force ghost

Star Wars has become incestuous.

Not in a good way either. People constantly want thugs to be related. Nothing is ever new.

>"Rey is related to Luke!"
>"Kylo is related to Han!"
>"Snoke should be related to Qui Gon!"
>"Darth Vader should be a force ghost in episode 8!"

There hasn't been one Star Wars movie with a new idea since the original trilogy and it's fucking hilarious.

The Saga movies are the stories of the Skywalker family. Of course Rey and Kylo are the next generation.

OH SHIT THE NEW STAR WARS TITLE IS "THE LAST JEDI"! What could it mean? Gee, it's not like the entire plot of Episode 7 was everyone trying to find Luke because he's the last Jedi or anything. Who could it possibly be? Is it Snoke? Is it Leia? Is it HAN SOLO RETURNED FROM THE DEAD!?!?!

Who IS Supreme Leader Snoke? Is it this character from the prequels? Or what about this one? Or what about this character from the expanded universe no one has ever heard of or cared about? Maybe he's the spirit of Dexter Jettster occupying a new host? What if he's the Techno Union guy? We never saw the techno union guy without his suit, maybe Snoke is what he looks like beneath it.

What if Rey is a trap? We never see on-screen confirmation of her vagina. She could be rocking a dick down there and we'd never know. I sure can't wait for the next Star Wars kinographie to reveal the SECRET BEHIND REY'S GENITALIA!?!?!?

Is it though?

Lucas of course did Anakin for the prequels because it made sense, Darth Vader was mysterious, and the fans wanted answers.

The new series could have done a completely new and creative idea, but the didn't.

Hell even all the stand alone movies are about the same fucking characters, can't have a Star Wars movie without the obligatory Vader reference

Out of the 8 Star Wars movies, not one of them doesn't mention Darth Vader. Talk about creative.

I have altered the theory, pray I don't alter it any further

What if Snoke is actually Goofy and was introduced to prepare for the 2018 Hanukkah Star Wars x Mickey Mouse crossover ?

It was Plagueis before they rewrited because everyone figured it out, so is a completely new character now

Out of the 8 Star Wars movies, not one of them doesn't mention Darth Vader. Talk about creative.

I mean they don't mention Vader by name in TPM or AOTC.

>What if Rey is a trap?
>secret behind rey's genitalia!?!?!?

What if I say I don't give a fuck and neither you should, at least until they reveal it in the actual movie?
Is your life so fucking dull and your brain so easily occupied that you have to spend your time analyzing such pointless shit?

I don't get it

What if we are snoke?

Post your face when Kylo and Rey fight Luke and the second the green lightsaber comes out this starts playing


what if snoke had a name that was fitting for a main villain instead of something made up by a child?

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.

>Sith legend
>Only 2 Sith since it happened and one of them was there

The theory I just filed with agency list smee, muhmen, Dr.Snookie here but only one of you! First one to talk gets to stay on my fan theory.

Palpatine is a liar who wants to manipulate a young man who fears the death of his loved one with a story of immortality

who would've thought

they are movies made for children

>>What if Snoke is a Bogdanoff

Snoke is Jar Jar Binks. It was leaked by Daisy Ridley.

That's what happens when you set the new trilogy 30 years after the old one because you want to appease the fanboys by including their favorite characters. There's not much you can do that's "original" without completely undermining the original trilogy.

I would have preferred the sequel trilogy be 300 years after the original trilogy. That way you can have completely original characters and settings while still respecting I-VI